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How do you build Cardio while smoking bong hits everyday!??!


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public pools have memberships that are cheap works out too a buck a day. Most individuals will spen more on an Oz than the cost of a membership.


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jones, skarecrow, thanks all for the input.

hydro soil----argh milk is such a staple for me. but it sort of makes sense, i have been drinking milk since i was a kid, maybe that has contributed to by lung problems.

but ARHGH I LOVE MILK....seriously, the only drink that compliments a nice meal for me is a nice glass of vitamin D Whole Milk. fuck soda, fuck water, fuck juice, i love milk!!

The other night i ate sushi and tofu for dinner, but it only "touched" the spot, im still so hungry.

On another note, i went bikeriding tonight and hit a car! i was trying some no hands riding when all of a sudden i hit a Honda Civic and found myself on the ground. the cars mirror was busted off. i know its wrong, but i fled the scene, i feel bad but i really cant afford to pay for homies mirror right now.


Active member
hydro soil----argh milk is such a staple for me. but it sort of makes sense, i have been drinking milk since i was a kid, maybe that has contributed to by lung problems.

but ARHGH I LOVE MILK....seriously, the only drink that compliments a nice meal for me is a nice glass of vitamin D Whole Milk. fuck soda, fuck water, fuck juice, i love milk!!

The other night i ate sushi and tofu for dinner, but it only "touched" the spot, im still so hungry.

Just kidding. I've been there and yeah, it's nice to be able to pay for a screwup like that. :D Glad you're ok.

As for the milk? You won't miss the snot and mucus. It's why you can't breathe or run, I used to have the same problem :D (For nearly 40 years!)

You're going to have to eat more. I've found that the foods I'm supposed to eat don't fill me up and I have to eat more. I drink a lot of soy milk and that gives me a lot of protein.

Sushi doesn't fill me up either. LOL Salmon is good and heavy ;)

The more you can not eat the stuff you're supposed to avoid, the better you'll feel. The downside is that if you 'HAVE' to eat some of it, it's going to affect you more than it used to.

Kinda like having a dirty suit. A bit more mud doesn't matter. Once it's clean though, a tiny bit of mud stands out like a sore thumb.

Drink ONE glass of milk after 30 days of not having it and you'll never drink it again. I can't even stand the smell of it anymore LOL


St. Elsewhere
Agreed. I'm A negative, and I feel alot better when I stick to fruit, nuts, and fish. Milk and heavy meats are like lead-weights.


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DOH! yea sushi and tofu just doenst do the trick, i was still so hungry last night i lost my willpower and bought a Sourdough Jack.

what kind of fruits do you usually eat? it said for A that pineapple was good.

and when you say nuts, we we talking almonds? peanuts? cashews?


St. Elsewhere
Not in anyway trying to promote the Blood Type diet here, I know little of the specific avoids off-hand, but I notice what works for me. If you're A, stay away from alot of Tomatos. Lightly salted peanuts and various mixed nuts do the trick for munchies throughout the day. And fwiw, I had to run and get some pineapple after reading above. Sure, it's probably good for A's as well, but it's just damn-delicious.

Alot of people are skeptical of the legitimacy of the Blood Type Diet. (All must be scrutinized by representatives of the Church of Skepticism, after all) There has been alot of questioning what your blood has to do with digestion of foods. Personally, though, I think blood type has alot to do with alot of things, digestion may be only one on a long list. I've gotten to the point that I can pick out someone of the same blood type as me. They're usually lanky, bordering on Marfan's Syndrome, with very very pail skin and an affinity for blood-pressure related fall-outs.


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There has been alot of questioning what your blood has to do with digestion of foods.

It's actually very logical that it would have a lot to do with it.

The various blood types originated in different parts of the world with different food sources.

Just because we can travel to other lands and also import food from other places, doesn't mean we can eat it willy nilly.

