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Home Depot video helps nail growers


Active member
I was an employee at a HD in Atlanta where they started.They did drug test me in the hiring phase but that was it.I was injured on the job too.Usually that's an automatic pee test.
Personally, I don't think HD employees give a shit what you are buying.They don't have time to worry about it.They kept us very busy.


New member
They guys at my local HD don't even pay attention to what I am buying most of the time. They are just working a boring job at a cash register, trying to get through the day. I never worry about HD. However, if the cops are already after you, it is amazing what piddly crap they can take before a judge & get a warrant.


You guys shouldn't assume that HD employees don't know anything. One time I was in the bulb aisle after scanning the shelves for a minute a friendly employee walked up behind me points at a bulb and quietly says: "You know, it's not that important at the beginning. These right here will get you through the first couple weeks."

I never returned to Home Depot.


Patient Grower
Hehe, yeah, I ran into this old bald dude when I was at Home Depot buying the crap to cook up some meth and he started telling me my matches were wrong and I needed this and that...I got the fuck out of there. Then my partner and I ran into him in the parking lot and he was all breaking bad and telling me this was his territory...said his name was Heisenberg or something...oh right old bald dude, I'm shakin' like a leaf...


Active member
Hehe, yeah, I ran into this old bald dude when I was at Home Depot buying the crap to cook up some meth and he started telling me my matches were wrong and I needed this and that...I got the fuck out of there. Then my partner and I ran into him in the parking lot and he was all breaking bad and telling me this was his territory...said his name was Heisenberg or something...oh right old bald dude, I'm shakin' like a leaf...

I love that show!! great episode, I haven't seen any since the guy's girlfriend choked on her vomit, I'm definitely Tivo'ing it when it comes back on


I just got back from HD and all I bought was sockets, wire, enough wood to make a large box, flat white paint, nails, screws, and some compost. The guy checking me out was so happy i was spending money he didn't care. People buy all kinds of weird things at HD. The guy at HD or the cops or a judge don't know what your growing in that box. You could have an indoor orchid garden. If your in a med state with a card(which I am) it makes it alot harder to get any warrant.

This story is from Florida the pot growers worst nightmare, the most draconian state in the nation for growers. The police WERE tipped off by someone close to the grow and these men set up an obvious grow house with over 99 plants. They should have spread the purchase over ALOT of stores. Order some less incriminating stuff through amazon, stop by wal-mart, lowes, HD, target, ect.. to pick up the rest.

I lived in FL about 10 years ago and went to the hydro store one time and a cop car was across the St. I just walked out with a huge block of rockwool and a bag of goodies. Never had any issues. Then again all I had was a 150hps not 100+ plants in an empty house.
I saw these two guys walking out the garden section with an indoor fogger. Looked like a grower and apprentice trying to get rid of something. I wanted to point them to the no pest strips, but I knew better than to incriminate myself. I could've sworn I saw the same two guys at walmart, the older one leading the younger around looking at pots before I saw them walking away with some opaque tupperware. Funny stuff.


this is one of the dumbest threads ive seen on here.......like they give a shit!.......who the hell is going to know your growing because you buy some insulation board and a water heater timer? I feel bad for some of you that got parinoia so bad it wont let you do anything normal......but then you do dumb shit like smoke in your car and tell random girls about your stash & grow


oh they give a shit when you come under investigation and there following you lowes and HD will gladly let your detective sit in the security office and watch you. just hope you didn't buy anything stupid that day


New member
Definitely already watching the guys. The workers don't care or pay attention to what you are buying. All of the stuff you would buy has plenty of legitimate/legal uses, which if why they sell it in the first place. Like someone else said the cops don't have the time to watch people in Home Depot security footage and would also have a hell of a hard time securing a search warrant just from video of a guy buying some stuff. The cops were probably tipped off, they started surveillance on the guy's house, they follow the guy to Home Depot a couple of times, notice he's buying stuff that could potentially be growing equipment for mj, then they ask Home Depot for their footage in an investigation, then they get a warrant and nail the guy.


