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How about this license size


Bud Bug

I've been to three friggin doctors and two specialists trying to get someone to sign my forms. People with 365 plants discredit the whole program in the eyes of the uneducated and make it harder for others to get their card.

You just proved it to yourself that no one else but the doctors are the ones who make if hard for you to get your license.


Active member
No, of course not. What will happen is the media will sensationalize the story. Every single person, including you knows nobody smoked 79 grams a day, nobody.

These are the kinds of cases that make the government go back and scrutinize the program and set regulations. Do not for a second think that huge plant numbers is a good thing for the program or the pot movement. It will only be viewed in one way, negative. I should know. I write a lot of policies for the Ministry of Child and Family Development. Mascarading around wagging your dick in the governments face only leads to changes. None will be in our favor.

We all know that size is ridiculous. Like I've said, there's no longevity when greed becomes the motivating factor, but good for him. He has a year to get rich.

Your ignorance is amazing.

The so called "dick waggers" as you respectfully refer to them are the only reason we have
what we do today.The MMAD was forced into creation, the government and health canada did
not want it.

Each time they have tried to enforce or impose new or old acts and regulations they
have lost when challenged, this is because they infringe on our rights and freedoms, your fears and mongering of it are

Are you not a part of a collective, the kcc? I do not believe they are adhering to the MMAR, as HC
has yet to comply with the long standing court order to allow collectives and compassion clubs to operate, as made
evident by HC and the Gov's response and/or involvement with recent club raids.

You missing the big point of plant count. Again, plant count alone has no quantitative bearing to
production or medicinal quality and value. There are many advantages and impediments to either
low numbers or high numbers, its all about the circumstances.

A megawatt spit between 100 licenses providing for a 1000 legit medical users, is different
than a megawatt on one license providing for the same 1000 users? If the medication is
produced and distributed by medical growers to users than whats the difference?

Less limitations and regulations will only lead to better quality medicine at a lower cost to the patients.
How is that not compassion?

Your fear mongering of what the media and public will think is revealing and humorous.
A majority of canadians are in favor of full legalization, and even more for medical use.
With only one or two percent of medical patients having "authorized" access to medical
cannabis I highly doubt the hundreds of thousands being denied access will mind if the program
becomes more open and free and the results following.

right now the common compassionate business plan is; whomever's license is being used for production gets
free medicine, the members of the club/collective who have a doctors note,(meaning they've been denied
a official endorsement for the MMAD) have to pay the full price, or commercial black market cost which is $150 - $300 per ounce.

This is wrong, and is the result of a seriously flawed, infringing and criminally negligent program, the MMAD.


Active member
Numbers will become the least of our worries if Darth Sweater Jacket gets a majority on May 2...

Don't forget, he already has come after cannabis... twice - C-15 and S-10. Only the opposition stopped it. With majority, I don't put it past him to try to undo the mmad as well. He hates cannabis, plain and simple, and I don't see him doing us any good at all.

High numbers will only play into his game. Hopefully I'm wrong, but my gut seldom is... :fsu:



just don't molest my colas..
what are the regulations as far as what is considered a plant by mmar? i can see a lot of uses for 365 plants for one person. especially if someone is breeding and selecting for medicinal value in their herb. I could imagine 20 lights of flowering, 10 lights for veg/breeding would definitely get close to 365, but not that many of the plants would be mature flowering useable medicine.

Bud Bug

what are the regulations as far as what is considered a plant by mmar? .

This is of their site and is the guideline for what size plants people should be growing.


The seeds are obtained from a strain of pistillate (female) Cannabis sativa L. 'Indica' (marihuana), which produced plants described as moderate in height (90-120 cm) with a moderate degree of branching (10-15 side branches) from the main stalk. The main stalk (branch) terminates in a dense, conical, resin laden flowering head of an average length of 25-45 cm, and the side branches bear smaller resin laden flowering heads.

