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How do you dispose of old carbon filters?


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ICMag Donor
What it means is that some people throw shit in the river for no reason other than to get rid of it, others would do it to provide a sanctuary for aquatic life. It's done all the time with different objects. Many waterways have been seeded with old tires, as they make the ultimate nesting area for species like channel catfish. Some will concrete a small cedar tree into a cinder block and sink it to provide crappie a feeding grounds.
It was suggested that if it were to be thrown into the river, it would serve some good.
But, the chastising started. And more often than not, a bit of hypocrisy accompanies the chastising.


What it means is that some people throw shit in the river for no reason other than to get rid of it, others would do it to provide a sanctuary for aquatic life. It's done all the time with different objects. Many waterways have been seeded with old tires, as they make the ultimate nesting area for species like channel catfish. Some will concrete a small cedar tree into a cinder block and sink it to provide crappie a feeding grounds.
It was suggested that if it were to be thrown into the river, it would serve some good.
But, the chastising started. And more often than not, a bit of hypocrisy accompanies the chastising.

Well you are wrong about the hypocrisy in regards to me. I disapprove of throwing trash in the river, thats my stance on it.
Carbon is great for ya soil but i'd add it to compost heap in thin layers. The green and brown layering used in composting is nitrogen from greens and carbon from browns......so use as a brown layer but keep layers thin cos it doesnt need to break down like your average brown layer :D


Yeah, the catch is that it's not a ton cheaper to refill a filter, only slightly so:

CAN150 new $220


New prefilter $25
150# of new activated carbon $150 (plus shipping$$)
Renting a vibrating pad for the day $25
Plus your labor and time to run around and collect everything.

Basically you're paying around $20 for the convenience of picking up a new one and not having to dispose of the old one. To me its worth it to just buy new.

Damn that's a good deal. I'm seeing them for $329 online with 126 lbs of carbon. Are we talking about the same thing - Can-Filter 150 - 60" Carbon Filter ?


Active member
Well you are wrong about the hypocrisy in regards to me. I disapprove of throwing trash in the river, thats my stance on it.

you missed the point bro, what he's sayin' is tossing a
scrubber in the river is actually beneficial as it creates
a mini habitat for wildlife in the river, not at all like
tossing in a plastic milk jug filled with pit-oil.

and below is your chastising post which is a bit hypocritical
if you drive a car, use plastic products or do any number
of things toxic to our environment.

Do not dispose of it in a river or lake. There are plenty of overhangs and rocks on the bottom as it is to protect "critters". They don't need your help along with the help of the other hundreds of people who toss garbage in the river for it to collect at the bottom. Stupid idea. Empty it, crush it and recycle it. The carbon can be used to top dress your lawn.

it might be a good idea to think before passing judgement.

peace, SOG


New member
Carbon in that form is readily used by aquariums, just throw it away. Not the whole filter refil it with new carbon from a pet store or online.c


Green is Gold
There's a difference between people throwing their unused junk in the river and intentionally seeding the riverbed to create a habitat, one is done by professionals the other is done by lazy losers.
Agree with doing something at least moderately productive with the waste, like mixing it into soil / grass outside.

You can buy refills at http://www.activated-charcoal-carbon.com/ - I think I bought 20 lbs of shipped pelletized for around $75 shipped? I built my DIY filter with this stuff.

That being said... I'm with Lazyman. Empty / recycle / buy new ones. It's just not worth the trouble to save $50-100 for most of us.


you missed the point bro, what he's sayin' is tossing a
scrubber in the river is actually beneficial as it creates
a mini habitat for wildlife in the river, not at all like
tossing in a plastic milk jug filled with pit-oil.

and below is your chastising post which is a bit hypocritical
if you drive a car, use plastic products or do any number
of things toxic to our environment.

it might be a good idea to think before passing judgement.

peace, SOG

So I guess it's alright with you if we all take our old tires down to the local river or lake and toss em in right? It'll provide habitat for fish and critters. OK then.
I do use plastic or possibly toxic items but I attempt to dispose of them properly when i'm done with them also.


Humble Human, Freedom Fighter, Cannabis Lover, Bre
ICMag Donor
I think you brought up the tires here actually, but that is something which is routinely used for habitat underwater and it's alot better than burning them which ends up dissolved in our water eventually anyways in the form of rain.

Let is go man, it was an idea but I doubt everyone is running out to throw things in the lake down the street.


I hold El Roacho's
Drive to your local Walmart and throw it in their dumpster after all they sell us shit
so we might as well return shit right back!


Humble Human, Freedom Fighter, Cannabis Lover, Bre
ICMag Donor
Now if you could only but new can filters there. ;)


What Goes Around Comes Around. But Am I Comming Or
I can tell there aren't a lot of fishermen in this thread.


Buy A map of a Reservoir And it will tell you what they used at the bottm for habitat.

Trees, stumps and tires. So called professionals use milk crates and pvc pipes.

My thing is im a cheap bastard. And it doesn't seem right to throw that filter away. There's gotta be something I can do with it.

Ill probably be on the next episode of hoarders. lol