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How do you build Cardio while smoking bong hits everyday!??!


Active member
i would suggest not eating to close to a work out,1st cause when you eat somthing the fuel takes time to become useful to the body,about a day.the food you ate yesterday fuels
the workout for today.2nd when you eat your body uses a huge amount of blood for digestion so it all goes to your stomach,drawing oxygen enriched blood from the muscles your trying to workout,so when the body really needs the oxygen it vomits the food out,this may explain your nausea


Active member
A nice carb/BCAA combo drink pre-W helps a lot in way of endurance and preventing that nasty lactic acid buildup feeling. There's a bunch of pre-mixed ones available.

Citrulline malate is a very interesting supp for cardio as well...I forget the science/pathway, but after taking it for a couple weeks, really helps your muscles 'breathe', getting em oxygen quickly and helping clear out the lactic acid/urea/etc. I never liked cardio,, but I took CM for awhile couple years back and it actually made cardio more fun.

The one 'must' supplement IMO for everyone working out fairly serious is a quality protein drink. So many flavors (nice tasting fruit ones) and styles out now, there's no reason not to be chugging one down.

Nothing wrong with a lil cardio before lifting to get the blood flowing, but you definitely don't want to push it. you're essentially starting you're lifing in a catabolic state, which is a big no-no, if you're doing 'real' cardio than lifting. For me, morning jog and lifting only at night is where it's at.

Anyone have REAL info on the benefits/negatives of jogging on sand? Have heard some contradicting info, but it definitely kicks my ass.


Active member
Been a runner before and the best advice is to start slow..very slow...just jog and take breaks and jog some more....do it like your running around chasing a ball..make it fun

When you're puking ,hacking,complaining..... you're doing too much

If you run everyday...then increase the time run...but jog alot first before you run.

Running is different than jogging...running can be dangerous if you let the body (edorphines) take over then you're not going to feel any pain but then crashing later and quitting altogether.

When I started,,,I walked around the block for 2 weeks (25 minute walks)before starting any running.Really bypassed all the soreness that comes with running.

Most folks are right...never drink beer or whisky before you run...been there and it makes it harder to run or increase speed.

If you want the fast way to running...I recommend doing hill repeats...just run up a hill and walk down..easier on the legs,but it will tax your endurance

One mile of hill repeats is like 4 miles running on the straights in my experience..its just easier on the legs.

And don't smoke when reaching any running goals..
running has its own high!


me blunt is like, wicked yo!! owight
i dont know if anyone mentioned it already but, from a health/physiological point of view, wouldnt it make sense to just cook/bake with your cannabis instead of smoking?


Active member
i think the bananas are working, over the last 48 hours ive eaten mostly bananas, whole wheat, peanut butter, a little milk.

today on my 3 mile bike i am not really tired at all, i did 3 miles in 14 minutes which is alrite i guess, i just have no idea how im supposed to run that same distance in under 20 minutes!


Active member
i dont know if anyone mentioned it already but, from a health/physiological point of view, wouldnt it make sense to just cook/bake with your cannabis instead of smoking?

Great idea with a few drawbacks for most.....

#1 Takes more cannabis for the average person making edibles. Cannabis is already too expensive so unless you're growing or fortunate, it's not financially feasible.

#2 You'd be surprised how many people don't know how to cook. It's like growing. :D It's super delish and healthy, when done properly, and most people don't. :(

#3 Determining potency each batch of new street cannabis isn't usually feasible. Have to have a steady supply of consistent quality.

Other than that, it's a bitchin way to medicate. I've cooked a few batches of cookies myself and am working on making pills. Making progress one step at a time. :D


Active member
yea i dont like eating edibles, it would definately make me NOT want to work out.

i just did a half mile run and i started cramping up again, ARGH. maybe i should just stick to biking LOL..running is a BITCH.

but tommorow no joke, im gonna do a full mile and time it. im hoping i can do it in around 8 minutes, it will probably be about a 1/2 mile sprint followed by a small walk, followed by two more 1/4 mile run/walks, i still cannot run a full mile in one go, its just too hard on my chest/lungs right now. i try to do the mental fight and make my body keep running, but physically i fall short.


