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how big the plant need to be before 12/12 ?


New member
sucks about the hermis man, other than that you did a nice job.

hope you still pull some nice nugs off em.

how close is your light to your plants"???
36 cm from the plant... jchesmore722

I dont know kgaleel, its was light leak who stresst out my 2 smaller plants, i think its light leak both times no pollenat..... thanks everyone, next grow i will fix something around my grow area... thanks is buds with seeds useless?
If these are selfed seeds, then keep them and grow them out next time. I have had a few plants that have become selfed and I try to get them this way by letting them go to long. I have had 4 different plants that were selfed and each plant I found around 20-30 seeds out of around 4 oz's of bud, one plant. Each and every one of those seeds, around 30 so far i have grown out, have turned female with no seeds.
But if these are seeds because another male in the room pollinated them then I would keep those as well as you now have a cross. Now, if this is a hermie which will seed like crazy, then do not waste your time growing them.
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hey jah, i personally don't see the point in keeping any kinds of seeds except male-female bred top genetics. never grow out hermie seeds - they are genetically inferior. think about it... the female plant is stressed, thinks the end is coming soon whether because of heat or whether she's confused because of light variation and thinks the world is about to end, etc., she says "well i might not be able to mate and get a good dose of genetic diversity for my offspring, but i can at least pollenate myself and maybe have another shot next year." (that's what it sounds like in my head lol) if you took one plant and self-seeded / herm'd it out over and over and over again, eventually you would have a plant that barely resembled female buds at all. like making a copy of a copy of a copy. or like inbreeding (no offense southern growers yikes jk). not a diverse enough genetic pool. so its your call. lesser genetics are better than none, but if you can get good genes (quality seeds from a female plant that's been seeded by a male) do so man. you'll notice the difference, for sure. i promise. :yes:

the bud will be fine, just not as strong or weighty as if it had gone full term. (this is how we have the wonderful thing called schwaggg) smoke the weed if it's already grown, or make it into hash / budder if it's too harsh to smoke.
khaleel thanks, ++ for everyone who helped me trow this grow, i have started new grown but ripped of the plant, moving soon ! thanks everyone, sus ! see u soon