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How Have You Changed ??


Now that I have the gift of grey, I look back on all the crazy things I did. Funny, I didn’t think they were crazy then, and would not do them now. Some of those things I did, I did because I was too young and inexperienced to foresee the consequences. Sometimes I did something stupid because I was self-destructive and so I didn’t care about the consequences. Other times, I knew the risks and took the gamble anyway, thinking I was immortal perhaps.

I would like to think I have grown some common sense. I would like to think I have more respect for responsibility to myself and those around me. I still get a wild impulse but I now have to think about the action from several angles before implementing it. I think what determines my actions now more than anything is an understanding of karma and my role in the much bigger picture. In my youth I was not into religion, or even spiritually minded. Over the years, however, spirituality has crept up on me, so I use that as my guide or reasoning for my decisions and actions. Maybe it is a natural progression or response to maturity / ageing. Although, I know a lot of people my age who are as clueless and irresponsible as they ever were. Some would say, “yeah, well, you’re still smoking dope and even growing it.” Ok, but I’m not out for revenge, or to get even, or driving drunk, or fathering illegitimate children, or getting into bar fights, or flipping the bird to some other clueless guy. I take it easier, I am more compassionate, my taste in music has mellowed from punk rock and expanded into other genres. I spend more time enjoying nature and simpler things life has to offer, such as the subtleties of cooking, or those of wine. Sex is still sex, but love and not lust is a larger component to its enjoyment.

This is some of how I have changed over the many years. I would like to hear from you old tokers on how you have changed as well.


gramma watt

I think I am getting bitter...not better.
I have become abrasive and inconsiderate when it comes to people. I really don't like myself as much as I did when I was a teenager in the seventies. I had friends...I was popular and cute...no one ever called me a bitch in those days.

Since then...I have done so many stupid things that drastically changed the course of my life..it is nothing like I had hoped it would be as a kid. I figure I may be too old and crusty to change now, don't even know if it would do any good. I probably burned all my bridges..and I don't have the skills to build more.

Can you tell I am feeling sorry for myself today?

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In my own way I agree with you. It's like the old saying: "If I knew then what I know now..." If only I had been smarter about how the world runs, more aware of the forces around me, maybe I could have made better, more informed decisions. Maybe my path would have been easier is some little but significant way. But that wasn't the hand I was dealt, so I had to learn everything the hard way. Now, I've had to come to terms with the insanity that presently passes for mankind. I have been very cynical and angry and ranting and frustrated with a sense of hopelessness for the world. For the sake of my mental well-being I have had to shift my mental patterns to an acceptance for the way things are, and then try to be the positive change I wish for the world. I couldn't do this when I was younger. I had to do it now because it's bad enough to be old. I don't want to be old and bitter.

Please don't throw in the towel, GM. You are a human being with a brain and a heart so you can certainly change your outlook with a more positive attitude and knowing that you have friends here to support you when you need them.

Does anybody else have something to say?



Yes, thank you, I do.
I have changed so much from when I was a young punk that people I see again who knew me back then are always thrown off when I start talking.
I was a selfish hedonistic wild child .It was all about me.
I never had kids, and failed at my marriages because I was too self centered.
YOu get to a certain age and start to wonder if there isn't something more-
and there is. But do you have the energy to seek it? Are you sick of your old self enough to change?
I was and I lucked out by stumbling into a kind of spirituality that finally made sense to me.
Gram- just stop. just treat the next person the way you wished you were treated by people. Go do something anon. and kind for a stranger.
Logos- wish we could hang out. Sounds like we have much in common besides the grow.
peace all.


juana2 said:
Yes, thank you, I do.
I have changed so much from when I was a young punk that people I see again who knew me back then are always thrown off when I start talking.
I was a selfish hedonistic wild child .It was all about me.
I never had kids, and failed at my marriages because I was too self centered.
YOu get to a certain age and start to wonder if there isn't something more-
and there is. But do you have the energy to seek it? Are you sick of your old self enough to change?
I was and I lucked out by stumbling into a kind of spirituality that finally made sense to me.
Gram- just stop. just treat the next person the way you wished you were treated by people. Go do something anon. and kind for a stranger.
Logos- wish we could hang out. Sounds like we have much in common besides the grow.
peace all.

