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Homeopathic Cannabis


Active member
I had an idea today.

I'm currently taking some homeopathics regardless of my doubts, but it got me thinking... how can i handle this (seeing how i have ibs and cannot handle alcohol ... and this is a 'tincture' basically)... so i looked at the ingredients, saw nothing, did some research, failed, then found on the front of hte bottles in tiny letters "demineralized water and 25 percent ethanol"

So apparently I can somehow handle this stuff even with the 25 percent ethanol.

I am going to try making some homeopathic cannabis tinctures, but would like to get a discussion going first. And perhaps others who may attempt this or given ideas. Now i know that it wont actually be a homeopathic..(or so i think? i don't really understand it completely). I have my doubts about homeopathy but that's not what this thread is about, it's about making a weaker tincture that people with IBS can handle.... cause i had reallly bad ibs, and could handle homeopathics. I've been on them for about 2 weeks now with a strict juice diet and my ibs has gone away practically (the homeopaths were for helping with other things though but i have no supportive/negative stance on them)

I'm guessing the best way to go about this would be to use the ethanol first, extract the thc/cbd/cbn etc into the ethanol, then evaporate quite a bit of it off to increase the potency per volume- and dissolve into demineralized water somehow at a ratio of 3 parts d.water and 1 part ethanol.


I just think this would be a great help to us IBS sufferers that want strong tincs:jump:

good idea? yes or no? input please
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Natural born Grower
ICMag Donor
I translated it from Italian with Google trans. so you could find some error.A thanks to Fr4nk and Bianca,Peter e Daniela from pforster.ch(you can find a lot of info in italian here : http://www.pforster.ch/)
Hope it helps,I'm not an expert on these things... :tiphat:

Alcoholic macerate (dyes)

Preparation of dye
The extraction by maceration alcohol, free from plant substances Solubility in water (hydrophilic) and soluble in alcohol. In the debris, the procedure does not alter the cold (or little) the molecules of the active substances and does not cause even the evaporation of essential oils. Also alcohol is a very good "antibiotic" and makes it inert to most microorganisms contained in herbs (disinfectant) as well as preventing their proliferation or through their mitotic spores (preservative). Thus the dyes are remedies that are preserved well and long, in fact, during the early years (stored in the dark and cool) increase in quality as a good brandy.
The dyes are made with both fresh and dried plants.
To get an assurance regarding the recommended dosage production "lege artis" made according to the pharmacopoeia and ensuring accurate content of active substances, especially regarding herbs "strong" and "poisonous" (eg Rauwolfia, Strofantus, Belladonna, Scilla , Convallaria, etc..).
Prepare "cottage" or "artisan"

* If available, I recommend the one made with fresh herbs, is more complete because of substances, although less focused.
* If there is no possibility to have them fresh, or if you want to use the remains of plants collected during the previous year, you can do with the tincture of dried herbs in a workmanlike manner and the result is more concentrated.
* Of course you can mix the two products (recent and dry) but in this case you must pay attention to the calculation of the proportions in the assay.

The alcohol use must be:

* Ethyl alcohol intended for consumption. The pharmaceutical alcohol rectified food are expensive (because of taxes), while others (external use, spirit firewood) are very cheap (because free from taxes). To prevent cheating, the non-food substance containing a lousy and emetic, making it impossible to swallow it.
* I personally use spirits as vodka (wheat), gin (gin), brandy (grape), slivoviz (plums), kirsch (cherries), Obstler (apples), sometimes even brandy (grape), whiskey (corn), Calvados ( apples). Being a bit manic in respect of spirits, I try to marry well the virtues of the plant with the virtues of spirits (eg gin and antirheumatic herb). In case of doubt or if I like too much of the distillate to be used in "medicine", using vodka, taste inert, considered distillate "clean" with few pollutants.
* For plants dried siccum "use a distillate with at least one grade of 30%.
* For fresh herbs prefer a higher grade (eg 45%), because their water content dilutes the distillate and thus lowers the gradation. Below a certain strength (ca. 25%) decrease properties "germicide" and "preservatives".
* For the plant resin (eg cannabis) are preferable for higher degrees to melt the resins better, while the mucilaginous plant (eg, sage, mallow, althea) is macerated better grades lower.
* If necessary, you can also dilute the alcohol with high-proof distilled water, stirring constantly adding (after prior calculation) drinking water and not vice versa, to ensure that the training went numb).

Proportions of plants (fresh or dried) and alcohol "lege artis" are prescribed in farmacopoee (pharmaceutical and homeopathic HAB). Handcrafted usually use the following proportions:

* Homeopathy: 10% by weight of alcohol (relato the weight of dried plant) of plants recently (the mother tincture, TM, o);
* Crafts: 250g of fresh herbs over 5 dl of distilled or "ground cover plants with alcohol." To maintain the stable as possible the concentration of the product it is advisable for each plant, follow the same method;
* Crafts: 120gr of dried herbs on 5 dl of distillate.

