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Home Appraisal


the shit spoon
Add more scrubbers to slow down the speed of the air passing thru the carbon... c'mon maaayaaannee.


ICMag Donor
Nothing will draw more attention than telling someone that you have a room they can't see. People aren't stupid. What would be the first thing you thought if someone said that to you?

Either put it off until after harvest or get a rental truck and store them for a day....


Tiger, Tiger, burning bright...
Yeah, at this point, I gotta go with JJ. Human nature being curious, you've already peaked someone's interest, just by bringing it up more than once. I'd venture that the change in inspection detail was tied to your inquiries.

Not saying you shouldn't have asked, you needed to know the layout of the thing. But, it's a damned if you do, damned if you don't sorta issue. Unfortunately, those situations are the burden we bear for our hobby.

Either put off the re-fi, or get everything out, there is no wise middle ground at this point. I know you said you need the cash, and you can't move the grow, but really, one has got to give.

You absolutely, positively should not take this risk.


Humble Human, Freedom Fighter, Cannabis Lover, Bre
ICMag Donor
So I said just cancel everything, and we will do it at a later date.

:respect: You are a smart grower! :good:

I would add a "Y" connector and another carbon filter onto your existing system. ;)

Be safe, grow well :canabis:


dude ,this exact thing happened to me,appraiser went through house and said had to see the room downstairs and said no can do, as its full of crap.Loan denied untill appraiser saw said room.Booked a day off work and spent 12hrs tearing room apart and filling it with junk, appraiser came back next day giving me the evil eye,loan approved.
These guys are watching for this,as its the banks that are taking a hit on destroyed houses from the gangs etc. so clean up and call another finance co.


New member
So we are refinancing our house, and they have to come do a home appraisal. What the fuck! I have the bank convinced that part of the house has sensitive business items in it, and no one can come in there. That being said I have some Chemdawg ready the 10th, and it is killing the new filter that I put in about a month ago. What the fuck do you do? My stomach hurts. This sucks, but we need to refinance to save the money. Any ideas?

Hello OrganicOrzarks,

I would like to just give some tips on what I've experienced, from a very recent home refinancing process. This is what I noticed:

The person that shows up will either be strict or laid back and you can make small talk with or not. Either way, they will be looking at the strucutre of your house, and they will need to go through every room(bedrooms, bathrooms, dens, garages, looking at the closet space) taking their notes, Mainly taking notes, and taking at least one picture of each room.

Now over the phone was discussed something similar. A room you can not go into. Well they didn't give much detail, as soon as the appraiser showed up, they said they needed to enter every room, and take a picture for files. It was a bank requirement.

They said all they need to do is look in snap a picture and move on

They spent more time outside documenting and taking pictures. More so looking at the foundation and land and other factors.(Neighbors houses and other surroundings)

But they still took pictures of every room and bathroom.

Also, the person that shows up usually does not give the final appraisal. They can give an estimate, or even take note on how much the peoples house it is are hoping it's worth

They will take their notes along with the pictures, and bring it to their supervisor. He/She will make the final appraisal decision.

They need the pictures because it is protocol, and most places require it especially banks. You know with shady appraisers and what not.

So unless you can reschedule it, which most of the time you can set up a date. Harvest it, or you will have to take it all down and hide or move the stuff.( Back of van, idk) for just a few hours. If you don't, they will notice or smell something, or happen to see something they aren't supposed to. And if they catch something on a picture...is not good mayne.


Active member
"Sure you can go in there if you want, but I got to warn you that the teenage sex slave has been throwing her poo around lately.
Maybe you'll get lucky and she'll miss you."

Either that, or wait a while til you harvest. It's not like the rates are going up weekly like the boom is on.


Just did ours down to a 15 year loan for the lower rate. Guy came in and looked EVERYWHERE and took photos of the inside as well as the outside. Not to noid you ...... but be careful bro


I'm on the edge. Of what I'm not sure.
Same deal here. Was told initially no appraisal would be needed. As soon as we showed interest in a refi they changed tune---and that appraisal would included inspection of all rooms and especially the foundation, homes furnace and water heater.

The savings was not that dramatic, and the way I looked at it I'd rather be paying off my note in 20 some years than getting out of jail in 20 some years.

I'll just throw extra at the principle every month and pay that loan off early from outside the penitentiary.

Kinda sucks, but there is a price to pay for everything in life.


What's everyone's experience with how thorough the tax assessors are doing interior walk throughs?
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I had a tax assessor walk through a couple of years ago and I told her straight up she's not entering any bedrooms. She had no problem with that and did her thing and moved on. What she was mainly looking for was over all finishes.

These bastards forced their way in by assessing my house at a crazy high number when I wouldn't let them in initially. You don't have to legally allow them to enter but that is what they do to force their way in.


Just tell them you'll be going outta town and won't be back till the 20th. That'll give ya time to harvey and dry/break down and won't have to worry about all this bullshit. Just put if off man many ways to do it.


Active member
hahaha i agree with the posters before..... Dress up like marylin manson and say you have a bunch of sex party's and shit...try and act real strange too, talking with a gay lisp might help

On a more serious note, my dad was able to get his house appraised without the guy even going inside. They are supposed to go inside but sometimes you can find someone who will do it without going in if you search around. Just say your out of town for a few months but you really need it done, just act as reightous as possible over the phone

teemu shalanie

WeeDGamE StannisBaratheoN
had the same thing happen to me, had to take down the set up, but finished crop off, put off inspector for a few weeks till I wuz ready then it wuz all good,
Never re finace mortgage b4 you are ready to harvest......good luck with ur situation

Grass Lands

The correct answer to this is always "Medical Transcription". The most clueless SOB in this country knows medical records are damn near sacrosanct, and you caneven quote HIPPA, which says records must be protected from unauthorized access. Eaiest way to prevent unauthorized access? A locked door :)

Now its not some embarrassed perv not wanting to open the door, it's the full force of the Federal government telling them they'd better fuckin' not open that door :D

Learn to use the enemy's chains on your neck as weapons against him.

Best damn advice I've heard in a long time...

Rock on man:dance013:


Active member
Quick question...... does an appraiser need to see a shed in the backyard? I just have a few plants, so I was going to lock them in a shed in the backyard... Would the appraiser need to see into that?


Get a friend with a pet skunk and let it loose inside. Then tell the appraiser guy you went out to carry out the trash and left the door cracked and a wild skunk got inside...offer to let him get it out for you.


Active member
I think you might be ok with a locked shed in the backyard wdcf.

Typically though a home appraisal mean a complete breakdown. They go everywhere like everyone has already said.

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