This is an absolutely phenomenal breakthrough and needs to be spread around. :D

Miss Blunted

Resident Bongtender

It's possible to get your VO2 max up...it takes time and you should be stepping up speed, intensity and duration every week...and change up your activity. I like to do 20 min walk up a steep incline, then a stationary (or mountain) bike for 20 min. Contrary to some people's opinions...don't do cardio before you lift weights, if you do....you deplete too much glycogen and weaken your lifting a lot. Make your diet perfect...and honestly once you get a constant flow of endorphins flowing, you'll pick up your bong less...or at least that's how it is for me.


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damn, im tired as fuck.

So the past week ive been trying to max out my mile run, but i seem to have hit a plateau, i cannot run straight for more than half a mile. after a half a mile I MUST walk off at least a few minutes or i am seriously gonna hyperventilate. the good news is that my breathing recovery is relatively faster, so i only need a few minutes rest before my breathing is back to normal and i can run again.

today i did a half mile run, biked 2 miles hardcore biking (no coasting), then when i got home from the bike ride i did a half block run which was probably like 1/4 mile.

I am so fucking tired, my muscles feel like they are cramping up in my jawbone which is weird. My legs feel good, but my head just feels exhausted. i drank water and ate a PBJ before my workout, maybe my nutrition intake still needs tweaking.

I started cramping up in my chest on the last run too, probably from the water.

Whats the best way to avoid cramps, and once you get a cramp, whats the best way to get rid of it?


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damn i just feel so drained sometimes, nauseous, like puking but not actually puking. what should i be eating/drinking to avoid this??


St. Elsewhere
Whatever you do, don't sit down while your have a post-run cramp. Walk it out. Hands on your head. Breathing's my major problem, too. Calling cadence and breathing exercises should help you there.


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I just went for a run and coughed up nothing but black mucus. I coughed so much I puked. I think I should stop smoking and maybe just walk for now. That black stuff is probably all over my lungs


Damn Yes4Prop215... I in NO WAY want to sound rude, but dude it just sounds like your badly out of shape.

First off, I think you're going about your mile the wrong way. Instead of taking it full speed ahead until you can do a mile... do it in reverse. Here is an example of what I personally would do if I were in your shoes

1. STRETCH! Take a good 10-15 minutes and loosen up. Stretch your hamstrings, quads, calves, hips, back, etc. Just get a really good stretch going on. Hold a stretch for 10 good seconds, no bouncing!, and then release. Do each stretch a couple times holding the 10 count.

2. Warm up jog. Take that half block jog you said... like taking a warm up lap around the track. Get the heart kick started, get the blood flowing, get the joints a'moving.

3. Do your MILE. I don't give a hoot how you do it... but you've got to quit this half mile stuff. WALK a mile. Time it. WALK a mile the next day and try to beat yesterday's time. Speedwalking a mile is no joke.. don't laugh. Once you are comfortable with the distance, and you've walked (quickly) a mile for 1-2 weeks, JOG a mile (it is important to pace yourself, too. Don't take off at an unreasonable pace and burn yourself out by the half mile, which sounds like what you're doing now... when I say jog I mean take off at a pace a bit quicker than speedwalking and keep that pace for the entire mile.. as a matter of fact, try and gauge yourself so on the last 200 meters or so you have just enough gas to SPRINT. It is a mind thing, knowing you are almost done, knowing you have already put yourself through the hell... and all you've got to do is sprint for 200 meters and its over). Continue to time your mile. Jog it while timing, and beat it the next day.

But dude you have to get this one thing in your head ---- > Don't quit!!!! DO NOT quit on your mile!! If you have to slow your JOG to a crawl, do it.. but for the love of god don't quit.. this is something you are going to have to change is your mental approach if you are going to do any sort of "long distance" running.. PUSH, PUSH, PUSH. Push yourself, push yourself each day and you will see improvements... there will be no plateaus. After a week or two of jogging a mile, pushing yourself to beat each previous time, you will see your jog turn into a run. The key for you is ALWAYS do a mile. ALWAYS time it. And ALWAYS try and beat it the next day. But don't forget the old saying "You've got to crawl before you can walk" .. Well in your case, "You've got to walk before you can jog and jog before you can run"

