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Hombre del Monte's garden.

Hombre del mont

Dr of Stupidity
Sativas are smelling more like many green plants in nature, you know like weed(in english like we germans would say 'Unkraut')... that's my last experience with the Golden Tiger cross for example, there is only a tiny bit of typical sweet cannabis bubblegum smell and came very late in flower.

She already gave you the car!? 😦 What a b!tch! :ROFLMAO: :mad: She maybe will be selling it for a higher price to someone else in the future...
That's what she said to my wife! Every time Mrs DM mentioned the paperwork, she just said, what until the insurance finishes in December and then we'll sort it out. 2 weeks ago she gave a different story and said she needed it back.
But, I can't complain; having the use of a nice car for the last few months has made me realise that I don't want to go back to driving "old bangers" (as we say in England). And the car that I've bought instead is even better than the one we were "given".
I've just had a message from my mate to tell me that all the work that he wanted to do is finished. Cool!

Hombre del mont

Dr of Stupidity
So, on to the next plant.

Destroyer#23 x Deep Chunk/Tom Hill Haze.

Not a lot of smell to her yet.






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Hombre del mont

Dr of Stupidity
Buenos dias caballeros,

Time for an update.

How time flies! It's been over two weeks again.

The 2nd pheno of the Zenith was harvested a week ago and is hanging up to dry ready for cobbing.

The temperatures have improved and yesterday it was 26c in the day, dropping to 14c at night. A week ago it was dropping to 7c over night!






smelling strongly of ripe mango and perhaps a little sweet orange.

She's been ready for a couple of days now but we've been waiting for an opportunity to chop her. This afternoon the weather looks good, ie not windy, but our team are playing football and both of us love our football. I love marijuana more than football, but I'm thinking another day or two won't harm her and the weather is forecast to be fine for the next 10 days at least. 😍

Hopefully the weather will continue to be mild for at least another month.

Green haze A19

I'm so pleased that this plant didn't get sent to my neighbours house to live in a pot on her partially sunny terrace. She's really come on lately and has survived the winds almost unscathed.


Well-known member
All this talk about curry got me to thinking...
Do you have a recipe for NBA curry?

The talk of mango scent sent me back to my childhood years of caring for mango and avocado trees that my grandfather planted. Good to hear that you had some rain, but why does it have to come down all at once? Your cannabis garden is lovely and I long for the day that I might grow under the big eye in the sky without fear.

What color is the new car?