Juana2, you certainly pack a lot of advice and philosophy into a few succinct sentences. I believe none of us has a lock on hedonism, self-centeredness, egoism, and apathy. It’s a condition we must experience, a phase of growth through which we must pass in order to know first hand what not to be so that we can choose to be something better. We have to know the difference in order to make a mature decision concerning our place within humanity and the direction we want humanity to go. So, yeah, you are spot on when you say that eventually you ask if there is something more, something greater than indulging oneself, some way of being better than what you have been. All spiritual philosophies include the dictate that in order to grow as a human being, you have to find some manner, some way in which to serve your fellow man. Sounds corny? Then you are still part of the problem plaguing mankind. People do not know what service means and are put off by the thought of volunteering at a nursing home or serving homeless people in a soup kitchen. But there are millions of ways to do service for one’s fellow man. Just by watching your thoughts, you can tremendously help mankind. Thinking in terms of compassion, not criticism; thinking in terms of understanding, not denouncement adds positive vibes to the tone or color that is the overshadowing frequency of mankind. Doing this in your thought life is every bit as effective in creating positive change as is hands-on service. You already said this, juana2, I simply unzipped your comments for clarification for others to read. And, non-physically, we are hanging out already, but I know what you mean and I thank you for the sentiment.



another thought for Gramma- try those sativa dominant strains! They tend to cheer one up a bit more than the indicas... ;-)
Logos- glad you are here
thanks for coming to this planet
Same as I ever was...

Same as I ever was...

Is this topic one of the check items on an "You know you're getting old..." thread? :)

Part of my problem/concern is, I'm not sure how realistic my memories of myself are. Have I always been this competitive (cutting little old ladies off for the next grocery clerk kind of stupid competitive)? This lazy? This short tempered? Or am I just more cognizant of some aspects of my life? I don't know/remember.

I think the biggest change has been awareness. Watching some of those "Best of the 70's" type shows and wonder where was I, I don't remember that. And given our current conditions, a change I could do without.

And then there are the changes from the outside, most of which I hate (yeah, the cheese thing). Number one being that everyone has "matured" and lost their "childish" ways. And of all the things that fall under this umbrella, the easiness of which friendships were once formed is missed the most.



juana2 said:
another thought for Gramma- try those sativa dominant strains! They tend to cheer one up a bit more than the indicas... ;-)
Logos- glad you are here
thanks for coming to this planet

juana2: Yeah, those sats certainly help brighten my mood, as well as help me to introspect. I am really glad that you are here with me too, although this place is not our final destination, you know?



ichbingeil said:
Is this topic one of the check items on an "You know you're getting old..." thread? :)

Part of my problem/concern is, I'm not sure how realistic my memories of myself are. Have I always been this competitive (cutting little old ladies off for the next grocery clerk kind of stupid competitive)? This lazy? This short tempered? Or am I just more cognizant of some aspects of my life? I don't know/remember.

I think the biggest change has been awareness. Watching some of those "Best of the 70's" type shows and wonder where was I, I don't remember that. And given our current conditions, a change I could do without.

And then there are the changes from the outside, most of which I hate (yeah, the cheese thing). Number one being that everyone has "matured" and lost their "childish" ways. And of all the things that fall under this umbrella, the easiness of which friendships were once formed is missed the most.


chbingeil: No, this thread is wholly independent of any other thread.

