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How do you view cops?



Do you judge someone for becoming a cop? Would your experience with law enforcement be positive if not for the illegality of cannabis?

I don't necessary judge someone for becoming a cop, but I will say that the vast majority of useless, talentless, mean spirited, uneducated, hateful fucks in this planet tend to gravitate towards careers in law enforcement.

I've met cool cops, but generally speaking I think they pick from the bottom of the barrel.


About 70% positively and 30% negatively. I've met some complete asshole cops and some cops I'd want to be friends with.

When my car was stolen the cops who found it were my heroes.


I would say that I generally dislike pretty much every one I met. They are bullies. They think they have to always win an arugument (even off duty). Cops are only friends with cops because nobody else will have them.

I asked my wife's 7 year old son what he is going to be when he grows up. He is a very smart and cute little shit.

He said, "Well, I will work a whole bunch of jobs and the one that I don't get fired from is what I will be."


Cops are legally allowed to lie to you. So I can't really trust em, myself.


Pigs have completely ruined my life!!! They are worthless pieces of shite that don't deserve to be on this planet!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Dear Haters, I Have So Much More For You To Be Mad
i hate cops with a passion, they have lied and stole from me many times, the last time they got away with my 8k rolex and threatened to STEAL my grand champion bengal cats from my home.

they get off on ruining your life and think your scum of the earth if your not one of them. they cannot stand if you make more money then them and will try to take you down if you do.

ive gotten in long heated discussions with cops on why they do what they do, you would not believe what they tell me!!!

with a fucking passion, I HATE COPS....
dirty, nasty pigs. I guess there's one here and there that really wants to serve and protect but for the most part they are power hungry pieces of shit. Anyone that has ever took someones freedom for possessing herb doesn't deserve any respect at all in my book. If the question is do you judge someone for being a cop then my answer is yes and they have to fully prove me wrong before I would even begin to trust them


heh, nah. I've considered probation work and firefighting, though. I still don't think either would fit me.

I hope, and suspect, you're right though. I'll just keep my head down and ear open, scrounging around monster and the paper. Something that fits me will come up.


Active member
I have relatives in law enforcement, hell one of them told me about the time she got in a car crash with her girlfriends right after smoking a bowl, they all ran and she got screwed haha.

I have a 90% negative and 10% positive experience with cops. and this is the simple explanation and reasoning behind it all. I think you'll agree.

Cops are trained and taught to follow a strict set of rules and codes. Anyone caught violating those rules is to be punished.

This is how a lot of cops interpret the job.

last I checked it said "to protect and serve".

there are however a few cops that I've dealt with that have been completely cool people that I wouldnt mind having a beer with on a summer afternoon. The difference is simply how they view their jobs.

police that follow the letter of the law are the assholes. They are the ones that will harass and intimidate.

police that follow the SPIRIT of the law are usually in my experience, reasonable and fair people.

the shitty side of this is that 90% of the cops are in the job to have the power of "letter of the law" type enforcement to begin with.


Active member
sometimes their power corrupts. sometimes they act like an ass to you because they don't trust you and need to be in some sort of control because they are in fear for their lives. some are just a-holes. A policeman lied in a report multiple times and I helped my friend get the case dropped.

They protect us, but when I have to get into a fight with someone much bigger than me and they arent there...guh! that hurt lol. at least he took the "I know where you sleep" to heart.

Cookie monster

I hate the laws concerning weed not those who enforce it.

The law makers are our enemys not those who enforce it, an asshole cop was an asshole before he/she ever became a cop.

Hell i'd love to be a cop ( now dont go calling cookie an asshole ) and i'd be a damm good one too, mind you i'd get fired within a week for letting the smokers/growers live in peace.