Here's how to prepare the plants for maceration content:

* Weight herbs and I recorded the weight in grams;
* Chopped fresh herbs with a knife on a wooden board, if the grass is a woody, to facilitate maceration, the chopped finer;
* Dried herbs or shatter the finely chopped (if the wood is milled with the grinder electric) to facilitate maceration, and then the humidifier with a nebulizer (like iron) several times, mixes them and let them rest piled: thus absorb moisture and swell. By doing so there is savings of alcohol that would otherwise be thrown after filtering. Only with this background I put to soak in the vase.

full with alchool

close and shake it

let it macerate



the final result

Once filled the jar with the herbs for soaking alcohol is added to the distillate weighed or measured and close tightly. Immediately apply the label with the personal data of the portion
Place the pot in a warm place, sunny and not visible to the passage: so we do not forget to shake it at least once a day. After at least two weeks (okay even a month or two) we proceed to filtering and bottling.
Before filtering tools are prepared:

* Budget and needed to write and calculate;
* Do not shake the jar for a few hours (as well decanted content);
* Piece of cloth (gauze) for separating coarse;
* Basin for the content of the filtrate;
* Coffee strainer;
* A bit of gauze on the bottom of the colander;
* Content ground: to put on floppy cotton gauze;
* Container to receive the contents of the filtrate;
* Distilled to correct the amount and cleaning residue
* Funnel, labels and bottles to bottle the remedy.

The procedure (full) is seen more or less in previous photographs. Personally, after a first step weighing the filtrate. Then determine the "loss" of alcohol and add the amount paid out on the ground and squeezing juice again to reach ca. the initial weight of alcohol.
Following is from the dye bottle and label

Percolation alcoholic

The traditional way and partly for the preparation of pharmaceutical industrial dye is "a percolation"

* A percolator tubiform is equipped at the exit of a net / gauze and a bed of sand that slows the flow and serves as a filter;
* From above the tube is filled with rolling grassy prepared (chopped, weighed, wetted);
* You add the alcohol weighed;
* After the due time of maceration adjusting the dispenser so as to collect the dye in the bowl below (approx. one drop per second);
* In weighing the dyeing operation is completed and corrects the concentration of the leachate by adding the missing alcohol, possibly according to the pharmacological analysis of the active substances.

All the details for the materials used and procedures are laid down in national or in the farmacopoee Union (PhEu: Pharmacopoea Union).
Leaching as well as being faster than the maceration is sometimes still used by pharmacists because it also allows to run the first step in the manufacture of extracts, and as Extr.fluid., Compared with tinctures are approx. five times more concentrated (resp. 10 times on a mother tinctures TM or Ø).

Glycerine macerate
(dye glycerin) (Tinct.glyc.)

Is prepared as the alcoholic tincture with the difference that the material consists of glycerin solution (chemically also a type of alcohol, an ingredient in various tissues of animals and plants) and water. The benefit is that the glycerine tinctures are less aggressive in the gastrointestinal tract (mucosa) that the alcoholic ingredients. But melt a little less good of alcohol resins and lipids.
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Active member

You're talking about tinctures.

Make yourself a glycerin tincture if worried about alcohol.

Though alcohol based tinctures aren't designed to get you drunk, the alcohol is only a delivery system. Make it concentrated enough that a few drops on the tongue will work, and you won't even notice it's alcohol.

noreason - Good info! :yes:


Active member
Wow thanks for all the input!! Wasn't expecting such thoroughly solid help! Trying a few different things now based on all the links and info provided.


Here's one I couldn't find the other day. Austrian homeopatic preparator, making ALL kinds of homeopathic remedies, from cannabis to psilocybe or peyote, ayahuasca and so on.

Irie !

That pretty much goes against the entire principal of homeopathy.

So if you take homeopathic psilocybe, is it supposed to make you NOT hallucinate?!
I guess homeopathic ayahuasca would then be useful to prevent puking your guts out?


Green Mujaheed
ayahuasca is used among other things to treat nervous hypersensibility, and psilocybe used for ocd among other things.Read below.

Tracey George
ocd and psilocybe cubensis

i bought a bottle of psilocybe cubensis LM1 homeopathy drops from helios homeopaths on the saturday and what a difference it has made, my son jake,11, is so much calmer, he can think clearly and is back to being a chatter box again, he has his clever head on again as i call it, he can concentarate on games and his interests , enjoy journeys and school again, it is really noticable since he has been taking the drops how much better he is, he would get so stressed before, he was making himself feel ill, with headaches and anxiety, saying "is something bad going to happen" every 10 mins or so, feeling sick, not enjoying school, and he even told me that he couldnt enjoy his school work so much because of his anxiety, and he is a changed boy now, thankyou cocoabear so much for telling me about it., it is such a relief for us, now he is calmer and happy, i really was thinking of medicating him, but i just didnt want to go down that road.