I know what you are saying about the awareness aspect of living. I was raised in the transitional period between blind patriotism, and questioning authority. Between kids allowed to enjoy being children, and being pressured by authority figures with agendas. Between bigotry as a culture, and cultural revolution. Between harsh parental discipline, and unchecked permissiveness. Between innocence of the ways of the world, and harsh reality. Between accountablity, and irresponsibility. My awareness consisted of mental and emotional chaos caused by the clash of my innocence with inflicted injustices. I was terrorised and had no safe haven, no adult to champion my position. Fear of punishment loomed large and was ever present. This constant threat as a child overshadowed most other awarenessness to the extent that my memories now consist of bad memories as a child. Sure, I had friends growing up, but as we mature, we become cogniznat that people have philosphies and agendas contrary to ours, so we are wary of inviting strangers into our lives. Unlike children, we don't take people at face value like we once did. We have been hurt, we learn from painful experience, we are distrustful and wary. This is our current awareness, and is contrary to how I want to live my life. So, in my small way I make the effort to change. It is this or give up. Now, on the flip side, the advances in medicine, technology, communication, travel, etc. are breathtaking in excitement and potential for the future. There is sooo much to take in, so much to experience at this time, that there is a whole new kind of awareness at hand.



Logos, we must have grown up in the same "neigborhood"
Repression and fear have always been the controls over people, and I have always rebelled.
I appreciate the good things you mentioned- about medicine and technology and communications- I have great hope for the future. I believe the climate is changing and humanity needs to become more conscious of it's place here, but that is all good stuff.
I am guessing that you, like me, know some really cool kids. When I talk to kids there is no way I can feel anything but hope for the future. And proud of whatever small part people like you and I had in this major change of awareness and personal freedoms.
I also feel very right about trying to be the adult that I wished I had known when I was a kid.I always tell them: there is nothing you could tell me that will shock me, and there is nothing you can do that will stop my loving you.

Here's where I am at: If life gives you lemons?
Well there I was turning 50, alone, no money or property, no kids, I was respected in my career but not successful. Everyone I knew was an arty pot head like me.
And then it dawned on me what service I could provide- and here I am.
It's something I loved without knowing anything about for my whole life- so I started to get to know Her(mj) and it has been quite a rewarding relationship on every level.
I love growing, I am constantly learning new things - the only thing I haven't done yet is meet another grower to hang with. Someone who loves the plant and understands the process and lives the life.
I do have my best g friend,who is involved and helps out ALOT... guess I am talking about a boyfriend...!!
At least I have some "friends" here! And I am very grateful for that! At OG we used to be able to hang out and chat and I felt like I had some relationships going on. Here I can't PM anyone yet or get into chat, and I have heard chat here isn't that happening anyways.
I don't post unless I feel like I have something to say, so it's taking me a while to add up to 50.
oh well.
I think I'm rambling on a beautiful sunday morning after some sweet tokes of some Blue Apollo I was gifted yesterday....peace on all y'all


********* Female Seeds
ICMag Donor
I guess I kinda lived life backwards. You see I had a pro career at the age of 12 and to say my childhood lasted a mere 4 hours would be laughable. I back then and even through many of my teen years was how do they say "A Prick" yeah thats it! :nono:

I then in time found my soul mate who over the years had given me her best and her worst and the one thing I see in the world that is lacking is the simple word of RESPECT. I guess what I'm saying is as a preteen I had that simple little word for only myself and my parents but as I to have grown old I could NEVER imagine doing or saying some of the things these PRETEENS nowadays do or say. EVER

But through it all I did stay with my plan that I set out many years ago and now as I reflect there maybe could be only 2 things that I would change and considering that I guess I'm pleased.

I've watched shamelessly as many administrations of our Congress have come and gone making the same mistakes over and over again,but it wasn't until the last 7 or so years that I have laid witness to such outright greed stare the American people in the face and see them fall in line like cattle or sheep and bow down to such bullshit laws like the Patriot Act that pretty much makes us all terrorists.

