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Home Invaded for Medical Marijuana


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Better than death

Better than death

Alot. Alot of weird unpredicted shit can go down during a home invasion. Your abiltiy to assess the situation real-time and make the best choices can be somewhat dimmed (hehehe) and slowed by suprise.

I would like to see actual success rates of home defense via weapon or aggression vs. passive concede.

I would take my odds with all the barkers on this thread rather than go up against the quite poised considerate person.

Too much first-person-shooter time for many of you:nanana:

If what your doing requires so much aggression, planning, and weaponry....

If you ever pointed a gun at somebody where conditions of deadly force are appropriate; it changes how you think about these situations.

I try to keep in mind the primary objective of a robbery is to get your shit with the least level of complication or risk. Enaging a victim in potentially lethal situations tends to, well..complicate things.

I was surfing with a friend once and when we returned to his truck after getting out of the water only to find a wetsuit had been snaked from the cab.
I was furious and wanted "blood for rubber". His reply astonished me and has helped me to ease my aggression towards these situations. He said:
I guess they needed it more than me.

As years have gone by I am continually impressed with how easy stress-free and successful his life has been. It's not really about the thiefs in the end anyway. Most of the violent talk comes from one ego taking the hit. ie when people feel the most violated and vulnerable is when they are the most aggressive and hostile.

btw..i used to be a cowboy :joint:


It's easy to talk like a tough guy who would throw shit down in a heartbeat until its your face the gun is pointed at. As for firing off 100 round drum clip, yea thats smart until your bullets penetrate walls and kill people around you.

Father in law was cleaning his .45 and forgot to empty the chamber, vietnam war vet, extreme gun care nut and he ended up doing a dry fire, that wasn't so dry. My wife had taken the baby over there for them to visit and was taking a shower with her when the bullet went through her fathers wall, bathroom, her bedroom, and shower, lodged about 2 inches above her thank god she was bending over cleaning the baby in the baby bath.

point is, your life, their life, isn't worth a crop of Medical, or non medical cannabis that you can regrow. The picture of them going through your head for the rest of your life isn't worth it. My father in law wakes up in deep cold sweats from some of the shit he saw over there, the lives he took and he says it has changed him forever.

moral of the story, next time you have a gun pointed in your face, try to remember you aren't in a game of counter strike where everyone respawns after they die.


Bong Smoking News Hound
No personal attacks grunt. My father was shot to death when i was 9. I did not have to share that. But u dont know me, nor anyones personal life. Have u seen your mom or dad dead in a wake, or coffen? Yes i do understand guns, and murder. enough said.


This is somthing I've personally thought about before I begin a grow, I live in a small appt. community in a not so nice area of a college town, so I have some reservations about anyone even knowing I smoke. My neighbors seem like the type to kick a door in for a few immature plants... Its nerve racking for sure.


That is just scary.

Don't ever tell anyone, anything.No problems


Get two birds stoned at once
I've had a shotgun and a rifle pointed at me and heard the words "I'm going to shoot you" for no good reason from two people who should have never gotten hold of a firearm.

If you have a 12 gauge in the case next to your bed and hear someone forcing the bolt away from the frame (would work on my door) I know what I would do. Get it out and scare the bastard off, and if he is armed I'll be set up to kill him, I know my own house and the lines of sight better than someone who has at best been there a few times (inside job).

Shotgun seems the perfect weapon, for scare factor, forgiveness in aiming, one hit knock down at short range, and limited penetration for the safety of others.