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How about this license size

Topically applied tincture......But if the cops find it they will chop it and wait for the court case and then say "oops, sorry" cost of grow room '000's, cost of lost "product" '000's.

Personally I hate these people who are obviously in it for the cash and not for the cure.

Fuck'em, they are taking away the real results we fought so long for. Where the f**k were these guys at the start ?

teemu shalanie

WeeDGamE StannisBaratheoN
how can you afford not too grow 365 with a license like that .
one lady for everyday of the year . sounds great , wish u all the best on ur med grow


Well the way it works with Health Canada is 4.9 plants per gm.
I have a Federal Exemption for 5gms a day , 24 plants.
The most i have ever heard of is 58gms a day...:jump:


"Do Canadian growers have the same problems our American friends do with their federal government?"

No. Our program is federal... :rasta:


Not at all. In the U.S. Federal Law trumps State Law.
In Canada your Federal from Coast to Coast.
No other interference at all. :ying:

Bud Bug

Not at all. In the U.S. Federal Law trumps State Law.
In Canada your Federal from Coast to Coast.
No other interference at all. :ying:

Also I believe in Canada, Health Laws trump Federal/Provincial laws.


Balls Deep!!
ICMag Donor
It's people like these who will make sure the MMAR program is short lived.

Like i've said a million times, square footage regulations will becoming soon.

People can't be happy with 25 trees. need 365 of them.

Bud Bug

It's people like these who will make sure the MMAR program is short lived.

Like i've said a million times, square footage regulations will becoming soon.

People can't be happy with 25 trees. need 365 of them.

Actually this person has done quite a bit for licensed growers and keeps it down low. He's spent a lot of money on layers fighting MMAR to make things easier for everyone who is licensed by MMAR.


Active member
It's people like these who will make sure the MMAR program is short lived.

Like i've said a million times, square footage regulations will becoming soon.

People can't be happy with 25 trees. need 365 of them.

You make it sound like the mmar is a privilege, like they have the ability to take it away.

Just like the plant count, square footage regulations would still be calculated based on daily dosage no? Easily "abused" no?

Plant count or any other arbitrary limitation on so called production is completely un enforceable, they hold no bearing to the reality of end product yield, quality, or medicinal value.

Why do you think they approve such high dosage's? Its not because they want to, its because its our fucking a right to it, and they will lose what little control and power they have left.
i hear what vag is saying that people can do lots with 25 trees , because if any of us wanna be honest aboutt mmar program lots the users arnt necessarly need 365 trees worth to "heal" what ever pain they have whether it s physical or financial , u can get 25 lbs off 25 trees or more if you have the power/space, I think Vag is saying we should bite the hand that feeds us so to speak......
Until I see the medicinal value of one person needing 365 plants I will not be convinced that high numbers like that make the mmar look good in anyones eyes.

I believe it is our right too
But I must add we shouldn't abuse the right either

Again,I'd like to know why that person needs that much,that's what puzzles me the most,it's mind boggling!


Active member
Not at all. In the U.S. Federal Law trumps State Law.
In Canada your Federal from Coast to Coast.
No other interference at all. :ying:


You said the same thing I did. Our program is federal... :rasta:

(k+ for the confusion)



Active member
The acts and regulations set out in the mmar are not enforceable, they are not legal.

Plant numbers cannot be standardized.

One can have 1000 plants of different varieties and still produce a pound or two total, or have 1 plant and strain that produces fifteen pounds. I could grow either choice in as small of space as 10sqft. The medicinal quality and value of the 1 plant is limited, the 1000 plants of a gram each can have a unique value and quality.

They are not the hands that feeds us, its the other way around. We feed them and they laugh as tens of thousands suffer needlessly as they cannot access the mmad, or afford the amount of herbs they require. All because Heallth Canada, MMAD and their government sanctioned production and supply monopoly through PPS.

$150 -$250 per ounce is the common price for black market or medicinal herb. Before legal weed the common reasoning for the high price was the risks and security costs associated with an illegal product. Why now, with tens of thousands of canadians legally growing and consuming, is the legal price per ounce the same as the black market? Why does Heallth Canada sell their meds for 1500% markup?

It doesn't matter if they are running the program so heinously inefficient is on purpose or not. It is criminally neglecting and infringing on the rights of a large percentage of our population,
who's very real pain and suffering could almost instantly be reversed. This affects every Canadian.

If heallth canada or mmad held their hand out to feed me a load of their shit i'd promptly bite their whole fucking arm off, or whatever is left of them from what the justice system has not feasted on and will continue too.

Keep throwing up gigawatts of lights, but be sure to pocket a large savings, cause the power of the sun along with a compassionate price is going to lead the medical movement to the light.

Imagine what groups like www.mmar.ca could do without the limitations imposed.

Bud Bug

I don't see what the problem is with large plant numbers? It means that person can pick and choose the plants they want to harvest or even only grow once per year. Why should people have to constantly grow all year round or even have to deal with crap popcorn buds.

What's next, bitching that too many people have their license?
I've been to three friggin doctors and two specialists trying to get someone to sign my forms. People with 365 plants discredit the whole program in the eyes of the uneducated and make it harder for others to get their card.


Balls Deep!!
ICMag Donor
What's next, bitching that too many people have their license?

No, of course not. What will happen is the media will sensationalize the story. Every single person, including you knows nobody smoked 79 grams a day, nobody.

These are the kinds of cases that make the government go back and scrutinize the program and set regulations. Do not for a second think that huge plant numbers is a good thing for the program or the pot movement. It will only be viewed in one way, negative. I should know. I write a lot of policies for the Ministry of Child and Family Development. Mascarading around wagging your dick in the governments face only leads to changes. None will be in our favor.

We all know that size is ridiculous. Like I've said, there's no longevity when greed becomes the motivating factor, but good for him. He has a year to get rich.

Bud Bug

He has a year to get rich.

If you saw how long he's had his license for and how "unrich" he is you'd know he doesn't grow for profit. Yes you probably think other wise but you seem to label those with high numbers as for profit growers, where I see every days tons of those with small licenses are usually the ones growing for profit. As for the size well the gov agreed to it so they saw nothing wrong with the numbers.
It will only be viewed in one way, negative

if anyone is see it in a negative way then really that's not his problem. Again Health Canada didn't see anything wrong with that number of plants.

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