So in what you ask have I changed? Damn skippy I did I had to. But sadly the world has changed to but only for the worst. I feel with the loss of respect the WORLD has for his or her fellow man is the beginning of our own self destruction. Without respect you have no rules and with no rules you got the wild west again. But even in the wild west they tipped their hats to the lady's instead of raping them in the park in broad daylight.

I've come to realize the world is a huge big mess but MY world is small and it's pretty sweet. I can control to a point my world and the rest as they say is easy as my dog Red and I sit on the porch counting cars and shaking our heads as to what the next story will bring.

The youth is our future and until most of us get off of our treadmills of life and realize that we are all doomed.

Have A Nice Day
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juana2 said:
Logos, we must have grown up in the same "neigborhood"
Repression and fear have always been the controls over people, and I have always rebelled.
I appreciate the good things you mentioned- about medicine and technology and communications- I have great hope for the future. I believe the climate is changing and humanity needs to become more conscious of it's place here, but that is all good stuff.
I am guessing that you, like me, know some really cool kids. When I talk to kids there is no way I can feel anything but hope for the future. And proud of whatever small part people like you and I had in this major change of awareness and personal freedoms.
I also feel very right about trying to be the adult that I wished I had known when I was a kid.I always tell them: there is nothing you could tell me that will shock me, and there is nothing you can do that will stop my loving you.

Here's where I am at: If life gives you lemons?
Well there I was turning 50, alone, no money or property, no kids, I was respected in my career but not successful. Everyone I knew was an arty pot head like me.
And then it dawned on me what service I could provide- and here I am.
It's something I loved without knowing anything about for my whole life- so I started to get to know Her(mj) and it has been quite a rewarding relationship on every level.
I love growing, I am constantly learning new things - the only thing I haven't done yet is meet another grower to hang with. Someone who loves the plant and understands the process and lives the life.
I do have my best g friend,who is involved and helps out ALOT... guess I am talking about a boyfriend...!!
At least I have some "friends" here! And I am very grateful for that! At OG we used to be able to hang out and chat and I felt like I had some relationships going on. Here I can't PM anyone yet or get into chat, and I have heard chat here isn't that happening anyways.
I don't post unless I feel like I have something to say, so it's taking me a while to add up to 50.
oh well.
I think I'm rambling on a beautiful sunday morning after some sweet tokes of some Blue Apollo I was gifted yesterday....peace on all y'all

Growing up, I was totally disengaged from the world at large, in that I did not follow the news of world events, nor cared about politics. Neither did the people with whom I hung. We were totally self-centered, caring about getting gas money, drugs and sex. The Viet Nam war and the draft hung over everyone’s head. It was the binding agent. Some joined, some were drafted, some fled. Getting drafted was linked in our minds to being a step away from being forced into cannon fodder and death. Waiting to see if your number / name would be drawn in the draft lotto was akin to waiting on death row. This fear of the draft/ dying was something we all had in common, as well as learning that we can’t trust our leaders because they control the laws, which determines the direction of our lives. Juana, you have no idea what it is like to not be able to plan the route of your young life because at anytime the government might claim it as if it is their property, which is exactly what you are when you are in the military. But, thank God those draft days are over.

It is my hope that this country has learned not to repeat that great mistake. The kids today have other things to worry over, but also great things to look forward to. More personal freedom requires more personal responsibility which requires an active sense of morality and work ethic. Recently I saw on TV a reporter asking randomly kids on the street what it meant to be an American. Most were speechless for a response. They were asked if they owed their country anything. All responded “no”. There is a mind set of separation, the idea that each is an island with no responsibility, no kinship for a fellow man or citizen, that there is no we, only me. This was my feeling too. I had no sense of belonging to something greater; instead I felt I was alone and on my own. “It’s a cold, cruel, world” was the mantra I grew up with, and I believed it. So, I found friends who were fellow drug users as my quasi family. They were equally afraid and uncertain of their futures. And the drugs provided an escape from the mental anguish of a shitty personal life over which I had very little control.