How many of you have been able to spot other growers while walking around red eyed and lost in home depot. One time while staring aimlessly at plumbing fitting I helped some college kids get the right parts for their beer bong. Never get ripped before going to the depot and make a F!@king list on a paper towel and flush it when your done.


Active member
Ace Hardware has a good selection of garden supplies and hot young girls working the register. Use cash. Flirt as necessary.

Those pigs were following the guy around HD looking into his cart at gardening supplies. The supplies, the "anonymous" tip plus whatever else they can say looks suspicious like power usage, nobody living there, seeing a man deliver gardening supplies to house with no visible garden... take it to a judge and they got a warrant.
These cats were already dimed out. If you wanna know the truth they figure they already got you scared to go to the Hydro shop, so lets throw in the whole Home Depot surveillance video and have em thinkin twice about gettin your supplies from these types of stores too! It would take alot more than a shoppin list from Home depot to get a warrant. If your that paranoid maybe you should think twice about your hobby or profession!


Active member
Ace Hardware has a good selection of garden supplies and hot young girls working the register. Use cash. Flirt as necessary.

So true - c'mon people, how many local HW stores drug-test their employees? None. This is my point, the whole mentality is different - part of the mission of the local store is to be a part of the town, to be a good employer because the employee's families and friends are going to buy stuff at the store. HD's mission is to relentlessly exploit the world for its own ends.

Unless you're a real scum bag a local merchant is never going to make trouble with you.


State Liscensed Care Giver/Patient, Assistant Trai
I love Home Depot, but you aren't safe buying equipment anywhere in my opinion....I have been going to my hydro store for a long time and I still don't trust it. Whether it be online, a grow shop or Home Depot...people are watching and you never know who.

**Post by Miss Blunted**


My little pony.. my little pony
Chillax spazzers. Anyone thats believing on that cop crap is being taken for a ride. When 'grow' supplies are scattered thruout the store I doubt they have a camera on every needed item as that would just be a waste. You are pretty much subject to the rules the judges apply to signing warrants.

Sounds like florida judges are signing everything and the cops are manufacturing more 'evidence'. My state pretty much requires physical evidence or signed affidavit of someone thats seen the grow in the house before a warrant is signed.

Then it sounds like some of you think HD is anti pot for pre-employment drug testing when they arent the ones behind that. Almost all large companies drug test because the health insurance companies require it. Why pay out thousands of dollars in potential drug treatment programs [ on a mostly part time minimum wage staff ] when a ten dollar test will usually prevent that from happening?


very sad but true these fools won't work hard to make there own country better but just instead come here to be under paid and do poor crappy quality construction work.

I love seeing the mexican flag on the other side of the border when I look out my front door


wait, I like mexicans but I hate home depot.

This thread has me all conflicted.

Home Depot is a piece of shit, worked there for 3 years, fired me because I put the fear of god into a dude for calling my son a retard(my son is cleft, or was, whatever). Years earlier my girl was pick pocketed in store, I watched the dude do it, but I just thought he bumped our cart. They couldn't look at the tapes for that. They could look at the tapes for this, and could look at the tapes to fire me. Screw home depot. I still shop there though, bought some cool plants for cheap. Even my morals like a good bargain.


You guys shouldn't assume that HD employees don't know anything. One time I was in the bulb aisle after scanning the shelves for a minute a friendly employee walked up behind me points at a bulb and quietly says: "You know, it's not that important at the beginning. These right here will get you through the first couple weeks."

I never returned to Home Depot.

Seconded. I usually don't worry but I have been called out at lowes for buying perlite + buckets. Called out at a home depot by a young employee in the gardening section when I asked if they had any square pots. Just said I was growing 'maters and started going to the HD another county further away and moved out of that county when my lease ended