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how cannabis friendly is it where you live


Active member
can other people tell that you smoke
do you get looked at or treated differently cause you smoke
do you see a lot of other people who smoke when your out

what is it like where you live


California is very Friendly

But you might want to stay out of Bakers-field ..oh that going to kill in Kern County


kinda lax.

were in a tweener period. not legal but not illegal.

can still have the dogs sicked on your vehicle but will leave with only a fine unless youre dealing.

growing is still a big deal. but everyone fuckin smokes


Active member
Extremely friendly were I live....ya can bring all the weed ya want to my house,just dont let the cops get ya comin or leavin!!:wave:


LoL i like the way you put that Rojo !

Weed is a forbidden fruit here. Of course a lot of ppl smoke but the laws are harrrrssshhh.


Oklahoma is not bud friendly at all! I love my state but I hate our laws.
At least our people are a lot more friendly than our laws.


Its completely legal and accepted where I live, however as soon as you step out the front door...

In my town I would bet 50% grow OD and the other 50% are trimmers, at least it seems like it. Weed is pretty well tolerated, except by the seniors who are still stuck in the prohibition era. Basically if you dont be toooo obvious no one cares. I have seen 10' tall plants 50' from the roads many times.

Im in Nor-Cal, Butte County.

I just remembered a story from the year before last..haha.. this dude had an easily 3 lb plant in his front yard under a raggy costco carport, 25 feet from a very major road, the property he was on is part of/owned by the congregational church too... His plant was hanging out all over the place, like a bad bikini . The kicker was his driveway was 2 driveways down and across the street from the cop shop & they couldnt/didnt do shit. he had his 215 paperwork clearly displayed and it appeared to be a late finisher because it was there till Nov. There wasnt any grown going on this year there though...

Miss Blunted

Resident Bongtender
Pretty fricken' friendly my way...hope it stays this way and keeps progressing in our favor:) We used to be the motor state, now...we have weed:D


Active member
extremely cool the cops dont care much. i can sit on my porch and toke all day without any issues. i also walk down the street smoking weed. people here preferr it to tobacco. i get stranger looks when i smoke a ciggie


Active member

fuck florida. i once got arrested for just a roach paper. it stuck to the cops fingernail as he was checking my pocket. wasnt enough to test 2 times and my lawyer got it dropped.florida will repo your car over a dimebag purchase. glad i am in cali now


Active member
the law is not frinedly towards marijuana where i live
a couple plants and you'll be fucked and we probably have as many helicopter flyovers as you guys see in cali
i moved outta the woods because they were flyin over my property every couple days some summers
people don't really mind it. a lot of the same families have been growing here since forever

just gotta watch out for that fucking law dog


Old School Cottonmouth
Where I live its sorta bizarre I guess. Its very illegal but we have so many murders, rapes, robberies, etc that the police are really busy on other stuff.

Its not that they won't arrest you if they find it on a traffic stop or something, but they aren't in any specific quest to bust stoners.

I know a few people that got off with just getting their stash taken. Its not really common though.


You can pretty much smoke anywhere here unless there is a city ordinance, cops wont usually do anything so long as your not acting like a fool. In the cities its not uncommon for peeps to just walk down the street smoking a blunt or smoke a joint in the park.

Im kind of a private smoker by nature and dont look like a rasta or hippy, im a pretty clean cut guy most people are surprised when they find out I smoke. I am happy to just to smoke in my house or in the woods, altho sometimes we'll openly rip the 4 footer in my friends back yard no one seems to care.

Pretty much everybody smokes but no one walks around like "hey I got weed its 420!". I dont smoke with people I dont know, and would never bring it up in public, unless maybe you caught me puffing on a mountain top and were friendly :wave:


I dont smoke with people I dont know, and would never bring it up in public, unless maybe you caught me puffing on a mountain top and were friendly :wave:

i see you on the mountain im waving back and i agree with you lots, no puff unless i know you and yeah i don talk about it unless someoneelse brings it up

that being said ive been pulled over with herb and bubbler in car and asked politley to put it away and have a nice day...that sums it up...but the fed covers us all and they are gay as fuck so be careful


stone fool
Here on the prairie, there is very little crime, and lots of leo, with lots of funding. The wod is a daily problem here, there is weed, but I only know it cause I read about the busts. And everybody is guilty at trial here and goes to jail, unless they have no prior criminal history. No such thing as a fair trial.

It has been over six years since I smoked a joint with anyone, letting anyone here know I smoke could eventully get me busted. I look like the county sheriff, because that is the safest thing I can do, cops do not hassle folks here that look like their boss, good ole boys can get a pass now and then if they stay calm.



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