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Home Invaded for Medical Marijuana


Bong Smoking News Hound
Isn 't it sad when the sick and dying cant even sleep at night worried about robbers?

sad world out there...

Medical marijuana appears to be the motive of an early morning home invasion in Anderson.
Two men, say three Asian men forced their way into the house, and beat them up.

Investigators say the suspects may have been armed with a hand gun and some type of long gun.

The two victims escaped to a neighbors house to call police.

The victims tell police the suspects broke in to steal their medical marijuana.

Chief Dale Webb of the Anderson Police Department says, "We haven't had more home invasions. However, under Proposition 215 which allows the legal growing of marijuana for medical use, we are getting more complaints from several people where the marijuana has been stolen."

One victim was taken to Mercy Medical in Redding with minor injuries, and was treated and released.

If you have any information contact Anderson Police at 378-6600.

he report came in around 4 a.m., it happened on the 3600 block of Webster Street in Anderson.


I was born in Northern California, Redding to be exact which is 15 minutes outside of Anderson. If the Churches would have stopped hording in hundreds of @ risk teenagers from other countries this wouldn't happen.

Redding has a huge problem with Asian based gangs more then Hispanic or black gangs because of the Churches in that area go on missions and bring back kids to try and rehab them in the north state. A few of them it actually does help because they take advantage its too bad that the majority don't.


New member
I can't tell you how many times I have been robbed. After being raided by the DEA in 2004 here in Colorado the cat was out of the bag and I have been burged at least 8 times. Needless to say the grow has moved but home invasion of med growers is a huge problem that local law enforcement usally turns a blind eye too.


Fuck that. That pisses me off big time.

I have been ripped once, it usally is an inside job. I had over $5g stolen.
It has been over a decade since. It still fuels my hatred and will to kill a motherfucker, and bastard who ever tries to come into my home, take my belongings and violate my home and family. People need to learn to not be hesitant to take a persons life if the time ever came to it. Adults, espeically men are very strong. Stonger than most even know they are. People can so easily kill with thioer bare hands if they just let go at the moment.
Last time I lashed out on someone I would have killed them if they didn't pul me off they guy. There was so much blood, I remember the entire front of my shirt was soaking, dripping wet with blood. I lost controll and went all out on a persons face, even felt my hand break, and I didn't stop when the back of his head was facing me.
But that day something was born inside of me...Or in away uncovered or finnaly tapped into....The instict to kill another person without hesitation...

People need to learn how to do this. You may not need to know how to fight, all you need is the right frame of mind.. Remember that under these circumstances, the violater in your home, or the person who wants to fight you will DO EVERYTHING IN THIER POWER TO KILL YOU. Each time, you have to put everything on the line and without hesitation be willing to throw your life away, because the truth is, if you don't put your life on the line, they will take your life.
Maybe they are simple robbers who wouldent kill someone...Don't even think that thought. Just do your best to kill them and bury the body in a near by forest. Or take your thumbs, grab thier head and blind them.

It is not insanty, and it is not wrong. It is just your basic instict of survial.
People really need to tap into that more.
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That is why looes lips sink ships. Keep your shit tight people. Lookout for people trailing you. And don't say nothin to no one.

Bulénath said:
take your thumbs, grab thier head and blind them.

Follow that immediately with a headbutt, then a knee to the groin, and then a punch to the throat. Thats how you tell someone you love their company and they are welcome in your home any time.

If you don't like them, after the knee to the groin take your hands around the head and bring it down towards a knee as you bring your knee up... if your knee meets their temple then they are not going to go anywhere afterwards.

Check out Paul Vunak's "The Enigma" if you want to learn how to tear someone apart....


Bong Smoking News Hound
its amazing how educated the normal joe shmoe is regarding gangs in California. When you know or would think, our police/government would already have this down to a science and would be working on eradicating these dangers. As there are so many deaths belonging to murders in california each year. I have a very close family member that was shot. In his home due to a mafia mix up. Now hes dead.

To many families are suffering due to the injustice our justice system is. From police officers all the way up to the supreme court and FBI. Yet here they focus on Charles Lynce for opening up a medical marijuana shop, where the mayor and city counsel had a ribbon opening for him the day he open in FULL SUPPORT. We have a thread about that.

But on the flip side. We have to be extra extra careful as patients to not be robbed. First tell no one. That's always a rule with growing. No family no one. Except for adults that live with you ie: Wife etc. But you better have very secure relationships and trust them very well.

2. When purchasing large amounts of marijuana or clones from a vendor/Medical cannabis dispensary make sure you are not being followed. Maybe take some streets to make sure no one is following you home.......

3. Make sure Smell of a grow is taken care of. I grow indoors because its much easier to contain the smell. Outdoors well i dunno.... Smell is a dead give away to any pot smoker/ dealer or crack head.. haha.

4. Light leaks. Make sure you have NO light leaks from your house to the outside. Yellow lights in flowering are a dead give away to robbers and Cops alike. NO LIGHT LEAKS.

And last but not least. Noise. Make sure your fans are not heard in other rooms or outside. For guest inside. And robber and cops outside. The humming of a fan in a room 24 7 and a air condition that is a window unit on all the time. Is a dead give away to me that someone is growing.