But, yeah, we learn and hopefully we grow into the people we wished our elders had been as we now relate to one another.

Just wondering, J2, what is the story behind your gravitation to MJ?

Not to worry about the 50 posts mark, J2. It will come soon enough, and you of course are free to post on this thread whenever the mood strikes.



mrwags said:
I guess I kinda lived life backwards. You see I had a pro career at the age of 12 and to say my childhood lasted a mere 4 hours would be laughable. I back then and even through many of my teen years was how do they say "A Prick" yeah thats it! :nono:

I then in time found my soul mate who over the years had given me her best and her worst and the one thing I see in the world that is lacking is the simple word of RESPECT. I guess what I'm saying is as a preteen I had that simple little word for only myself and my parents but as I to have grown old I could NEVER imagine doing or saying some of the things these PRETEENS nowadays do or say. EVER

But through it all I did stay with my plan that I set out many years ago and now as I reflect there maybe could be only 2 things that I would change and considering that I guess I'm pleased.

I've watched shamelessly as many administrations of our Congress have come and gone making the same mistakes over and over again,but it wasn't until the last 7 or so years that I have laid witness to such outright greed stare the American people in the face and see them fall in line like cattle or sheep and bow down to such bullshit laws like the Patriot Act that pretty much makes us all terrorists.

So in what you ask have I changed? Damn skippy I did I had to. But sadly the world has changed to but only for the worst. I feel with the loss of respect the WORLD has for his or her fellow man is the beginning of our own self destruction. Without respect you have no rules and with no rules you got the wild west again. But even in the wild west they tipped their hats to the lady's instead of raping them in the park in broad daylight.

I've come to realize the world is a huge big mess but MY world is small and it's pretty sweet. I can control to a point my world and the rest as they say is easy as my dog Red and I sit on the porch counting cars and shaking our heads as to what the next story will bring.

The youth is our future and until most of us get off of our treadmills of life and realize that we are all doomed.

Have A Nice Day


Mr. Wags,

Good to have you with us. I really appreciate you showing up with your 2 cents because you have identified what should be obvious to all but sadly is not. Why do you suppose this is? I have heard the Baby Boomer generation referred to as the “me generation”, so it would logically follow that said parents would instill this diseased philosophy in their kids. But is disrespect a phenomenon of our times? Killing is perhaps the ultimate act of disrespecting the rights and sanctity of another. Yet this horrible act is a time-honored tradition from the forgotten mists of primitive man up to the present. Hoary literature presents the warrior as the people’s hero, and perhaps rightly so from the perspective of those being attacked who are forced to defend themselves. But what of the aggressor? In the cultures of ancient civilizations expansion of ones boarders as well as ones treasury was regarded as noble, if not expected. Might makes right was the rule of the day, and this dictate did not include mercy, and certainly not respect for those invaded, killed, and repressed into submission and slavery. So, over the thousands of years, what has mankind learned? Do we still hate? Do we still kill? Do we still go to war? Do we respect one another any more today than our great, great …… grandfathers did those many thousands of years past?

Yes, thanks for bringing this up. You live in a small world of your own making. So do I. But you and I realize that our tiny space is part of a much larger space, and that if our tiny spaces can unite, and if enough of us think this way, then maybe, just maybe, we can grow into one overwhelming big, more respectful space, and positive change can once and for all be effected.

You stated: “But through it all I did stay with my plan that I set out many years ago and now as I reflect there maybe could be only 2 things that I would change and considering that I guess I'm pleased.”

Alright, you’ve peaked my interest with this enigmatic statement. Please elucidate on your plan, and the two things that you would have changed. I am waiting, but just barely.



