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Home Depot video helps nail growers


Patient Grower
Just to raise the paranoia levels of those who refuse to shop at hydroponic stores because big box retailers are 'safer':

Manatee authorities seize marijuana grow house

MANATEE — Two men are in custody after investigators raided a grow house of marijuana plants ranging from three to four feet high, according to arrest warrants released Friday.

Manatee County Sheriff’s Office investigators were tipped off through a confidential source about the residence located in the 1100 block of 36th Avenue West on July 14.

Inside were about 125 marijuana plants along with indoor grow equipment, according to the warrant. The residence had no furniture except for a desk sitting in the living room.

Authorities arrested Prince M. Cenatis, who left his mail and business cards inside the grow house. Cenatis was arrested at the Barbary Shoppe in Lakewood Ranch.

Authorities also took the owner of the residence — Colby N. Starkey. Detectives observed Starkey purchasing grow equipment at home depot through surveillance footage.

On Oct. 17, 2007 authorities found a grow house in the 1700 block of 29th Avenue East. Starkey was also the owner of that residence.

Both men were arrested Thursday. Starkey posted a $5,000 bond, and Cenatis remained in jail Saturday.

Brother Bear

Simple kynd of man
ICMag Donor
tipped off through a confidential source about the residence located in the 1100 block of 36th Avenue West on July 14.

they were already under investigation, they would have said anything to get that warrant. Home Depot IS a SAFE place to buy things :yes:

just to raise the paranoia levels ? :chin:


sound like someone tipped them off n they found watched him till they could legally find cause for a warrant
sounds like aa good lawyer could get it dropped cause HD does not market to indoor grow demographic so they dont sell dedicatd grow equip


The Hopeful Protagonist
Whenever I go to the Depot, I always buy additional things I need around the house anyway, you know, to not make it not seem like I'm building a light box specifically or what have you...common sense should rule the day.

If they're looking at you, at trip to the grocery store will jam you up if "they" want it to.

Dr Dog

Sharks have a week dedicated to me
you know when I go to these type of stores I often wonder if the clerk knows what I am up to.

But I do not believe that HD is freely giving up their security feeds to the PO.

Not good for publicity


To Have More ... Desire Less
yeah those dudez had to have LEO on there nadz already....to follow them that much and establish a pattern.......copz dont have time to watch hrz and hrz of endless storefootage......comeon......those guyz already had attention on them and there operation.............nuff said :2cents:

Guest 18340

Seriously, HD had nothing to do with them getting busted, they were tipped off by a no good for nothing scumbag rat.
Now they're gonna say everything they bought was for growing, probably even the Mountain Dew they bought while standing at the checkout line staring at the cashiers tits. ;)


the only thing that the pigs could learn from watching my local home depots would be to find millions of illegal immigrants doing cutrate work for local home and business owners. it would be a big waste of resources without very specific information from other sources like snitches IMO.

homedeopot is a business. as long as they get paid and not ripped off i imagine they would tell the pigs to pound sand without a court order or warrent.

Ajunta Pall

Last winter I went into HD and bought 8 400watt hid bulbs. 2 MH and rest HPS. Went through the self check out lane with no problems. The girl overseeing the lane didn't look my way twice. Other folks checking out paid me no mind as well.


Just to raise the paranoia levels of those who refuse to shop at hydroponic stores because big box retailers are 'safer':

Are you the owner of a hydro store? :biglaugh: Quit makin me paranoid, I may lose it and go postal.... :biglaugh:

I N Hail

Growing Grower AKA Wasted Rock Ranger
Left his mail and biss,cards in the house, LEO parable found receipts from HD for lights and
stuff seen the date/time it was bought and got the video from HD.


Yea he was already under investigation.. Once you are under investigation the clock is already ticking.. Unless you get wind of it and shut everything down and move to another statte....


ICMag Donor
the only thing that the pigs could learn from watching my local home depots would be to find millions of illegal immigrants doing cutrate work for local home and business owners. it would be a big waste of resources without very specific information from other sources like snitches IMO.

homedeopot is a business. as long as they get paid and not ripped off i imagine they would tell the pigs to pound sand without a court order or warrent.

hahaha i was about to say... for every grower there are 10,000 illegals in a home depot on any given day. INS should have substations at HD!!!


I took anger management already!!!! FUCK!!!
yea casa de pot aka home depot.. hehe said in spanish.. lol illegals no pun intended.. lmao.. casa de pot is totally safe.. self checkout lanes are nice no person to even have to talk to for the noided peeps.. And i do not for an AL bundy minute think the cashiers even have a clue about growing mj with anything that leaves that place unless they themselves grow and have built shit from there.. But there was a tidbit of good info buy other shit you actually do need along with yer grow shit if yer noided.. peace.



Active member
I always avoid going to HD for anything - the big sign next to front door saying how they piss-test the shit out of all their employees says everything I need to know.

Screw HD - how many great local hardware stores and middle-class businessmen were driven out of their jobs by HD?? They're corporate assholes that treat their employees like serfs on a plantation.
I always avoid going to HD for anything - the big sign next to front door saying how they piss-test the shit out of all their employees says everything I need to know.

Screw HD - how many great local hardware stores and middle-class businessmen were driven out of their jobs by HD?? They're corporate assholes that treat their employees like serfs on a plantation.

Construction owners like plumbers, carpenters and electrician's have been better off since HD. When I was working as an apprentice plumber more than half our calls were from some douche thinking he knew what to do, went to HD, broke everything and then made it worse. Hell my boss loved HD, he made extra money.