4. After your mile, I would suggest walking another 800 meters or so. Cool down.

As far as your diet goes... High protein, mid-high carb, lots of fruits and veggies, low fats, low salts, low sugar, etc. Changing your eating habits is a big step. For proteins you have your fish (tuna is phenominal for lunch), chicken, and beef in moderation is okay... but go for the leanest beef you can if you are doing burgers. Whole grain breads. Apples, oranges, grapes, peaches, plums, etc... Veggies! Cut OUT the fast food... I know some people have a hard time with that but it is entirely possible (and much much much healthier) to simply never eat fast food. Personally I haven't eaten fast food in years... I do eat out occasionally but never at a fast food chain. And cut out the processed foods as much as possible. Anything that is already prepared for you and ready to go usually is high in sodium and isn't very good for you. Oh, and no more pop or beer!! Yup I said it, no beer. If you want to get drunk, drink liquor! Beer is loaded with carbs and calories compared to liquor. Replace pop with thinks like fruit juices, sports drinks like gatorade or powerade, vitamin water, etc... Too many tasty healthy drinks out there to be drinking pop!

As far as your cramping goes... it's usually because of lack of hydration. Just stay hydrated well, eat fruit before you jog (good calories) and you should be okay as far as cramping goes. But don't go overboard with the water before you run or you will just slosh it all around your belly and puke it up :)

And the drained / nauseous feeling is one of two things... out of shape, or what I like to call "the good hurt." You will always know when you have been through a good workout because you will FEEL it... you will feel what very obviously is pain and discomfort. The good hurt :) If you just got done doing a workout and you feel like roses, you didn't really workout. I always associated the good hurt with a sense of accomplishment and pride because I knew I challenged myself that day. Keep in mind there is also a "bad hurt" which is something like a strained hamstring or pulled quad or whatever... I am just talking about that brief window of time from when you have spent all your energy until you regain it.

I hope you find this all helpful and encouraging, that's what it's meant to be. Most people don't even have the drive to take care of their bodies but I can assure you that you've done the hardest part and that is starting. It's all down hill from here and the benefits like raised endorphin levels, more energy throughout the day, better mood, more confidence, etc etc it will all outweigh any bit of discomfort you feel while pushing yourself through a mile.


Active member
damn i just feel so drained sometimes, nauseous, like puking but not actually puking. what should i be eating/drinking to avoid this??
Cramping can be helped with bananas for more potassium.

Keep cutting out the diary. It will take 2-3 weeks for your body to clear all that mucus out and you'll be able to run farther.

Cut out as much refined sugar as possible and if you're drinking soy-milk.... switch to the unsweetened stuff now. All the other junk has loads of cane-juice sugar that won't help you.

Way to keep at it. If you really get that nauseated, back off on the intensity of the training a bit. Remember that you're not trying to kill yourself :)
Contrary to some people's opinions...don't do cardio before you lift weights, if you do....you deplete too much glycogen and weaken your lifting a lot. Make your diet perfect...and honestly once you get a constant flow of endorphins flowing, you'll pick up your bong less...or at least that's how it is for me.

That's a myth that's been dispelled. The fuel your body burns all depends on the intensity at which you exercise. A good majority of people don't push themselves hard enough to even become remotely worried about glycogen depletion.(unless you're diabetic) Seing as how everyone is different the old addage of "what's good for the goose is good for the gander" doesn't work with this. Meaning just because something works well for one person doesn't mean it will work well for others. I do 10-15 minutes of interval training on the treadmill before each workout. I don't consider it cardio but it is VERY beneficial. It get's your heart rate up, brings blood into the muscles, and warms up the joints. Most importantly it fires up the neurological system. All of these make your workout more effecient and reduce chance of injury. ANYONE can achieve these benefits with some form of warm up before a workout, it doesn't have to be a treadmill. It can be cardio equipment, skipping, callisthetics, etc... Just get the heart pumping and muscles warmed up. NO stretching either. Save that for AFTER your workout.


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