********* Female Seeds
ICMag Donor
Well Logos I will do my best for a quick synopsis of what I meant.

Back in the 70's when the child labor laws were no where near what they are today I was offered a 6 figure 3 year contract to do my thing. This money was put into a trust and later an annuity account to where I could dump into what ever I wanted as long as I NEVER asked for anything b4 it matured. So as my career blossomed and I continue to do my thing EVERY dime I could muster was placed into it thinking always that a time would come when I would have a family and a child and I could live out the childhood I was cheated out of the begin with.

In the final year of my contract my career and my attitude were put into check when I decided out of sheer stupidity decided to show off a bit (without permission I might add) and got my little cocky punk ass killed for 5 minutes and then given another 3 months in a white room to ponder my life as I knew it at the time. Mistake #1

Now remember the dick part i talked about earlier? In the 3 moths I laid in that bed I had 1 VISITOR 1 it was the Western Union man with a telegram to let me know all expenses would be paid but my services were no longer needed. :) life's kinda funny like that sometimes.

So here I was a broken man/kid a few thousand miles from home and all I had in my pocket was the money the nurses collected to get me the hell out of there because IMO they wanted me gone that bad BUT,I had a plan and NOTHING was gonna stop it NOTHING.

Now mistake #2 Logos has to do with has to do with the question "what would ya do if it's him or you?" and this story does not belong on these pages so therefore I will have to let you ponder on that one but will say I'm typing this so there is your answer.

Now for the next 25 or so years I have worked my ass off day in day out but at my pace and my leisure. If I ever was in a situation I did not feel comfortable with I found one where I was my plan that I stuck with allowed me that luxury and peace of mind is golden IMO.

So here I am now in middle age and I did retire at 40 :headbange I have spent the last few years with my shadow my partner and my friend living each and EVERY day as if it's my last (for I know first hand that it could be) the checks come every Monday got my golf handicap down to the single digits all the moms on the PTA love me and now for once in my life I know what its like to be a kid and now know why a child laughs on average over 900 times a day where as an adult does it less that 100 :(


Being retired (for me anyway) sucked and that I did not plan on. So I reentered the market for a stint here and there not really killing myself but staying active and keeping myself out of trouble and socking away yet again those checks that come every Monday

Because I Stuck To My Plan.

Have A Nice Day
Mr.Wags :wave:


how have i changed?

how have i changed?

ok. hmm it's a long story, but i will make it short.

with awareness that i have now, i know that everyday i had, was a bliss. opportunities to change, to live different that you've lived yesterday.
it comes to spirituality. never was a christian but my roll model is jesus. just love and be love, that is the greatest message you can send to world. and if you are what you are saying, than you are serving human kind a lot.
i recognized in this years, that it's all about little things. how you treat people, even a little smile has more power than thousand words.
i can see people are seeing that something has changed in me. it's that awareness, it's how you look at the world, what kind of energy you are giving to people and to certant situation.
back in the teenage years a always looked for situation to fit in. to be part of some group. that doesn't matter to me now anymore. it's not about grouping, it's about unity, we are one, and that's the greatest recognition i had.

i'll write something more in future in this thread. it's a great thread.
but for now, you all know that more is less :wave:

take care, and be love you are looking for in the world...


and be love you are looking for in the world...

well said Peaceful-
does your face light up when you see them?
I heard someone say that, I think it was Maya Angelou...and since I heard that I have tried to do it and it has had an amazing effect on all my relations.
As a wild example- i was working in an unoccupied condo doing some decorating, and had just burned a joint out on the patio and gone back inside and the door opened and a fully uniformed cop walked in! But I didn't react in fear- I burst a big accepting happy to see you! smile, and he warmed up immediately. he was very happy with my work and my price and we actually ended up having lunch together. ( I had gotten the job thru my network and hadn't met the owner ,had no idea he was a cop)
In my old mind set I would have assumed someone had called the cops on me for smoking on the balcony patio, my face would have shown fear and anger and panic and being a cop he would have picked up on something being not right...
I KNOW my beliefs help create my reality. If I KNOW that I am living in a good way and not hurting or cheating anyone, I don't feel guilty and attract trouble in that way.

