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How do you build Cardio while smoking bong hits everyday!??!


Active member
vaporize or only smoke jsut as a nightcap.

The harder you train, the more you will gain and the more breaks you take the less ground you'll make

This is not true if you are out of shape.

It is pretty easy to force yourself and then getting injuries setting you back.

Just go on a track with the right soft surface. Buy yourself a polar watch to monitor your heartrate.

Stay under the 160 for the first 2 months.

Just do a warmup stretch begin jogging and as soon as you hit 160 you start walking again untill your heart rate drops to 110-120 then begin jogging again.

You will see the longer you will do this the longer it will take for you to reach 160 , it's a great way of measuring your progress.

3 times a week is enough.

The days you don't jog u can go walking.

this way you can strenghten all the little muscles in your feet which give you balance.

After a few motnhs you can start intensifying your training.

This is the safest and most effective way to build your cardio without risk of injuries.

swimming once a week is also good the become supple and have upper body work out.

Seismic gave good advice about nutrients , if u don't eat well u will burn out and feel tired all the time


Active member
i think it helps when you vary your excersizes throughout the week when i started out running a mile i would start monday with running a mile as fast as possible,record you time it doesnt matter if you stopped and walk or drink water you need water and your mile time will improve.then on tuesday i will try to run 3 miles very slowly like at 5mph,again slowing or taking a little brake wont matter as long as your trying,and on a wendsday will be light weights with the mile sprint and you want to weight train with the same joints you use as running such as your ankle,knee and hips,so squats and the like, are going to help alot.but if you follow this plan you can change the INTENSITY,DURATION and SPEED of your workout to suit your needs as long as you always strive for improvment and eat right you should see huge gains


Active member
also smoke after you work out,and repeat the plan for thur,fri,sat and sunday i usually take off


If you are just trying to get in shape, consider the reality that running sucks a bag of dicks.

LOL! thanks for the laugh, man. I'm a runner, and I frequently agree. I find the mental challenge to be a big part of the reward. Yeah, it hurts -- that's the f'in point!

Oh, and vaporize!


Active member
Lol moving..."running sucks a big bag of dicks"

yeah i somewhat agree, im about to go do a 1/2 + 1/2 before i start work.

i will try and do 30-45 minutes on the bike later today.

i read that 5 miles on a bike equals a little over a mile in running, i like biking more but i gotta bike 15 miles to get the same workout as running three miles.


I just wanted to agree with that running (and training as a whole) are more about mental strength then physical.

I often do 11km (about 6,8 miles I think) and it is the first 4-5km that are the hardest, after that you just zone out and just put one leg in front of the other over and over again without thinking at all.

And if you quit as soon as you think "I cant go on anylonger" you are not using your full potential! People have done some amazing things by not quitting.

If you throw up you have pushed yourself pretty good, a actually kind of enjoy throwing up from haard workout. After it feels like you have done some good. As a fun note I threw up 24 times under my year of military training, but I was quite fit when I got abducted for a year.

If you really want to build up your cardio, do what we here where I live (Europe) call Interval running. Basicly you jog for 30sek and then do a sprint at about 80% of your maximum pulse for 30sek. Repeat that 15times. There are many different ways to do this but the principle is; Slow, Fast, Slow, Fast.
If you do your best every time you will actually feel a difference between every run.
Btw. It is scientificly proven that running intervals improve your cardio far more than just running at the same speed.

Intervals can be used on your bike to ;)


Active member
its really hard physically for me right now, like i did a good mile today, it felt good, but i had to do it in spurts, i can run like 1/2 then i gotta stop and walk for like 20 seconds with my hands on my head before i can start running again.

my lungs feel like they are gonna burst! im trying to exceed my mental threshold but i guess i gotta get my lungs up to par first.

it feels good after running though, my mind feels very clear.


