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Hey man hope all is well.:wave:Things still lookin great.Was hopping to pick your brain a little again,nuttin major,just 2 Q's. if i may...
You say ya use "shooting power" and it's da chit.Who makes it?Was trying to find it and had no luck,although i don't hang out in the hydro shop long so i may have missed it...
The temps here have been crazy high and i wanna turn up my inlet and exit fans but noise is well to noisey..You say you have silentciers on your exits..i went thru the thred again and i didn't see if you made them or bought them?Or missed it all togeather..Could ya explain a little for me..?TY Sir in advance....On a side note i would like to Thank You and Bobble and Freds.As i'm about to go into flower after 3weeks of veg.Plants are about 2 1/2 feet high and bushy as hell and if i don't flower now i may run out of ceiling.My main resurch here has been with you guys and all your threds have been the chit!Learning bucket loads,and im sure my 1st grow went so well by following your guys example of how to do chit right....There are many super growers here and all top notch i'm sure but i happen to stumble upon you guys 1st and just kept readin what ya all are doing,and it is workin for sure...
Again TY ICMag and LL,Bobble,Freds..:thank you:
Oh gez look who is the babbling stoner lol....Sorry man,got caught in the moment.


Had to back track on your thred to get his right title cuz i can never remember if its DHF or DFH lol to credit him proper as i could only remember he signs off as freds..."DHF"



Well got to the bottom of the yellowing....:mad: you guessed it my PH pen was .5 out so 5.8 has been 5.3 FUCKMOTHERFUCKINGFUCKER...

anyway got it sorted hopefully it wont hinder the yield to much the damage is def done as last time they was a lot bigger and fuller... ohh well you live and learn

so kids remember check you PH pens every 2 weeks!!!! i done mine only 5 weeks ago and my second one i normally use the battery died so there you have it


LMFAO! I don't know the last time I even checked ph... broke my pen some years ago.... though for some reason I am thinking of getting this one continuous meter... we'll see...


Active member


I check my PH pens every two weeks or so & always find them slightly of perfect, If I let the calibration go a few more weeks that's when I get probs. I think at least every 5 or 6 uses it should be re-calibrated only takes 30 seconds to do with any calibration liquid which can be bought on e-Bay or your Hydro store for a few dollars. No excuses! The basics are the most important to conquer If you want a successful grow,


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3 days till the chop its an epic fail... will update with pic's

thanks for all the support guys :D


love your grows laylow .................... but you must have some crazy ass equipment bills my god !!
iv been usein the same lights and same fans for 7 years plus lol, tight ass isnt the word !!

as for the ph problem i did splash out on one expensive piece of kit, £150 on the blue lab combo meter and has never let me down in 3 years never needs calibrateing or anything everytime i check it its perfect , blue lab anything is the way to go

sure your gunna have plenty of premo though so not to worry


Epic fail?
Find that hard to belive LL...But chit happens i guess.Hope you were able to save some of the goodness of the grow.


nothing bad has happened they just never recovered from the PH Issues.... I mean if you look at the grow from the start its been a fail as a whole... at the start i was kept waiting for parts that made me loose half my plants that were vegged for 5/6 weeks... i then got in some unknown clones and only vegged them for a week.... they had spidermite probs, fungus gnats early on and then the ph issues... so epic fail... i normally piss 0.75gpw on every grow no matter what style or method... this one i recon i will be lucky to get 0.50gpw

anyway they are getting there last 12 hours of light as we speak and early thursday morning i will be setting about them... will get a few photos it looks and smells lovely in there just not monster buds like im used too...

Starting some seeds off testers ect but these are going to take a while to grow up so in the mean time i have 300 WhiteBerry cuts going straight in...

as for the Vert Situation i have a new space... so watch this space :D


sorry to hear the yeilds not as good as usual bro, but still looking forward to seeing some bud shots. is the whiteberry from paradise seeds?


Active member
We're all entitled to a bad run or two... and then you just have to build a coliseum... So that even if you do have a bad run, you're still gonna pull a decent weight... gpsqft...

Epic failure? Wasn't someone telling me not to be so hard on myself just a few weeks ago?

Hey man,

Great job on the grow, things get hectic for everyone running many 1000s of watts. I can't imagine rocking a room like yours, makes me jealous.

I would like to see some bud shots from the harvest.



Been and took a few snaps as you guys ask so nicely :D

so this is typicaly a plant from the right Side we have about 50 of these plants... 12 in a square meter tray and a few inbetween with 6 x 600's above them


if you followed the stadium grow you will see the buds are about half the size of the buds last time...





Now the left hand side is even harder to gauge... there are 3 trays with 20 plants in and one with 25 and an odd runt that was inbetween... again with 6 x 600's above them.. some of these are armagedon, some are superbud some are white berry what is what i have not got a clue lol





these have had ripen for a full week and still the shooting powder is making them foxtail with new growth they could go a lot longer prob 10 weeks some of them but i dont have time... needs must ect...

Anyone want to have a stab at final weight feel free :pimp3:

the whiteberry is from paradise seeds but it was crossed with a male Edd rosentile superbud and the back crossed to the whiteberry mum... its meant to stack up from the floor all the way to the top with thick buds so im quite excited about the next proper SOG Run just budcicles 4 plants per sqft plenty of veg cut back big roots ohh its gonna be good :dance013:

cheers guys :thank you:


Damn I really wanna see your win if that's a failure... I hear you though when you have expectations. This is purely a guess.... but I'm gonna say 4.5k as you think it's lower than your usual 5.4...