Nature is the greatest teacher. and weird as it may sound , learning to care for this sacred plant has taught me much about myself , my life and the earth in general.
way cool, ain't it?
mitakuye oyasin


mrwags said:
Well Logos I will do my best for a quick synopsis of what I meant.

Back in the 70's when the child labor laws were no where near what they are today I was offered a 6 figure 3 year contract to do my thing. This money was put into a trust and later an annuity account to where I could dump into what ever I wanted as long as I NEVER asked for anything b4 it matured. So as my career blossomed and I continue to do my thing EVERY dime I could muster was placed into it thinking always that a time would come when I would have a family and a child and I could live out the childhood I was cheated out of the begin with.

In the final year of my contract my career and my attitude were put into check when I decided out of sheer stupidity decided to show off a bit (without permission I might add) and got my little cocky punk ass killed for 5 minutes and then given another 3 months in a white room to ponder my life as I knew it at the time. Mistake #1

Now remember the dick part i talked about earlier? In the 3 moths I laid in that bed I had 1 VISITOR 1 it was the Western Union man with a telegram to let me know all expenses would be paid but my services were no longer needed. :) life's kinda funny like that sometimes.

So here I was a broken man/kid a few thousand miles from home and all I had in my pocket was the money the nurses collected to get me the hell out of there because IMO they wanted me gone that bad BUT,I had a plan and NOTHING was gonna stop it NOTHING.

Now mistake #2 Logos has to do with has to do with the question "what would ya do if it's him or you?" and this story does not belong on these pages so therefore I will have to let you ponder on that one but will say I'm typing this so there is your answer.

Now for the next 25 or so years I have worked my ass off day in day out but at my pace and my leisure. If I ever was in a situation I did not feel comfortable with I found one where I was my plan that I stuck with allowed me that luxury and peace of mind is golden IMO.

So here I am now in middle age and I did retire at 40 :headbange I have spent the last few years with my shadow my partner and my friend living each and EVERY day as if it's my last (for I know first hand that it could be) the checks come every Monday got my golf handicap down to the single digits all the moms on the PTA love me and now for once in my life I know what its like to be a kid and now know why a child laughs on average over 900 times a day where as an adult does it less that 100 :(


Being retired (for me anyway) sucked and that I did not plan on. So I reentered the market for a stint here and there not really killing myself but staying active and keeping myself out of trouble and socking away yet again those checks that come every Monday

Because I Stuck To My Plan.

Have A Nice Day
Mr.Wags :wave:

Mr Wags:

Well, your response is cloaked in even more mystery, and I can understand why. It pleases me that you have moved past the personal pitfalls that are experienced by children celebs, as is played out on TV and in gossip tabloids. Access to too much money, no sense of proportion, no sense of responsibility, no sense of dignity, little self-respect nor for others. It all plays out as tragedy. At least you seem to have overcome with age, and improved your sense of self. It pleases me that you now have the ability to reflect positively and have regained that sense of child joyousness. If only, as adults, we all could do this. Drop the stress, the pettiness, the fears, the greed, the hate, all the negativity we carry on our shoulders. Good for you, Mr Wags. You deserve to be happy, I deserve to be happy, we all deserve to be happy, which is a state of mind and not one’s bank account. You are an interesting person and have a perspective few of us have, and I suspect you have much more to say. So, if you feel like sharing more of your thoughts and life-experience, I would be pleased to hear them. Thanks again.



juana2 said:
and weird as it may sound , learning to care for this sacred plant has taught me much about myself , my life and the earth in general.

soooo true! through growing i found my life meaning. it's being close to nature.
man, i'm reading icmag forum, and i see a lot of people, i mean a lot, that are contributing to this experience on earth!:respect:


peaceful_mind said:
ok. hmm it's a long story, but i will make it short.

