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How do ->YOU<- "Hand Water"?



I was searching the forum for ideas on how to water my 3gl gro pots. For now I just use a standard wal mart watering can. It does the job but is very time consuming if I want to get an even soak. I hate having to bend over to water 30 plants too. Whats your favorite method?

I was thinking I would do a reservoir pumped to rain wand type set up. I hope you guys can help me figure out the proper way to do this. I was thinking I would use a rubermaid tub for a rez to save money. I'm not quite sure whicj direction to go for a pump though. Also, what type of fitting do I need in order to hook up a standard garden hose to my rez? Can I just skip a pump all together, and just let gravity work?


Here are some pics:



I have the key, now i need to find the lock..
i do what you are thinking of doing. i bubble my tea in an 18 gallon rubbermaid rough neck. i use this battery powered pump that i bought at lowes. it is a white pump that uses 3 C batteries. it actually works really well, and its nice not having to plug it in. i just fill up a five gallon bucket, and then bring it into my room and water the plants. i also marked the bucket so i know how much water i have been using. let us know how it goes for you.


I use one of those long spouted measuring cups to water cab plants. It gets below the canopy from the side easily.

mean mr.mustard

I Pass Satellites
The pics are way too small.... I can't see shit!

A gravity fed hose from a bucket is cheaper than a pump.

What's wrong with consuming some time? I water by hand... literally.
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joe fresh

Active member
i went to home depot, baught a sturdy garbage to use as a rez(20$), then i baught a pump(120$), and garden hose(40$), and extendable watering wand (20$)....for a total of 200$....but you may have to buy 20$ of attatchments and fittings to make the garden hose fit the pump

edit- the pump i baught is a reg sum-pump from home depot, they range in price from 80-200$.....and if your having trouble getting the correct fittings to hook the hose up, just ask a guy that works there, and tell him its to drain a pool and a garden hose and fittings is cheaper than buying a 25 foot 1-2" pump hose


Feeling good is good enough.
What's wrong with consuming some time? I water by hand... literally.

It gives a chance to inspect the plant's soil and even get rid (manually) of some early algae formation. Also, use it to prune lower limbs and leafs.

Much to do while messing "down there"... LOL

And girls LOVE the extra attention...!

I kid you not.


I use a 60 gallon barrel 40-60 bucks off craigs list and 1 wand 12 bucks at home depot and the white rv hose 15 bucks, and 1 pump 120.


i water by hand literally as well...well...not like the water is actually in my hands..but i just use a 1gallon water bottle.


Overkill is under-rated.
I have 5 55g barrels I use for watering, 4 are hooked to Tropf Blumat auto-waterers. All are filled with RO, connected to float valves so they top up daily automatically, aerated with 4 air stones on a 110lpm pump, and heated with a 350w titanium res heater to 68* F. All 5 have constant-read monitors for pH, PPM and temp.

The 5th barrel also has a fat nylon pantyhose full of EWC, GH Ancient Forest humus, mycorrhizae, sea kelp and molasses. I dropped in a 800gph pump (minus the prefilter) and hooked it to a 75' 3/4" hose with a shutoff valve on the end.

Every plant has a saucer under it, I water until the saucer starts to fill then move on. I come back around after they are all done and water until the saucer is full. If you don't do this it's very difficult to water thoroughly and get all the dry spots. The saucer ensures that the plant has lots of water for the next 12 hours.

If you plan on being away for any length of time, use large pots and large saucers, and saturate the whole thing until it overflows. That usually buys me a few days even in hot weather.

Good luck!


Active member

I use an old fasioned siphon.

I use a racking cane for transfering hombrewed beer from carboy. I use about 20' of hose to suck from the water bottle.


I have used the tub method with those gro pots, in which you place several pots in a shallow tub, and pour in some water for the pots to soak from bottom up. It works, but I am with a few others here who water by hand. It just gives me more time to be with the plants, which in turn gives me "serenity now!"


I have used the tub method with those gro pots, in which you place several pots in a shallow tub, and pour in some water for the pots to soak from bottom up. It works, but I am with a few others here who water by hand. It just gives me more time to be with the plants, which in turn gives me "serenity now!"
Interesting, I might give this a try. The plants don't get over-saturated like this?

Lazyman- I will be going the Tropf-Blumat route next time. Those things look awesome, and it seems like it takes all the gues work out of watering once dialed in.

mean mr.mustard- don't get me wrong, spending time with my plants is one of my favorite things to do. I just don't like spending 1/2hr bent over watering them.

Can one of you guys hook me up with a link for some type of garden hose fitting? I am going to just try a rubbermaid tub about 5 feet off the ground with a rain wand hooked into it, and just let gravity do the work instead of buying a pump. Im just not sure what to use to hook the hose up to the tub.

mean mr.mustard

I Pass Satellites
If you don't need the five hundred gallon system Lazydude just listed you could probably make due with a smaller hose than a garden hose... but you'd have to lose your rain wand.

Barth was talking about that beer siphon... that hooks up to half inch or so... there are cheap fittings with rubber grommets for beer bottling buckets you could use half inch tubing with... or you could pay much more to get your threaded fittings.


New member
i bought a 18 gallon rubbermade tub =3.99
a 396 submersible pump for 23.95 and a roll of 1/2 inch tubing for 12.95.

I tape it onto a 3 ft pole and can sit and water all my plants with ease. My grow is 6 lights 1000 wts over green crack and og kush.

That was a total back saver believe me, watering a room full of plants is very tiring.
How do ->YOU<- "Hand Water"?

13 gallon trashcan, small pond pump, clear hose, random fitting, old shower head. Works great and is very efficient.


I feel nothing and it feels great
i also enjoi watering by hand.... literally. mix up my nutes and water by a gallon watering can w/ a long spout. i usually spend up to an hour w/ my ladies just TCOB. :plant grow: