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How Long can you keep a Clone in "clone form" for purpose of Sale?


Hey whats UP.. Thanks for helping me do my JOB better!!!!

Ok So i work for a Medical Dispensory in the Denver area, in my office or Bud Station if you will we have Clones on display for Sale. My question is - How long can a rooted clone stay SOUND for Sale in this form, my boss claims 2 weeks is all we should let them sit before we transplant and upgrade from the 17 watt florecent to a larger t5 we use in our vegging room.... I say much longer is FINE but he wont listen.. am I wrong? I hav kept clones for MONTHS in TINY soil starters and all they did was NOT GROW..

what does everyone think?? :wave:


ICMag Donor
WE think you should be giving the clones away,, not selling them!

Otherwise when the clone gets old throw it away and cut another tray!

Peace n flowers


Yeah I am not sure if keeping them under flourescents is sufficient to slow growth...

Dependent on what they are rooted in, they could be pot bound
I do not know how much one may want to manipulate roots so that transplant and vigor thereafter could be stronger - not unlike in the transfer of bonsai mothers in pots however often, I do not know if clones can hang with that.

Overall, yeah I would want them fresh for sure broda


WE think you should be giving the clones away,, not selling them!

Otherwise when the clone gets old throw it away and cut another tray!

Peace n flowers

keep your nose out of this doc! WE do it different across the pond... sure we sell clones but its ok cuz we usually give out freebies which consist of mites, powdery mildew, and mislabelings :)


Kiss My Ring
does your dispensary also clone their own? OH! you do? then why not give them away? every couple of weeks is long enough to strike roots on any number of cuttings you take. you will need to take cuttings from the mother plant anyway just to keep her from getting too big.
you could offer them to regular customers as reward for their loyalty, or present them to new customers to gain their loyalty.
most users do not grow...so what that you give them something they may not be able to nurture to fruition, you have created honest trust, something this occupation sorely needs!


keep your nose out of this doc! WE do it different across the pond... sure we sell clones but its ok cuz we usually give out freebies which consist of mites, powdery mildew, and mislabelings :)


Your Right On lol

Spider mites DO come FREE with every clone purchase.

I see your root bound point..


does your dispensary also clone their own? OH! you do? then why not give them away? every couple of weeks is long enough to strike roots on any number of cuttings you take. you will need to take cuttings from the mother plant anyway just to keep her from getting too big.
you could offer them to regular customers as reward for their loyalty, or present them to new customers to gain their loyalty.
most users do not grow...so what that you give them something they may not be able to nurture to fruition, you have created honest trust, something this occupation sorely needs!

I like your VIEW, and will submit this option to my boss... We SHOULD GIVE THEM AWAY!!! That is Brilliant!:tiphat:


keep your nose out of this doc! WE do it different across the pond... sure we sell clones but its ok cuz we usually give out freebies which consist of mites, powdery mildew, and mislabelings :)

You Give out clones with PM, and mites? Seriously?


ICMag Donor
We think ass2mouth was using wit in a sarcastic way denvermmj :D

Whilst always subject to plant number limits (if you follow them),, clones cost little to produce,, all they really need is a lid (to maintain humidity), sunlight and some compost.
Thus a tray of clones (50-100) can cost as little as a few dollars to produce... depending on how they are grown.

GreenKnot Kush [FRT]

Once rooted,, then healthy clones grow fast,, and want re-potting into larger mediums a few weeks later to prevent the clone from becoming 'root-bound' ,, which dramatically restricts plant growth.

All the best
These are very humorous answers, but lets be real about it and apply some physics based on my method. I have a standard tray like most and use the square insert to hold the square cubes so the roots can just flow in the water and clone mix. So if the roots grow out of the block at about a week or so with Dip N Grow and go at a inch every5-7days and a tray is roughly 1sq foot. Math says about a month from first signs of roots busting from block give or take depending on environment and strain and so on. Roots would be about 4-6 inches and depending on the amount cubes that can be a mess when time ti transplant. Not to mention the longer you let them go the better your chances are of fucking up your roots when transplanting. And the whole cost issue.....well your paying for my skill of keeping a plant alive to actually clone it and then my cloning practices. I have learned that not all folks practice the same cloning regimne, meaning safe and clean. I am a rare grower, as I have never had bugs or insects that have plagued my show so I am able to spend more time just growing and learning.
We will keep them and do a couple of things for them:

1. Let them grow big and give them to a partner grow where they have to veg and flower in the same space. Saves them veg time . . . .
2. Make new mother plants out of the bushiest ones.
3. Cut them up for new clones.
4. Give them to another partner grow who only has small mothers and a DIY cloner. She's always happy to take our spares.

So I guess I'm of the mind to give them away rather than throwing them away.

Maybe you should do a three for the price of two thing or sell them for slightly more to people who want to cut down on veg time . . . . .

We don't do soil clones, though, and we have three ezcloners, so it's easy to just move the big ones into one of the ez cloners and feed them and let them go a while . . . . .


I dunno... but have kept cuttings in the tray for 2 months + before...

trimmed back the roots a couple of times, trimmed back the growing shoot to a single tip a few times... not heavy on the light, run em a little hungry.

as long as there are no bug and/or humidity-mold issues... they stay as healthy as you keep em + transplant just fine... give anything a week of TLC & it'l respond.

but i keep pretty healthy trays... most disp just don't...? hopefully the good ones make it through this mess of times... sighhhh


nothing should be free. i charge $10-$15 per cut. peace love and profit from your work. give good products and good prices i dont see what the issue is. if someone really couldnt afford it i would give them to them but otherwise pay me for my time i don think that's to much to ask I'm no charity call march of dimes for handouts. my time, my genetics, my clonex, my rapid rooter, my tray, my light, my house, my risk equals my profit. anyone who sees different and thinks all clones should be free or at least not part of a trade is a fool in my humble opinion.


Kiss My Ring
nothing should be free. i charge $10-$15 per cut. peace love and profit from your work. give good products and good prices i dont see what the issue is. if someone really couldnt afford it i would give them to them but otherwise pay me for my time i don think that's to much to ask I'm no charity call march of dimes for handouts. my time, my genetics, my clonex, my rapid rooter, my tray, my light, my house, my risk equals my profit. anyone who sees different and thinks all clones should be free or at least not part of a trade is a fool in my humble opinion.
and my humble retort is; 'Well you weren't the one asking for help now were you?"
So if and when you finally transcend the greed and become a person, maybe someone will notice.


Active member
I've always felt that $6 per clone was fair, but you're not asking about pricing trends.

IMVHO I'd side with your boss, but the exception would be those clones that get transplanted once or twice and find their way under T5's are worth more than a fresh clone to the right buyer. Just so long as they're clean, healthy, not rootbound, you're doing well.


The Aardvarks LED Grow Show
All I would say is that if you guys are not capable of turning the clones each week to either get different strains that will move OR have your bud tenders talk about the benefits of growing your own.


Active member
I know a jackass that paid $140 for a clone of pre98 bubba from Riot Seeds out in Cali. clone came with a date of 3/17 on it. Its almost freaking august.....Been a couple weeks and its still not growing any new roots.

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