The reason they don't want to restrict the numbers too much is because they don't want to be taken to court and end up setting a precedent. Its easier to just give it to the patient and be done with it then to get sued.


just don't molest my colas..
interesting. so they only categorize flowering plants as medicine, or it's just a gray area in the law? cause down here most states specify a number of plants period, or split it up between flowering and veg plants.

looking at the table they provide on other parts of the site, seems at my current intake I'd be licensed for at least 50 plants for myself.
Still don't know why someone needs 365 plants....why is the answer being avoided?
Tincture is one word,it tells me nothing by it's self!

Bud Bug

Still don't know why someone needs 365 plants....why is the answer being avoided?
Tincture is one word,it tells me nothing by it's self!

Why not that many plants? Why does it have to be small numbers? Why do people assume that because its a large number all of a sudden someone is growing for profit? All the people that I know that grow for profit have small licenses in the 15-49 plant area.

No one is avoiding the answer, the doctor felt thats what was needed for the delivery methods used so they went with that number.


Genetic Resource Management
Who said they were going to be growing trees for profit? Where does it say any of the medicine will be sold?

It clearly states the cannabis will be used to create creams, and is not for smoking consumption..... so the whole argument that one person can't smoke that much cannabis per day is irrelevant.

More importantly, why does anyone have an opinion on what a doctor has recommended their patient use as a dosage for their medicine? It's nobody's business- not yours, not mine. The doctor acknowleged the patient requires this amount of medicine, the government (HC) approved of this amount for this patient.... end of story as far as I'm concerned.

Why was this thread even started in the first place!
Seems to me it wasn't in the interest of helping others in any way at all.....just some kind of bragging rights and nothing more.

When the next government possibly decides to challenge those huge plant numbers you will want it to be our business......I'd rather be defending those numbers if I understood why their needed.

Right now I believe that the cream- tincture is a scam and nothing more! What was the "patient" using for creams before the wondrous cannibus treatments? What is the science of those supposed creams?

It's funny how other drugs have to go through trial tests etc but these new cannabis drugs don't have to....especially in the instances of the creams!

And it is our business now that you have posted! If I were the patient with the high plant numbers I would not be happy with you as your type of posting has done nothing but endanger my treatments and the cause of using cannabis as medicine.

I won't be posting in this thread anymore till I see constructive well "evidenced" motive towards marihuana/ cannabis use

Anyway...good luck. I'm going to mind my own business


Genetic Resource Management
you sound like someone who is against cannabis use to be perfectly honest, I`m not sure what your gripe is.

The patient I am working with has quadriplegia. He can't smoke, because of how hard is for him to cough..... imagine not having any muscle control below your neckline and having to smoke to consume your meds. I`d like to see him on 60% thc bubblehash, taken via the lungs when needed for direct effect, but in this case its just too difficult for him to consume in that method.

My job is to figure out how to get enough meds into him for him to be confortable.... he`s been using opioids for 10+ years and their effectiveness is LOW> He's backed-up GI wise like a plug. I'm hoping his doctor will give us 250+ plants, so I can separate the resins and create veg-oil/resin pills (oils chosen and rotated specifically for his medical/dietary needs- ie castor oil to 'lube up' his I tract, and hemp/flax oils for the rest of the time) as well as make creams that are absorbed through his skin and can act at CB-1 receptors in his spinal cord, which is deteriorating.

This isn`t some `lets get fucking wasted`grab at the system trying to take advantage and make some bucks. This is trying to make somebody`s REMAINING DAYS tolerable..... this patient`s spinal cord is LITERALLY degrading. I`m going to take every opportunity I can to get as much cannabis into him as possible, that is comfortable for HIM.... `cause right now his comfort level is pretty low, cant sleep through the night etc.