I hope these are tips that everyone who grows follows. But if maybe you didn't think of one of these things while setting up. or just setting up. Keep this in mind.....

Stay safe everyone!



PS: I forgot about purchasing your equipment. Thats a dead give away to a robber too when at the hydro store. Im even sketchy of ebay although there are some awesome deals on there. do the side street thing when shopping at a hydro store. Or order online.
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BiG H3rB Tr3E

"No problem can be solved from the same level of c
Bulénath said:
Fuck that. That pisses me off big time.

I have been ripped once, it usally is an inside job. I had over $5g stolen.
It has been over a decade since. It still fuels my hatred and will to kill a motherfucker, and bastard who ever tries to come into my home, take my belongings and violate my home and family. People need to learn to not be hesitant to take a persons life if the time ever came to it. Adults, espeically men are very strong. Stonger than most even know they are. People can so easily kill with thioer bare hands if they just let go at the moment.
Last time I lashed out on someone I would have killed them if they didn't pul me off they guy. There was so much blood, I remember the entire front of my shirt was soaking, dripping wet with blood. I lost controll and went all out on a persons face, even felt my hand break, and I didn't stop when the back of his head was facing me.
But that day something was born inside of me...Or in away uncovered or finnaly tapped into....The instict to kill another person without hesitation...

People need to learn how to do this. You may not need to know how to fight, all you need is the right frame of mind.. Remember that under these circumstances, the violater in your home, or the person who wants to fight you will DO EVERYTHING IN THIER POWER TO KILL YOU. Each time, you have to put everything on the line and without hesitation be willing to throw your life away, because the truth is, if you don't put your life on the line, they will take your life.
Maybe they are simple robbers who wouldent kill someone...Don't even think that thought. Just do your best to kill them and bury the body in a near by forest. Or take your thumbs, grab thier head and blind them.

It is not insanty, and it is not wrong. It is just your basic instict of survial.
People really need to tap into that more.

Shit,,, I live in a state where you can be sued and arrested for assault for attacking someone that breaks into your house...

So one day, I went in my backyard and dug a bunch of casket-sized holes,,,and next to them i put up one of those signs,,, that says

""FORGET THE DOGS,,,BEWARE THE OWNER"" with picture of 357 revolver aiming at you.....

ive had my place broke into,,,and like you said 99% of the time its inside job...

just dont lose sight of the differnece in REVENGE and PROTECTION.

because revenge is a dish best served behind a row of cell bars.... :joint:


Active member
Fuked up situation. Medical growers arent allowed to arm themselves. So the criminals have a jack pot.

If someone has the drop on you with a gun you are in a fuked up situation. You can be armed or be chuck norris but when you wake up with a gun to your temple you dont have many options and the options you chose is literally life and death.


Get two birds stoned at once
Duty to retreat is fucked, I mean who could tell a mother who shot an invader that she should have left her home/kids to an armed invader...

I have NO hesitation to send death towards a burglar..


too close to home. Asian gangs are polluting the lands up here. Not asians, but the hmong and mien gangs shooting at each other.


Thats why I couldn't live in a town like that.
Lie to me all you what but don't steal from me! I'm with you guys someone come into my house. Better come armed to the teeth. I don't live in a med state. Even if my state passes MMJ I'm still not letting ANYONE know!


crzygirl said:
Three asians vs. two dudes... People need to learn to f&ck shit up, the odds werent that bad.

ya, I can take down a platoon of gangsters. damn passive potheads.. lol

Its sad that the future is leading to people in need, they always fight harder when they need something. I need my life so I am armed to the teeth and what sharp teeth they are. My gun has a 10 shot detach clip, legal in california but i enjoy keeping a 100shot drum fully loaded for nostalgic purpose only. remember, its only an assault rifle if the 100shot drum is placed inside of the rifle.. heh... i`m sure bump firing about 30 rounds in 5 sec at them will make them run like bitches in heat.

This truly makes me sick if it's not the PUNK POLICE it's PUNK THUGS who are too stupid to fend for themselves. KARMA is a motherfucker though.


Sorry I meant Crazygirl, the odds were definately against them. The bad guys had guns!!!
Lets see you be bad ass against a gun. You obviously have never seen first hand what a gun can do to a human body.
My advice is to get a working line German Shepherd or Rottweiler. Working lines actually do what they're are bred to do, protect! Also you can have an air gun. Air guns are not considered fire arms and if you can kill a wild hog with an air gun then burglars are no problem. These are both serious alternatives to standing up to an armed bad guy with just your hands and, they're both legal! Grunt
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Weedman Herb

Grunt said:
SCF, the odds were definately against them. The bad guys had guns!!!
Lets see you be bad ass against a gun. You obviously have never seen first hand what a gun can do to a human body.
My advice is to get a working line German Sheperd or Rottweiller. Working lines actually do what they're are bred to do, protect! Also you can have an air gun. Air guns are not considered fire arms and if you can kill a wild hog with an air gun then burglars are no problem. These are both serious alternatives to standing up to an armed bad guy with just your hands and, they're both legal! Grunt
When did SCF say the odds were With them? You obviously can't read too well ...

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