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How do you get rid of "leftover" garbage from grows?

What do you guys do with all the garbage? I live in the country but I am still afraid to leave the garbage in my dumpster and I tried burning rockwool but those things are damn near fireproof. I have a bunch of garbage bags full of garbage that need to be throw out. I don't want to do anything stupid though like throw it on the side of the road or anything so what would you guys suggest?


IcMag Resident Comic Relief
find a dumpster somewhere no where near you and just dump it. i use the one near my work. less than 15 seconds and im done. no ones the wiser.


End Cannibis Prohibition Now Realize Legalize !!
dont know about RW but the plant material can be burried it decomposes easy


I dump my dirt in either a random dumpster or find a secluded area (away from bodies of water) and spread.


My little pony.. my little pony
Drive it into the city. In three weeks every bum will be wearing a rockwool coat.



Freedom Fighter
Dig a hole?? (We had a tractor...so maybe that made it easier...but worked great for me-- lol)


Active member
Plant matter can be chopped up and composted, buried or burned. I'm guessing the rockwool could be broken up and buried...


Active member
Endo said:
find a dumpster somewhere no where near you and just dump it. i use the one near my work. less than 15 seconds and im done. no ones the wiser.

i used to drive to work (20 miles +/-) with clippings in the car and throw them there, thats soo unsafe,
try the blender+water -> garbage disposal method..

post hash of course..

the blender gets it all, stems sticks, leafs, roots.

Bud Meister

All my plant material I compost and the rock wool I pull apart and till into my gargen soil. It helps retain some moistureduring those dry months in late summer.


Well-known member
Try using coco slabs/blocks, they are easier to breakdown and you can spread it on your lawn in the spring. Greenhouse growers (legal ones) here do that with coco, biodegradable, adds organic matter, can hold more moisture, you can put it in your compost or vegetable/flower beds. Rock wool takes a long time to break down and we're not likely to see the time where it breaks down. You could shred rock wool and bag it in black or green plastic bags and tell the guys at the dump it's insulation, make sure it's the right color though and no obvious roots.
Many greenhouse growers are being charged huge amounts of money to dispose of their rock wool because it's hard to break down, it's spun rocks so you would need to find an incinerator that you could dump them in if you wanted to burn them I think, but I don't know 100%


Active member
I have the same problem. I was doing the dumpster thing for a while, but the thought of the coppers riding up on me while unloading just rattles me nerves. I got sooo much trash stacked up that it is a problem. I am going to go to the regular dump site. You know the one construction people use. I have some yard cleaning and stuff to do also. So I will put all the grow related stuff in a van/trailer first, then put as much junk on top of it and off to the dumpsite.
Sometimes all we think about is the copious amount of top shelf buds we get to smoke from harvests. But the work associated with it... wow.

Good luck on your situation and dont get your ass caught doing it!!!!! Stay safe yall


not saying this is smart or right, but for the two years i was growin i would just triple wrap my waste and chuck it in the same trash can that goes out every week.

mind you, it was only a couple plants so the waste was never large.. but i never had a problem. i always put the waste in their own bags with nothing identifiable on them, that way theres a chance i could argue that someone just dropped it in there.

furthermore, when my house did get raided, the cops asked me why i hadnt thrown out some moldy mushroom jars i was doin. "because i didnt want you guys to find it im my trash" i told them. he just laughed.. they never once even glanced at what was in my garbage. if you think about it, not many cops want to spend all day rummaging through trash.. and throwing it away at your home is FAR more stealth then taking it anywhere in your car....


Active member
Now.. this what you DONT do^^^^^^^^.

furthermore, when my house did get raided, the cops asked me why i hadnt thrown out some moldy mushroom jars i was doin. "because i didnt want you guys to find it im my trash" i told them. he just laughed..

Now that makes me think they already pulled your trash and found incriminating stuff and was wondering why they didnt find the shrooms also. Maybe thats what the laughter was for. And yeah they WILL crawl the trash like garbage men... so dont believe that one.

Definitely NOT smart or right.

Sorry you got raided.


nope... he flat out told me to just throw the evidence in my trash. nothing happened from it. of course, this is just my city- i know plenty of small towns that would actually dig through garbage... we have a high volume of cases go through our courthouse, they really arent that worried about petty crimes...
If you work in a building that requires a key or keycard to enter, dump SMALL, bagged amounts of dried, ground-up waste in a common area. I recommend bagging it in a plastic grocery bag and dumping it in the lunch room or bathroom during high-traffic times. It will look like someone threw away their lunch.

Alternatively, dry out your waste, and throw out small bits (a couple of leaves or stems) at a time out of your car window during rush hour every couple of minutes. Take care not to be in front of the same car during this time: drop a few bits, wait a minute or two, do it again, wait until a different car is behind you. If you do this, DON'T speed or drive stupid. This isn't the best way to do it, but can work if done properly.

You can also do the late-night drop-off in a dumpster far away from your grow. Make sure you are not visible from the road. Bag all your garbage in a garbage bag (double bagging it is better). Keep the bag in your trunk. On the approach to the dumpster, turn off your lights, do not have your stereo on and have nothing else illegal on you or in your car. Make sure you are 100% sober when you do this. When you get out of the car, close the door as much as you can without latching it, so the interior light turns off without the door totally closing. Better yet, turn off the interior light before you start your trip, so it doesn't even come on when you open the door. If you can remotely pop the trunk and leave the car running, do so. Pull out the bag, CLOSE THE TRUNK AS SOON AS YOU GET THE BAG OUT of the trunk, WALK over to the dumpster, drop it in, DO NOT LET THE LID SLAM SHUT, get in your car and slowly drive away, obeying all traffic laws.


the garbage man takes my used soil off for me. the plant material i dipose of at construction sites in those huge bins. i rent a car to do this and get rid of soil that will not fit in barrel that week. our trash man never gets outta truck and i send the wife out so the dr is looking at her and not his moniter in case abag breaks open. but its just soil, so no worries. i toss a lot every week.

when i lived n the contry i buried all in garden.


♫All I want to do is zoom-a-zoom-zoom-zoom..
I shred all my junk mail first. Then I layer trimmings, leaves and branches in with the shredded paper. I don't use dirt, so I don't have any to dispose of. There is defnitely root material and alot of leaf that stinks to high heaven though...
Really dark black garbage bags are filled with a layer of the junk mail shredding. Then leaves and such are broken down into small pieces and put on top of the shreds. Then I cover it over. I usually leave the bag around until the material has lost alot of its' odor and it dessicates. Once it's all nice and dry....it appears mostly like shredded paper. I don't put anything else in it that contains anything easily traceable. No real additional garbage save for the paper. I dump the stuff around places where there are busy offices in the later half of the day or towards dusk. Better to wait until Sundays when most business are closed. 1 to 2 bags is the most you should dump because you want to be in and out quickly. Obviously not looking like a sketch-ball or stinking like reefer is a big + when you're rolling around dumping in the community.
The key here is to break everything down and let it dry the hell out.

Putting it outside as compost doesn't sound half bad either. If you have a nice big private yard that no-one else tools around in (like gardeners, neighbors, etc.)

Hope it helps.

P.S.-one more thing: double or triple bag everything. Sometimes branches have a way of stabbing through the trashbags....this cuts down on that possibility.