If you want science, clinical phase III trials, go check out GW pharmaceuticals.... but guess what the courts in Canada have decided that these people don`t have the time to wait for GW to spend the millions in dollars and tens of years it takes to bring drugs through trials. Cannabis has proven effective over thousands of years of experiential use. Again- these uses for cannabis have been demonstrated to be effective in their treatment, and the courts have given these folks in need this right to obtain their own medicine. It`s between them and their doctors, so again I don`t understand what you are complaining about, what business it is of yours, or how it compromises your rights (as a canadian)... or exactly how it `endangers your treatment`. Seems like a bit of a statementred intended for drama..... a red herring if you will.

The more high plant number licenses, the better- IMO. It normalizes cannabis, and the more plants growing in our country, the more people see how little of a problem it truely is, the more we can counter bullshit proaganda intended to scare the populace into believing cannabis and cannabis growers are a menace to the social fabric.... the closer we are to full out legalization where we can grow as many plants, of any type, without interference from the government or judgment from your neighbours.

Its just a plant! Who cares if there`s 1, 5, or 500,000.` When legalization happens, cannabis will be worth $10 per kilo, nobody will try to steal it, there`ll be no home invasions to jack-up growers... because it won't be worth anything. Are people breaking into your greenhouse to steal your 'Yellow Wonder', 'Black Russian' or other heirloom tomatoes?

All of these ill effects we see in society are a result of cannabis being illegal, and are not actually inherent problems associated with cannabis per se.... they are the result of prohibition.

End prohibition, end restrictions, end of problem!



My God !!
I cant agree more with you Chimera. And I think its a wonderful act of compassion to help this person the way you are.
But I think we should be clear on our terms.
Legalization will probably not happen for a very long time, due to international agreements with very anti cannabis countries, ie; the USA.
Decriminalization however is just around the corner, and could be passed in Canada without breaching any international agreements.

B. Friendly

"IBIUBU" Sayeith the Dude
ok who's his doctor lol. damn i was so proud of my 20 gram a day lic
basically for every gram per day you get 5 plants ie 20g's is 98 plants and 9.7 pounds of storage, plus 600 grams on your person at anytime...

so buddy has 365/98 = 75 grams per day. which is humanily impossible. love to see him or her use that much in a day. lol

well be safe, it's not the police you worry about but rippers...

good luck bro, happy news
Puff on

Bud Bug

ok who's his doctor lol. damn i was so proud of my 20 gram a day lic
basically for every gram per day you get 5 plants ie 20g's is 98 plants and 9.7 pounds of storage, plus 600 grams on your person at anytime...

so buddy has 365/98 = 75 grams per day. which is humanily impossible. love to see him or her use that much in a day. lol

well be safe, it's not the police you worry about but rippers...

good luck bro, happy news
Puff on

You can go through quite a bit, also there are other ways other than smoking cannabis which require way more cannabis as the ingredient.

Why should patients be expected to mostly smoke or ingest the cannabis? I know HC doesn't recognize certain methods but thats because that's all they know.

Unfortunately I think we'll have to wait till the Baby Boomer's are gone for things to move forward much faster.


Active member
I too agree w/Chimera. I only mentioned what I did as a possible sneaky tactic from Palpatine, (Harper) if he gets majority - legalization is the correct path to take.

We are all well aware he is on a crusade here, & must be stopped before it's too late...


Bud Bug

I too agree w/Chimera. I only mentioned what I did as a possible sneaky tactic from Palpatine, (Harper) if he gets majority - legalization is the correct path to take.

We are all well aware he is on a crusade here, & must be stopped before it's too late...


From what I've been told Harper would have a hard time going after medical cannabis compared to say illegal growing/consumption. He'd be going against the constitution if he was going against MMAR.


This thread should be deleted. The OP just sounds SO compassionate bragging about how much plants his boy can grow....Not. This type of shit makes it look like people abuse MMAR for profit, which everyone knows some do and I have no problem with that but be fucking discreet about it so you dont wreck the program for legit sick people who NEED there meds.

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