ICMag Donor
yea i dont like eating edibles, it would definately make me NOT want to work out.

i just did a half mile run and i started cramping up again, ARGH. maybe i should just stick to biking LOL..running is a BITCH.

but tommorow no joke, im gonna do a full mile and time it. im hoping i can do it in around 8 minutes, it will probably be about a 1/2 mile sprint followed by a small walk, followed by two more 1/4 mile run/walks, i still cannot run a full mile in one go, its just too hard on my chest/lungs right now. i try to do the mental fight and make my body keep running, but physically i fall short.

to really help build up your cardio, the heart needs to maintain it's pulse for a given period of time, and then needs a "rest state" and then needs to be brought back up for a period of time, then a rest state....repeat

To help this in your case, seeing how you can't run a full mile. Train a bit differently. If you are running around a track, I recommend you try this:

1. run/jog 1/4 mile (1 full lap) then walk back to one end of the track, and run a 400m sprint. Rest for about 60-90 seconds and then run another 1/4 mile. Walk back to the end of a straight, and run a 400m sprint. Repeating this may help you build up endurance a bit faster than simply running a straight mile at first. It will also encourage a more rounded muscle tone, as sprinting uses different muscles than a long distance run....or at least uses them in a different manner.



Active member
^yea thats sort of what im doing....i notice that i am able to recontrol my breathing relatively quick, back in the days if i ran around the block i would be tired for so long, now i am ready to go again pretty fast, and i feel good.

i dont run around a track, i run around my neighborhood, my street has two blocks, which is .5 miles long, then its a right turn and run for one block, then run two blocks back on a parallel street, then another right turn back to my house. One lap is like 1.1 miles, maybe a tad more.


yea i dont like eating edibles, it would definately make me NOT want to work out.

i just did a half mile run and i started cramping up again, ARGH. maybe i should just stick to biking LOL..running is a BITCH.

but tommorow no joke, im gonna do a full mile and time it. im hoping i can do it in around 8 minutes, it will probably be about a 1/2 mile sprint followed by a small walk, followed by two more 1/4 mile run/walks, i still cannot run a full mile in one go, its just too hard on my chest/lungs right now. i try to do the mental fight and make my body keep running, but physically i fall short.

It's good to read this dude, and what you said you were eating in the other post is top notch too.. add tuna and a protein bar to that and you basically have what I ate every day for lunch when I was lifting/playing sports :yes:

A few tips before you do the mile tomorrow:

DON'T SPRINT!! You are not completing a mile because you're not there yet, so you have to GET yourself there! You do this by WALKING the mile.. then JOGGING the mile... and then you will see the jog turn into a run over time...

I talked to a buddy of mine who ran track in college (I played baseball) and asked him a few questions to get his opinion on it... and here are my "upgraded" suggestons/tips for you!

I still suggest you start at the bottom..
WALK your mile tomorrow! You need to walk it for about a week to two weeks. I know you may think it sounds "girly" or it isn't what you WANT to be doing but you need to be able to do THIS before you can get to what you WANT.

My friend suggests picking one or two days a week to time yourself instead of every day... but definitely do your mile EVERY day. His reasoning was there will be days you just feel like shit and you won't beat your time, even when you should, and it's not because you didn't put in the effort. And if you feel/know you should beat it and don't then it is a feeling of loss/defeat when in fact you're succeeding just by the fact you're doing it.. does that make sense?

So I say keep up what you're doing... just tweak it. Walk a mile for 1-2, weeks... then start jogging. And as you try to beat the jogging time week after week it will turn into a run just to beat your time! Keep working on the mental aspect too.. the body is capable of MUCH, MUCH more than we realize but it is usually our own mind that gets in the way. You can talk to Marine/Seal/Green Beret types about that. Keep pushing and keep telling your bitch of a body that it is going to do it if it likes it or not!! (your mind and your body are separate beings in that scenario lol )

Oh.. and don't be upset if you don't reach 8 minutes tomorrow. That, imo, is a bit of a lofty goal. If you break the 7 minute barrier and get into 6:xx minutes by the time you are running you should feel very proud of yourself!! Most people can't run a 7 minute mile or even come close.. 7 minutes I think should be your "goal." When you get to running a 7 minute mile you will be in shape for sure and have reached your goal of drastically improving your cardio.

Just remember.. "walk before you can jog , jog before you can run" Start slow and work your way UP. I am pretty sure it takes something like 6 weeks of exercise for the body to show physiological change so keep that in mind and take your time getting yourself in good health, it'll be worth it and you will see constant improvement. Good luck and keep at it!


i think the bananas are working, over the last 48 hours ive eaten mostly bananas, whole wheat, peanut butter, a little milk.

today on my 3 mile bike i am not really tired at all, i did 3 miles in 14 minutes which is alrite i guess, i just have no idea how im supposed to run that same distance in under 20 minutes!

