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How do you become confident


Active member
sounds like you took your first step to becoming what you want anyway.. so many of us get into places like that and never do what you did..

still your problems in life stem internally so you could be lacking mental stimulation and the atrophication is like hot needles causing turmoil in what you expected from life or maybe you dont even know enough about yourself ,,

cannabis is a plant teacher after all, one of many tools used by humans to guide them and heal their thinking,,, but when people get to certain points in life other entheogens would have been classically used to initiate you out of and into another level of thinking..

maybe the reason you came onto here to make this thread is because you subconsciously know that entheogens are what you need,,

if i were the village shaman i would send you off to the "journey" hut where you would be fed mushrooms or peyote till you tripped balls and were able to ask all the questions of your innerself and also be able to see your destinies clearer,, but thesedays you just get given antidepressants which like all "western medicine" doesnt cure the root problem,,

what are entheogens man? I think i need a few of those....:thank you: