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Honk if you give away your medicine.

Jalisco Kid

Active member
I couldn't agree with you more.
I'm all for helping people out and have given a lot to friends etc., who either couldn't afford or as gifts but I'm actually not for given away free meds. Its sends out a wrong message to the MMJ community. In my experience, the only people who give away free weed legally are the ones that are selling a shitload illegally and unfortunately this doesn't look good for any program. Not to say this is what you are doing Manitoid.
People who are doing this probably shouldn't get into any legal marijuana program cause it makes us all look bad.
A much better idea would be for these people to open up a dispensary or compassion club and sell to other patients for a really good price. This puts the focus back on growers growing for patients and being a grower myself, KNOW that it costs money to grow quality meds. Unless you are independently wealthy; nobody can afford this.
This type of thing also plays up to all those people who have that 'entiltement' mentality, which gets OLD real FAST!
All of a sudden you have everyone and their dog holding their hand out for more.
There are a select few who are in desperate life threatening situations but they are far and few between.
Its much better to teach people how to do what you are doing so that they can help themselves.(where it is possible) Help other people get carded or help connect patients and growers who BOTH have the same type of integrity.
There are truly decent people out there in the world BUT there are a LOT more scammers than anything or people just wanting to take advantage of a good thing, which is human nature. It can get ugly real quick. There are sites out there that promote this type of thing but I'm certainly NOT for it.

Sorry to be a buzzkill in your thread Manitoid, especially since I think you are a really nice guy, but I strongly disagree with giving away free meds while it is still illegal. Once it becomes legal for everyone, then it seems like a wonderful idea and I'd love to get some from you.

Ok the last part I am just joking about but I think you get my point

Nice to see you back buddy:tiphat:

Going to hospices naturally weeds out those who might really need it. Plus giving it to nurses saves your heart,if you are like me a piece of you goes when you lose a patient. Too many people die alone, scared,nauseous,and in pain. Suerte JK

el dub

I give away a lot of weed and one need not be "sick" for me to turn them on for free.


el dub

Btw.... There are certain states where holding 5 patient cards might allow a caregiver to produce 30 plants that weigh a few lbs each. If a grower can produce 90 lbs and only have to part with four lbs a year per patient (20 lbs) I'd say the caregiver has made out quite well.

Just one more opinion.



Bong Smoking News Hound
i have given away meds before in the past. So honk!

And will continue to do so as long as i have the ability too, and it wont affect my medication intake.

Its people like you all who do stuff like this. That will keep Medical Marijuana in the hearts of public Eyes. Lets prove them wrong as to what type of people we are. Instead of being judged as Money grubbing, lazy, stoners!

We are Patients, Helping Patients!



This harvest I'm to 6.25 lbs given away.

Its just a plant, and it is not I who labelled it with such a high monetary value.

It grows like a weed

stay strong.


What about charging sick people who are also poor less or nothing, then charge regular or rich folks the 35-50 1\8ths ? Or would that be...god forbid.....socialist lol I think basing prices on income makes sense...Or dispensaries should get together to give medicine to needy people. I realize this happens, but not enough imo.

Why does basing prices on income make sense? If you mean only in regards to MMJ it would make slightly more sense but if this was the way all industries based their prices, nobody would have an incentive to work...Also how can you accurately find out someone's income (obviously you can look at a W-2 or something but this is a very incomplete picture). If people are going to be subsidized they should do their part - they should have to do community service or help out at the collective. If they are totally physically handicapped, then give them some mental task. If it's impossible to find some way for the needy to earn what they are being given, then I don't think that means we should just give handouts as this just furthers stagnation and lazy/inept individuals. The answer is neither capitalism or socialism - it's probably somewhere in between as with most things in life lol.

In regards to caregivers...a lot of you guys are acting like people are forced to assign caregivers and that CG's are evil money makers that are screwing over the people who they care for. This is not the case. People voluntarily pick their caregivers and they benefit from it (theoretically, but even when the system is being abused they benefit). Anyways if you want to give away meds to the sick/inept that's fine, chill and cool but it's certainly not how things should be for all growers (even med ones). We don't pharm companies to churn out meds for people in the same manner.

Edit: Honk lol. I don't grow commercially and definitely give away plenty of free greens in my small circle of friends. However I do sell too. I sometimes charge w.e is necessary to compensate me fairly for my time, effort, and knowledge.


Active member
i give my brother and cousin free buds i grow...but other than that gotta charge people to recoop the costs involved...growing aint no cheap hobby..
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Bong Smoking News Hound
this thread is about giving away ur meds at zero cost. If you are not one of those people, and or dont have anything positive to add to this thread. then stay out of it. Off topic post or attacks on someones beliefs based on the thread title will be deleted. Keep it positive, keep it light. the thread is for honking if u give ur meds away for free. not to debate what prop 215 is.

So keep it on track, im done playing babysitter.


Licensed Grower
ICMag Donor
Honk! Ounce every harvest and 1 cup canna oil, enough for 4 dozen double dose treats. I harvest 10+ times a year :)


all y'all honkers are awesome. Tis the season for thanks.

to those who recoup costs because it cost a lot to grow: try and grow cheaper.

locally sourced fertiliser will lower your costs. digging holes rather than buying pots will lower costs. growing outside will lower costs.

my sig link is in need of an update... but its a 25lb grow that costed approximately $200...

and a LOT of back breaking labour. I don't give it all away, but i tithe myself 50% directly to my patients then the less fortunate.



Registered Med User
I give a lot away.... but I cant honk, cuz my horn is broke in my car. no money to fix it... oh well.

If I had an acre or so of land to grow enough to give 6 pounds away and still make ends meet I would too.

as it is I dont harvest that much, maybe in a year....

B. Friendly

"IBIUBU" Sayeith the Dude
with all the Aids, MS, and other dehabilitating diseases it's kind to give back what you don't sell or need.

These people have and require large MJ habits and without much more than Disability Assistance a handout is extremely helpful.

At least 2lbs in the past 2 years I know of has been donated by friends of mine.

Please contact these societies for further knowledge of how to assist them

beep beep


Active member
Honk Honk!!! I just grabbed my wives boobs!!

Beeb Beeb!!! I like to live by the rule of 10% donations per harvest. I kind of look at it as pleasing the cannabis Gods and helps my Karma. I also enjoy helping those in need. I have even donated to members on this site. Family always comes first however.

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