Hah, where did you get that you're supposed to be able to do 3 miles under 20 minutes? Let me tell you, if you can't even run a mile, you need to set your sights a little lower, lol.

In High School I ran track and cross-country for all 4 years, logging around 4000 miles in that time period (thats anywhere from 30 - 60 miles per week). Running a 5k under 20 minutes is something a novice runner can accomplish after months and months of training and some decent natural athleticism, but it's no easy feat. I started at around 19-20 minutes for the 5k and 5:20 for the mile, by my senior year I was down to 16:20 and 4:24.

The best advice I can give you is just to run as many easy miles as you can. These people suggesting interval training and sprints and whatnot don't really know what they speak of. That kind of training is essential later on, but since you're so out of shape it's going to be pointless right now. You need to build what we call a "base". This is done in the off season and consists of massive amounts of aerobic training. Aerobic means that you're body is replacing oxygen, aka jogging. Anaerobic means oxygen isn't replaced, aka sprints / intervals.

In short, for now I'd say run 3x a week. You need to be running for at least 20 minutes... so even if you have to take walk breaks just concentrate on the 20 minutes of exercise. Once a week it's good to go on a "long" run. Obviously you can't run very far but try and make it like 25-30 min.

Also, once you get in shape, running can actually be kinda fun.


hey man

good on ya for getting in shape

I am a person that once weighed 250 post college Lacrosse big macs cheesteaks I was 29 and realized that I may not make 40 like this. So I started to walk. Then walked faster....

now I weigh 170-175 and exercise regularly and eat better. no cheesteaks no big macs.

as for exercise I find it is easier to do it first thing in the morning. Prior to bong hits or eating anything other than some water to make sure you are hydrated.

I love the fact that you worked out till you felt like you were going to boot. That means you are working.

for recovery another great thing to eat is fresh Avocado. That is what the Tour De France boys eat everynight during Tour.

Just keep plugging away you will get better. my goal this summer is to complete 1 mile ocean swim then do 5 mile jog.....My plan it to do mini-triatholon in the next year.

By the way, I did not lose that weight overnight. I am 37 now and as they always say it really is about changing your lifestyle.

to address bong hits, I do not smoke before exercise. If I am exercising after work, I get home from work and exercise first. Then when I am done I get home and do some rippers.



Active member
yea for sure i gotta start small, so for now my goal is RUN = 1 Mile...and then im gonna bike a good 5 miles a day at least. and now i make it so that i CANNOT smokey smokey until i get at least 30 min of cardio everyday to offset the damage i do to my lungs daily. even though it might not be doing anything, its good for my mental because i feel like things are balanced.
i smoked this morning and went for a long walk interspersed with running. 4 or 5 miles. i was high, very high. it helps me enjoy the experience.


Active member
My mile time today was 7:30, i had to stop about 3 times during and walk for 30 seconds or so, but otherwise i feel great and it was a much better time than i expected, because the last mile time was like 9 minutes way back in high school.


Active member
My mile time today was 7:30, i had to stop about 3 times during and walk for 30 seconds or so, but otherwise i feel great and it was a much better time than i expected, because the last mile time was like 9 minutes way back in high school.
Awesome! :)

Keep at it.

There was the story of the guy who's doctor told him to take it easy or he'd have a heart attack. Needed double or triple bypass surgery, something like that.

Guy figures it's an easy way to commit suicide so he starts running every day.

Runs till he pukes and then gets up and runs home.

3-6 months later he's running over 20 miles a day or something wicked, goes in to see his doctor for tests and they show that his body had grown new veins and arteries around his blockages and he was healthy as a horse.

Wonder what he was eating? :D
^^^The human body is cool isn't it? It never ceases to amaze me at how the body compensates and adapts to try and keep functioning. He experienced what is known as collateral circulation(in regards to growing new blood vessels) It's out of the body's need to live because it knows the heart is failing. Everyones body is capable of doing this if you let it deterorate to that point. the dumb shit is lucky he didn't keel over and die though. sure they're new veins but they're still working harder to make up for the lack of blood flow elsewhere due to blockage. At least once or twice a year you hear of some sedentary fat dude who goes out to shovel his snowy drive way and bites the big one. That's what happens when you take a muscles that is used to years of doing nothing and then all of a sudden shock it by asking it to do a labor intensive task.


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