i can clearly tell the difference between his aspergers/sensory processing difficulties and ocd now that the ocd seems to be under control. he still needs to smell my clothes and feel things,thats the sensory reassure part, but the rituals and strict routines have gone, no more having to cuddle him, say a sentance in the way i had to say it or make silly noices, and shake his arm, 5 times a night every evening, last night i gave him a big cuddle n kiss and he smelled my top and said goodnight, once, and that was it, he didnt even ask me to do or say any of the other stuff i usually have to do and say, its like he forgot that its what we do, because he doesnt feel the sick dread and worry in his self now. i know its still early days, he has only been taking the drops for 4 days now, and it is a very low homeopathic doseage. so time will tell. but i am so emotionally relieved that i cant stop crying.

psilocybe cubensis is from the magic mushroom , this is a homeapathic remedy from helios homeopaths,. the homeopath gave me instructions to sucuss the bottle ten times (thats hold in palm of hand and tap on a soft surface 10 times) to streghthen mixture, then drop 3 drops on tongue, in the morning and in the evening. it doesnt seem to be a permanant cure, but works all the time he keeps taking it, when he came home from school today, he was slightly anxious, but after taking his evening dosage isnt as bad. from http://is-is.facebook.com/topic.php?uid=133136515870&topic=9566

Got it ?

Irie !
Homeopathy is based upon bunk science and doesn't work. I strongly advice you not to waste your time with it, as there's no evidence to suggest that it works at all.


Green Mujaheed
LOL ! come on, most western national health systems (and many many MPs of many countries) are sold to the pharm corps. You couldn't choose more biaised examples !
More than 30 years of personnal use is enough fact for me, period.

Irie !
LOL ! come on, most western national health systems (and many many MPs of many countries) are sold to the pharm corps. You couldn't choose more biaised examples !
More than 30 years of personnal use is enough fact for me, period.

Irie !

So in 30 years, all you've treated illness with is plain water?

Edit: If anybody wants a good laugh, check this video out: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BWE1tH93G9U

It's homoeopathy explained.


Active member
Hahahaha, let's laugh at my 100% legitimate sources. Do you have absolutely anything to support your viewpoint?


Active member
Back on topic.....

You may find working with honey (edit: Bees Honey)to be easier/more-effective than glycerine and much less irritating than an alcohol tincture. (Even just a few drops of alcohol sucks)

Stay Safe! :tree:
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Active member
Back on topic.....

You may find working with honey to be easier/more-effective than glycerine and much less irritating than an alcohol tincture. (Even just a few drops of alcohol sucks)

Stay Safe! :tree:

Honey as in bee's honey, or honey as in honey oil?


Green Mujaheed
much less irritating than an alcohol tincture. (Even just a few drops of alcohol sucks)

dilute the drops in a glass of water, works all fine !

Irie !


Active member
Was looking up other stuff and came across this.....

http://www.cannabisculture.com/articles/3292.html said:
The word "allopathy" means "treating disease with lots of harsh chemicals." The word "homeopathy" means "treating disease with small amounts of not-nearly-as-harsh herbs." (77) The Flexner Report of 1910 finally eliminated the "homeopathic" medical schools - all natural medicines, actually - within the United States. The report was financed and promoted by the Carnegie Foundation and Rockefeller's General Education Board. (78) The report helped reduce the number of medical colleges from 131 to 76 by 1930. (79)

Flexner complained that any "crude boy or jaded clerk" could seek medical training. "The country needs fewer and better doctors," Flexner argued, "and the way to get the better is to produce fewer." Flexnerism ensured the closure of most of the woman-friendly medical colleges and 6 of 8 black medical colleges. (80) The 1977 "Declaration of Alma Ata" internationalized the "recommendations" in the Flexner report through the World Health Organization. (81)

With the homeopathic schools all but destroyed, the pharmaceutical companies expected no resistance passing the 1937 Marijuana Tax Act. According to the House of Representatives transcripts, the AMA - represented by the articulate Dr. William C. Woodward - actually testified against the bill. He didn't object to a doctor's monopoly, of course, just the outright ban pretending to be a tax. Congressman Vinson lied about Dr. Woodward's testimony and the act passed with little debate. (82)

What did President Roosevelt think about cannabis criminalization? Probably what he was instructed to think ... he was financed by Rockefeller money from his first day in politics. (83)

History is more interesting when it isn't written by the winners. Educate Yourself! Then Educate Your Neighbor!

Stay Safe! :tree:

edit: In no way should this post be construed as a positive note for Homeopathy. I merely point out that "Natural medicine... of any kind." was also junked at this point, in favor of potential chemical company profits. This is also what began the push of cannabis prohibition throughout the world.
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Green Mujaheed
I merely point out that "Natural medicine... of any kind." was also junked at this point, in favor of potential chemical company profits.

so true, here in France, what is offcially called "traditionnal medicine" is actually chemical medicine ! what the heck ???

This is also what began the push of cannabis prohibition throughout the world.

Actually started with American segregation & South African apartheid, but with the "chemical attack" in the 30s were indeed added new economic justifications to already existing ideologic ones (just good ol'plain racism), giving the war against the plant a whole new dimension of much greater impact than before.
Not long ago i was chatting with one of my customers, and at some point the man tells me he's retired from Dupont de Nemours! I was like "eeeeew"! Couldn't resist serving him a speech about how great theplant is, eheh...

Irie !