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how are my girls looking?



Howdy all I just wanted some feed back on how my plants were looking. they're 10 days from seed under a 130w 6400k 8000 lumen cfl, and 2 48w cfls 1 5000k and 1 2700k and there about 4 inches from the tops. I made the classic noob mistake of overwatering to begin with but i think they're starting to bounce back even though growth seems alittle slow. They've been getting canna rhizotonic at 4ml per L every second watering and they got some gogo juice yesterday which is a soil probiotic. My soil mix is 60% soil, 25% coco, and 15% perlite with dolomite lime. There on a 20/4 schedule and are in 500ml pots. I think that's everything....... Cheers


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Space Ghost

they look OK (well sorta)

They are over watered and a bit stretched. I see you have a fan, so really get those cfl's close, about 1-1.5" away.

Also, quit hitting them with inoculates and additives. Once you inoculate, it's done, just let the stuff colonize. What is your pH? As it may be off a little....

Good start though! Strain?



The 9 on the left and the close up on the right are bc big bud and the 3 on the right and the close up on the left are dinafem shark attack, and the only real concern I have at the moment is the slight droop in some of the leaves of the bc's and the mild purpling of the stems and tips of the leaves. I don't know what this is or if its a problem but if it is I assume its from me overwatering. Thanks

Space Ghost

The drooping and yellowing/purpling is indeed from over-watering, i've seen it many times.

They will bounce back, just suppress any urges to water or feed to "speed things up" It's a plant, just LET it grow, don't force it to grow.

Nice strains btw.


Thanks space ghost, the soil ph'd at 7 and the water I use is filtered and has a ppm of 90 which I ph to 6.5. The gogo juice I only added once which was for the unammended soil and has little nutrients in it so I thought it would be ok. And the rhizotonic is supposed to help root production so I thought I was doing the right thing but ive backed off the dose now. Like I said I overwatered to begin with watering alittle each day panicing that they're roots would dry up but now I've let them go until I saw signs that they need water which was about 2 1/2 days so if I check every 2 two days and water then I should be sweet.


Active member
Just feed them water for a while. They are freaking fried out. If there is any weight to the cups, do not water.


Just feed them water for a while. They are freaking fried out. If there is any weight to the cups, do not water.

They shouldn't be fried yet should they I haven't given any nutes yet. Canna rhizotonic is a plant tonic and is only N 0.6, P 0.2, K 0.6 and says on the back can be used on seedlings. So should I stop rhizotonic till they hit the veg stage?

I just read the pfd file on the gogo juice and its N 1, P 0.05, K 0.15 could that have been it?


Active member
They shouldn't be fried yet should they I haven't given any nutes yet. Canna rhizotonic is a plant tonic and is only N 0.6, P 0.2, K 0.6 and says on the back can be used on seedlings. So should I stop rhizotonic till they hit the veg stage?

I just read the pfd file on the gogo juice and its N 1, P 0.05, K 0.15 could that have been it?

Just give them water until they get a couple sets of leaves going. I would stop all additives, you don't need them, you are just making this a more confusing science project for yourself.

Stop the additives and get the over watering in check and everything will rebound for you. Then you can work on getting some veg food for them.


I'm gonna agree with a couple of the posts above.....I'd stop all "nutrients," including the very low dose additives you are using. personally, I never feed anything until about 14 days old, and my soil mix is nothing more than promix and perlite (completely nutrient free right out of the bag). Seeds themselves have enough nutrients stored within to get them going well enough.
Second, slow down on the watering. Give your roots a chance to develop.
Also, I would check the ph of your soil. The addition of lime in your mix may have lowered your ph too much.
good luck


I'm gonna agree with a couple of the posts above.....I'd stop all "nutrients," including the very low dose additives you are using. personally, I never feed anything until about 14 days old, and my soil mix is nothing more than promix and perlite (completely nutrient free right out of the bag). Seeds themselves have enough nutrients stored within to get them going well enough.
Second, slow down on the watering. Give your roots a chance to develop.
Also, I would check the ph of your soil. The addition of lime in your mix may have lowered your ph too much.
good luck

Soil ph is 7 and I'm watering with water ph'd to 6.5.


Will do mate, I'm gonna pick up a moisture meter soon just to make it a little easier.


Will do mate, I'm gonna pick up a moisture meter soon just to make it a little easier.

good idea. If you wanted to save money on that, learn how to gauge moisture by weight of the pots. Fill a container the size of what you are using with your medium completely dry and note how light it feels. When your planted pots feel the same weight, you know it's time to water.

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