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Home tent grow


Active member
Thanks bro. I haven't updated for a while because I didn't think it was that interesting. Due to spur of the moment decisions and circumstances I only ended up with 2 plants this run as you can see. It was also very cold for the first few weeks of flower so the growth was slower than normal. I might post some pics later when the light comes on.
I got held up with my new seeds as well but I have a couple going now. Not sure if they will be ready for next run though they only just popped.


Active member
Yeah, I'm not changing. They just work for me. Tried more expensive brands and this does a better job at a fraction of the cost.


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Day 35

Day 35

Hi everyone! Not much to see here. The 2 plants haven't filled the tent like I'd hoped. About half way through. :tiphat:


Active member
Thanks mate. I'm a bit disappointed I decided on the spur of the moment to go with one strain. The yield will be significantly down. It will still be good smoke though. :)
Here's my JG at end of week 3. Different looking leaves...hmm. I realize one is indoors but still. Any thoughts on that?



  • IMG_1572.jpg
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I think it's just a different phenotype. The last seed I grew looked like that. Looking good BTW.

Thank you, my sleepless Ozzie bud! May I ask how you came across this strain in the first place? You're right, once you've had JG it sets a high bar for other strains. Across the board full user experience. Smell, taste and balance of Indica/Sativa qualities for cerebral daytime consciousness.


Indicas make dreams happen
Great plants as expected man! These Jean Guy look bit more Indica leaning with the broader leaves and the shorter fat buds than the last ones you grew. Really seems like a great strain. Not sure if it would be 'stoney' enough for me as I like something that really puts me to sleep.
Great plants as expected man! These Jean Guy look bit more Indica leaning with the broader leaves and the shorter fat buds than the last ones you grew. Really seems like a great strain. Not sure if it would be 'stoney' enough for me as I like something that really puts me to sleep.

Yes it looks much like the Bubba Kush I have.



  • Bubba Kush flowering.jpg
    Bubba Kush flowering.jpg
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Active member
Sorry for late replies, been away for a few days.
Thank you, my sleepless Ozzie bud! May I ask how you came across this strain in the first place? You're right, once you've had JG it sets a high bar for other strains. Across the board full user experience. Smell, taste and balance of Indica/Sativa qualities for cerebral daytime consciousness.
Gday CV
I'm a bit embarrassed to say but it was watching one of Bubbleman's vids years ago. He did a tour of Matt's facility and I was impressed with Matt's take on Cannabis and his description of JG got me interested. Matt is all about flavour being as important as effect, with bag appeal not a consideration.
Great plants as expected man! These Jean Guy look bit more Indica leaning with the broader leaves and the shorter fat buds than the last ones you grew. Really seems like a great strain. Not sure if it would be 'stoney' enough for me as I like something that really puts me to sleep.
Gday JST
Thanks mate! These plants are clones of the same plant I grew last time. The only difference is last time they had more veg time and were larger before flip. I kept them smaller this time because I have height issues in the tent.
It is a great strain. I can still smoke this in the evenings and it doesn't keep me up. In saying that I wouldn't use it specifically for insomnia. I have other strains for that. I'm finding edibles more effective for insomnia than smoking TBH.
Sorry for late replies, been away for a few days.

Gday CV
I'm a bit embarrassed to say but it was watching one of Bubbleman's vids years ago. He did a tour of Matt's facility and I was impressed with Matt's take on Cannabis and his description of JG got me interested. Matt is all about flavour being as important as effect, with bag appeal not a consideration.

Maybe the reason it works so well for insomnia, I get so much done during the day I'm exhausted by day's end. Nuttin' embarrassing bout watchin' Bubbleman's vids.


Active member
2 x JG 1 x BR

2 x JG 1 x BR

Been flat out lately. Forgot to take any photos of the end of last crop. It turned out well though. I'm surprised, there's more there than I was expecting from 2 small plants probably 50cm high.
Just threw the new girls in. This will be the last run of BR I think if the Mixed Mutts turns out well. I need a change. This isn't a feminised seed so praying it's a girl. Sorry for the poor quality photos. My phone takes worse photos than the crap old camera I usually use. Will take some better photos soon.


Mixed Mutts
Last edited:


Active member
There's nothing to see at the moment unfortunately. I just put cuttings in and they haven't taken off yet. There is nothing special about my veg chamber. It is literally a built in wardrobe with the doors removed and a sheet of reflective plastic hung for a door. It has a low profile 25 litre tub with a lid with room for 6 pots. I grow my plants from start to finish in the same pots. That way I can easily move the pots to the flower chamber when required. The tub has an air pump + stone and the chamber has a computer fan bringing air in. There are 2 shades with CFLs. One is a 6500k 80W Phillips Ecotone and the other is a 150W 6500k. There is a picture at the bottom of page 4. As I said not much to see.
Here's a picture from the flower chamber today lights on this time.
Thank you for the rundown Insomniac.
The Jean Guy I grew outside this year is still curing in jars but the THC levels are impressive in what I have sampled. It is not the same JG I used to get from MTL, but close-ish. Due to space limitations I have decided to follow your example and build a custom grow space instead of buying a tent for perpetual harvesting. I hope I don't become a PITA to you but I'd like to pick your brain in the near future if I may. :tiphat:


Active member
No problem, I'm happy to help if I can.
My flower box is a 1.2 x 1.2 x 2.0 metre tent. The veg chamber is in the wardrobe. I have a whole spare bedroom to use so a tent is fine for me at the moment. I have built my own flower chambers in the past though. As you say it really depends on the space constraints. Tents are quick and easy to set up if you have the space.
I'm not surprised what you grew tastes a little different. Different growers can produce product that tastes different depending on methods used and conditions.