Lammen Gorthaur
A bloody balls-up it is, mate. I hate the idea of running. I do 100 pushups a day and 100 situps (4 sets of 25), but I'm still too heavy by 20 pounds. I know the next step is running, but I've been holding off because I'm getting older (late 40s - shhh, don't tell Mrs. MPD) and things start to get harder when you get up there. K+

I do the stairs at lunch and it certainly helps. Maybe that would help you build lung capacity...


To make things easier on yourself, you should always eat fats that come from vegetables in whole form such as avocado and nuts and seeds.

The reason is because your body uses fat for fuel when it is doing extensive exercises(running) and sugars(carbohydrates) when it is doing short intense exercises(weightlifting).

Most people can't do a lot of running because they don't eat a lot of vegetable fats and eat loads of carbs which isn't a good source of fuel for the body when it is constantly moving such as running and this is why they feel like they are pushing themselves and not just moving smoothly.

Along with eating the avocado, nuts and seeds an hour before working out, drink some green tea to help your body make use of the fat faster which will help you get into the zone quicker and make running enjoyable.

Also make sure you eat these foods within an hour after working out so you won't lose a lot protein and also to repair what was lost. If you eat an avocado and no nuts and seeds eat some type of protein with it such as a piece of chicken or beans and rice.

Green tea extract:


Don't eat anything heavy more than 2 hrs before you go out next time. Fruit or a granola bar is alright. Dairy apparently doesn't sit right with ya so scrap that and save it for after the run. Reason you don't wanna eat anything heavy is that alot of blood will then be routed to the stomach for digestion therefore less in the muscles for efficient work. This can also lead to nausea and vommitting as well.


This somewhat true but to make it not happen just eat some ginger daily but best before a workout.


Yes the interval training is pretty hard but the rewards are great!
Even if you do half the distance your cardio would improve more than doing double in the same speed. It isnt so much how far you run, just how hard you work.

If you got a steep hill you can use that instead of spurts, just run as fast as you can to the top (after warming up ofcourse) and walk down. And as soon as you come back to the starting point you do another run as fast as you can. And over and over, this will both burn fat and increase your cardio very very effectively.

Well I think the problem is that you don't get 70-80% of your maximum pulse in those spurts. I think your heart rate is peaked in those spurts. Which means you run out of gas quick. Buy a pulse watch, it's by faaar the best training equipment I ever bought! Then you dont have do work harder then exactly 70%, which compeered to 90% or so is huuge!

If you have to walk, then you have to. But trust me you can do it without walking, you just need to learn to push yourself farther than you think is possible for you to do. I learnt it the hard way, by having a lieutenant screaming in my ear ;)

Of course the lungs feel like they gonna burst, You haven't used them in the proper way in the past! It isn't dangerous, it just means that the "lazy you" is wanting to quit, think about that next time and I promise you that you will do at least a couple of steps more then you thought was possible ;)


I forgot to mention getting a powerlung will help also because it will train your lungs to take in more oxygen then usual and this is what burns fat which is used for energy as well as making hormones which aid in fast growth.



Yes the interval training is pretty hard but the rewards are great!
Even if you do half the distance your cardio would improve more than doing double in the same speed. It isnt so much how far you run, just how hard you work.

If you got a steep hill you can use that instead of spurts, just run as fast as you can to the top (after warming up ofcourse) and walk down. And as soon as you come back to the starting point you do another run as fast as you can. And over and over, this will both burn fat and increase your cardio very very effectively.

Well I think the problem is that you don't get 70-80% of your maximum pulse in those spurts. I think your heart rate is peaked in those spurts. Which means you run out of gas quick. Buy a pulse watch, it's by faaar the best training equipment I ever bought! Then you dont have do work harder then exactly 70%, which compeered to 90% or so is huuge!

If you have to walk, then you have to. But trust me you can do it without walking, you just need to learn to push yourself farther than you think is possible for you to do. I learnt it the hard way, by having a lieutenant screaming in my ear ;)

Of course the lungs feel like they gonna burst, You haven't used them in the proper way in the past! It isn't dangerous, it just means that the "lazy you" is wanting to quit, think about that next time and I promise you that you will do at least a couple of steps more then you thought was possible ;)

Yeah this is definitely true!.

