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How do you pronounce the "X" in a cross like sk "X" nl

Baba Ku

Active member
An equation showing the square footage of a room is a similar equation to the show of linage. Both describe the sum of the two.
A room with walls of 10ft and 20ft would be written as 10' x 20' and spoken; Ten foot "by" Twenty foot.

Big D

I am sticking with "crossed with" for the common man, lol! everyone one understands "crossed with". I mean, how many jokes start out, what do you get when you cross a______ with a______?


Dr. Narrowleaf
When you often talk about polyhybrids irl it get's annoying and confusing to say "crossed with" all the time.

Hey would you like some of my Original haze crossed with Oaxacan Gold crossed with Seedman's Mama Thai seeds? [(Ohaze x Hog) x Thai]