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HMK pipe

Gray Wolf

A Posse ad Esse. From Possibility to realization.
ICMag Donor
but it didn't exist before i shared the idea with the world, cant take that away from me. i don't care who you get; the most amazing blower to make the most incredible copy for free, its still a copy, and that is a compliment every time, regardless of your derogatory attitude, none of you would have anything like this if not for my sharing.


oh yah skunkman, feel free to share ;)

I pride myself in being able to make anything or have my talented circle of friends do it for me, so in my own mind, there is no question that I could have our scientific glass blower turn something out that would accomplish the same end as an HMK pipe.

What I have been struck with from the very start watching this thread, is of course the initial unique brain fart concept, which as a creator myself I salute, but also the absolute funk in the design of the pipe itself.

The initial epiphany makes it all possible, but the design is an artist's signature, which cannot ever be completely copied.

My hat is off to whom ever's mind and nimble fingers is turning out the pipes that have been displayed to date. Just their look, says it all...........


PS: I have had virtually all my good ideas stolen over the years and consider it the sincerest form of flattery.
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"Every morning when I wake up, I experience an exquisite joy – the joy of being Salvador Dalí – and I ask myself in rapture: What wonderful things this Salvador Dalí is going to accomplish today?"

I think that pretty much sums up this thread. Nice pipes bro, now go find a therapist to get your internet-ego in check...


honey oil addict
get off the dope. anyone who thinks i have an ego problem is fully misconceived. as you say, "internet" . how can any of you punks think you can accurately discern my real nature via online means only?

oh but if you know any good internet therapists i would like to see the webpage, that sounds like a good laugh :)


honey oil addict
I don't get it, are you being sarcastic?

I actually pmed you under an old name not too long ago and never got response from you. Another old friend of mine on the cabana was waitlisted for like 6 months...

Nothing but respect for you bro, but if I can't get the real thing I'm going to get the knockoff. It's just a pipe...

You should find a way to make these available to people, there is obviously a demand. If getting yours wasn't such a pain you'd have gotten my money long ago...

if you want the knockoff feel free. i am not obligated to provide you with anything. you act like you have the right to bitch at me, but it is useless, and usually detrimental.


New member
^^^ lmao haow is bitching going to get you what it is you want im sure hmk is just a very busy man and missed ur shit so u should have hit him back and asked why no response ive had no problems getting in touch myself wso i think you needed to try harder but now you will be lucky if he sends you anything now imo.


if you want the knockoff feel free. i am not obligated to provide you with anything. you act like you have the right to bitch at me, but it is useless, and usually detrimental.

That wasn't bitching. I actually think that my post on the second page was pretty polite.

The quote was more about how you conduct yourself on here. With all due respect, moldytreefrog was entirely correct about your ego. In 99% of your posts you come off as smug as can possibly be... That's not me bitching about pipes, availability, quality, or anything like that. That's me being honest. You're like the Bill Maher or Kenny Powers of BHO, if that makes any sense.

I know that you're God's gift to the weed community and all, but try to lower yourself down to the level of us plebs for a change, eh? :rolleyes:


honey oil addict
i don't think so. i dont feel the need to demean myself. instead of stopping to your level, why dont you rise above the clouds and ascend to the realms of greatness?

oh yah, here's one of my favorite sayings, seems applicable now almost, Step aside peasants!


Typical elitist non-response, would actually be applicable if you weren't an internet wannabe.

Didn't catch any of that sarcasm, eh? Is it really over your head?


honey oil addict
i guess i can say the same to you, lol. i love to joke with people on the net when they deserve it. you cant tell when what i put is a joke it seems bro. maybe thats why you have a large misconception of what i am really like. i dont feel the need to portray who i really am to some faceless internet guy. what exactly is an internet wannabe? sounds funny.


Active member


i dont feel the need to portray who i really am to some faceless internet guy.

The only means we have to judge you is your written word, which you put on this site.

In that written word you come off as an utter douche bag with a huge ego. If you did anything that was actually impressive to me, I wouldn't be saying a thing. Unfortunately, you're just some dude who makes oil and hash and posts pictures of it online.

To sum it up: you're an internet attention whore. While the rest of us are posting in the growers forums, and the infirmary (you know, actually trying to help people), you're on every weed site on the net showing the same bho over and over and bragging about you're pipe. It's getting old...


honey oil addict
i don't brag. i like to maintain accuracy in information portrayal. if you are being so helpful in grow forums etc, go be helpful there and stop being irritated by someone who shouldn't really affect you at all. attention whore lol. its not my fault my invention is so popular. i keep getting flak for sharing. really, mind your own business. you dont see me coming around and picking on people for their supposed ego problems now, do you.


honey oil addict
Unfortunately, you're just some dude who makes oil and hash and posts pictures of it online.

i havent posted pics of oil online for years. maybe reposts, but no new pics of oil posted in years. you are living in the past maybe. posted a pic of hash? i did post one pic of kif in the last year here.

actualy that sentence there is wack. how would it be unfortunate, if true? it wouldnt be more or less unfortunate, thats not applicable.


It's unfortunate because this is a growers forum. As far as I can tell the only thing that you are growing is a colossal sense of self-importance.

I'm done with this, it's obvious that either you can't see how disrespectful you are to people (ie: you're reading comprehension sucks), or you are just a straight up asshole and don't care. Have a good day.


honey oil addict
that was good eh?

I'm glad you are done Lloyd, and i forgive you for your ignorance. Carry on with my blessings :)

IF you care to note, i have never started a thread about my stuff, others do so. I do nothing to inflate these alleged feelings of self importance, on the contrary its a constant battle because of all the adulation i get, to make sure i realize my absolute 0 worth.


honey oil addict
Yup. I don't think he gets it...

And i forgive you for your ignorance as well.

It totally hilarious really, if you step back and look at it: we have two sides of the fence, and both side are saying, the other side doesn't get it. :D both sides think the other is blind to their point. its pretty comical. You are fooled by some of my posts into thinking i am some type of egomaniac, and think i am blind to this, and on the contrary i just get a lot of humor out of your wrongness. at least one of us thinks its funny.


honey oil addict
it's obvious that either you can't see how disrespectful you are ...
or you are just a straight up asshole and don't care

if you go back you will see that you prompted the disrespect. your first post indicated i was a jerk for not supplying the world with my stuff and that i somehow owed it to you, kind of threatening me with, i guess ill take my money elswhere, as if i should care. twice you did that. and then you feel the need to come and make ego comments later on. i had never talked to you ever before your posts, so obviously you are the one starting shit with me, and i see no reason to take peoples crap. people get what they deserve, and if one is cordial and upright, it works out well for them. obviously, you have an attitude problem, i take that part about ignorance back, i think you are probably beyond able to be using that for an excuse for your incorrigibleness. and now you are resorting to gutter language to try and attack me, how novel.

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