with awareness that i have now, i know that everyday i had, was a bliss. opportunities to change, to live different that you've lived yesterday.
it comes to spirituality. never was a christian but my roll model is jesus. just love and be love, that is the greatest message you can send to world. and if you are what you are saying, than you are serving human kind a lot.
i recognized in this years, that it's all about little things. how you treat people, even a little smile has more power than thousand words.
i can see people are seeing that something has changed in me. it's that awareness, it's how you look at the world, what kind of energy you are giving to people and to certant situation.
back in the teenage years a always looked for situation to fit in. to be part of some group. that doesn't matter to me now anymore. it's not about grouping, it's about unity, we are one, and that's the greatest recognition i had.

i'll write something more in future in this thread. it's a great thread.
but for now, you all know that more is less :wave:

take care, and be love you are looking for in the world...

Peaceful Mind:

Great post, really great post. You’ve stuck your finger in the middle of the pie. You are so dead on right. You have remarked on the expansion of consciousness that each of us as souls must eventually move into. It’s not a me thing, it’s an us thing. Life in the cosmic sense has always been an US reality, but few people realize this. Good job, PM. This greatest recognition is your long-sought golden door, your first step on an amazing journey. This mental state alone changes you, which changes your aura, which is what those around you are picking up on. YES, it is energy, everything is energy. You do get it! I just wonder how did you get it, because this truth, although fundamental, is usually known to the occultist and not the general self-centered public. Yes, this is a great thread because of all the special people who have been attracted to it and contributed a portion of themselves. There is much more to write concerning this awareness which we are discussing, but I don’t want to delve that deeply, not now anyway. The purpose of this thread is to provide a space for anyone who karmically drawn to it, whoever is ready to reveal where they are now in relation to where he or she has been. It doesn’t have to be some deep philosophical revelation, but can be just a shift in attitude, a sense of a newer me. We all change, sometimes a lot, sometimes a little, so here is where you can talk about it, whatever it may be.



juana2 said:
well said Peaceful-
does your face light up when you see them?
I heard someone say that, I think it was Maya Angelou...and since I heard that I have tried to do it and it has had an amazing effect on all my relations.
As a wild example- i was working in an unoccupied condo doing some decorating, and had just burned a joint out on the patio and gone back inside and the door opened and a fully uniformed cop walked in! But I didn't react in fear- I burst a big accepting happy to see you! smile, and he warmed up immediately. he was very happy with my work and my price and we actually ended up having lunch together. ( I had gotten the job thru my network and hadn't met the owner ,had no idea he was a cop)
In my old mind set I would have assumed someone had called the cops on me for smoking on the balcony patio, my face would have shown fear and anger and panic and being a cop he would have picked up on something being not right...
I KNOW my beliefs help create my reality. If I KNOW that I am living in a good way and not hurting or cheating anyone, I don't feel guilty and attract trouble in that way.

Nature is the greatest teacher. and weird as it may sound , learning to care for this sacred plant has taught me much about myself , my life and the earth in general.
way cool, ain't it?
mitakuye oyasin


Thanks for your example of how to relate to what life is offering, or rather how your beliefs affect your life. Jesus stated that you are that which you believe, which is such a simple statement but which is encyclopedic in its scope and explanation. The problem which almost everyone experiences however is that what they believe consciously and what they believe subconsciously is not the same. Therefore, since people experience the opposite of what they think they believe, they are confused by the statement or they do not believe the truthfulness of it.

So, juana2, just curious, can you please tell me one way caring for MJ has taught you.

And for those who may not know about mitakuye oyasin, it is a simple but profound Lakota prayer.

These two words mean All My Relations or We are All Related.

To pray this prayer is to petition God on behalf of everyone and everything on Earth.

Mitakuye Oyasin honors the sacredness of each person's individual spiritual path, acknowledges the sacredness of all life (human, animal, plant, etc.) and creates an energy of awareness which strengthens not only the person who prays but the entire planet.