When I started exercising until failure I noticed I made gains quicker than if I were to do a lot sets.

I think when you push yourself to the limit, the body recognizes that it has to get stronger for the next time you do whatever it is you are doing. Sort of like when you cut a plant at it's inter nodes, it grows back two instead of just one.


Answer to a post a little higher up.

Well Truthman it isnt as black an white as that!

If you do about 60% you use 50% glucose and 50% lepider (aint sure what it is in english).

If you increase to 70-80-90% then the use of lepider (fat) as fule is decrased and the usage of glucose (carbs) rise.

All this is because the muscles need oxygen to use the fat as fule and your lungs can't supply that if you go over 70%.

That is pretty much why people also say that you should do a low intensity workout for a longer time just to make the body use the fat as fule and by this lose the fat. BUT and this is a big but, when you workout over 70% you trigger the metabolism in your body to go into overdrive and because of that you actually burn more fat measured over a longer period of time than measured just over the actual workout.


Answer to a post a little higher up.

Well Truthman it isnt as black an white as that!

If you do about 60% you use 50% glucose and 50% lepider (aint sure what it is in english).

If you increase to 70-80-90% then the use of lepider (fat) as fule is decrased and the usage of glucose (carbs) rise.

All this is because the muscles need oxygen to use the fat as fule and your lungs can't supply that if you go over 70%.

That is pretty much why people also say that you should do a low intensity workout for a longer time just to make the body use the fat as fule and by this lose the fat. BUT and this is a big but, when you workout over 70% you trigger the metabolism in your body to go into overdrive and because of that you actually burn more fat measured over a longer period of time than measured just over the actual workout.
. De som styr är alltså om musklerna kan utvinna energi med eller utan tillgång till syre.

Därav säger man ibland åt folk att arbete lågintensivt för att maximera fettförbränningen ( musklerna har tillgång till syre ) ch kan därför använda fett som dess huvudsakliga energikälla.

This is why I said to drink green tea because somehow it speeds the process up. It also why I recommended the powerlung.

Also, aromatic herbs actually helps this process also but I won't go into that.

Check this out:

Green tea plus exercise speeds the loss of tummy fat


Green Tea Extract Boosts Exercise Endurance 8-24%, Utilizing Fat As Energy Source


Truthman. Isn't it great to exercise to failure ;) I love it !

But as a sidenote, DO NOT lift weights until failure! The last rep should be 100% completed and unassisted. And there you also have this "the body learns that it has to.." but you dont give it a proper chance to learn (the full motion it has to do) if the last rep is uncompleted. This isn't as important with arms and legs but as far as back, chest and shoulder training goes you should apply this method.

The former nordic junior champ in bench press (do you call it that in the states?) used this and he could lift 140kg, and that was when we were stuck in the military. In other words, no sleep, hard ass work, and poor food. I dropped my jaw to the floor when he did that. The officers couldn't believe their eyes to, they were even exhausted by giving us the morning exercise and then he just walk in to the gym and does 140kg. That is insane in my book. But there you go, Mind over matter ;)


Ahh ! Got to check out that green tea!

Cannabis does also have a positive effect on training, but mostly when you do something more damaging to the muscles (more than normal exercise) like longdistance and lifting weights.

EDIT: Drugs and exercise don't mix ....if you do them at the same time ;)


Active member
If you have pain in your lungs u gotta begin smoking less or vape period.

Thats the reason i began to vape.

i quit fitness and power training 2 years ago cuz of my lungs.

Now that i vape and quit tobacco i can breathe fine but my overall condition is a shadow of what it was before:(

thats why now i will slowly begin training my basic condition with running, biking , guerilla growing and swimming and then when i can go up a certain hill with my mountainbike without being out of breath i will begin training again.

U need oxigen when doing sports , it makes a world of difference