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HMK pipe


New member
The HMK vape is one of the best oil bubblers because it has minor details that make the oil rip the best it can be. If you can't appreciate it you don't have to and you shouldn't get angry that people latch onto brands. From what I've heard, the price on the bub is extremely reasonable and he has been developing the tech without a real commercial interest in it for a decade.

If you think he is somehow exploiting the oil market to make big bucks, you are sadly mistaken. He provided it with a tool that allowed it to expand to the size we see now. He has product tested extensively. I've actually not seen a better product at a better price.

You don't seem to offer any information as to why the HMK vape is so much worse than others. They are sloppy? Not everyone likes a clean, uniform look. I do, but I also appreciate the units a shit ton. You don't seem to understand that most of the heady oil bubblers out there just aren't that functional. Too much air will ruin an oil hit, at least for those that really discriminate on taste and flavour. Why are they some of the worst oil bubblers out there? You say sausage links, but did you realize that the pinching at the bends actually works to improve the function?

If you made what you consider the best product for a particular function, would you not hype that shit up? Why do you hate his success so much? You can say that the kutvape is one of the sloppiest, or lowest quality bubs out there, but pretty much every owner of one will disagree. Can you get a relatively equivalent piece, functionally, by another artist that may or may not give you a better price and make a unit more to your specs? For sure and people realize that. The proof is in all the units that have been made by most glassblowers. How can you say that HMK is trying to market an object when he has spent years promoting it without truly taking a commercial interest? Stop complaining and let people enjoy their products. To each their own.
HMK bubs, both with regard to hits & water hits, are worse, I should have mentioned that.

If one looks at how high he fills his bubs with water, he can't fill it very high
Other artists can put more in there (and with the design that is still ideal for oilers in terms of hits)
HMK most def has a commercial interest in this. He sells them.
And, the ego of his frosts the cake, for me at least.
Not everyone has seen other oilbubs, and not everyone has seen his ego.
This is what I am trying to shed light upon for people.
Because I see a lot of consumers getting hurt in this thread, which isn't good to see..

It isn't me complaining as much as it is me looking out for my fellow icmag'er, in my eyes.
I feel like people are getting ripped off & I think it's wrong

That's my opinion, just putting it out there.

But you're right about the shapes/design/having an artist that uses oil being of priority in making an oilbub, it's something to look out for, and there are many glassblowers out there who make them without these things in mind, or who don't even use them at all!


New member
I've never had a single issue with the water levels in a kutvape and I've hit around a half dozen units, both older and newer.

And I wonder, would you be happy if he just gave them away? Come on. You are talking out your ass about stuff you really have no clue about. How are people getting ripped off? I got a couple curves recently from kut that were nicer than and at least an equivalent price to anything else on the market, whether locally or through glassblowers online.

Who is getting hurt? I ask again: who is getting ripped off?

Do some people want a kutvape simply because of the reputation it has? Hell yes. You don't have to experience something to have an idea about what it is like and if people enjoy it. There are few products that seem to have such a high level of pride among most if not all the owners of them. For some it is an ego trip, for others, it is a piece of oil history and art that is meant to be used daily and appreciated fully.

Edit: the only people getting ripped off are the true oil heads that don't have a kutvape yet ; )
I've never had a single issue with the water levels in a kutvape and I've hit around a half dozen units, both older and newer.

And I wonder, would you be happy if he just gave them away? Come on. You are talking out your ass about stuff you really have no clue about. How are people getting ripped off? I got a couple curves recently from kut that were nicer than and at least an equivalent price to anything else on the market, whether locally or through glassblowers online.

All I am saying is kut pipes don't fit a lot of water compared to other oilbubs (which keep in mind are also small volume, hit well, and are designed by oil using glassblowers with people such as yourself in mind), the glasswork is shotty and isn't as well done as it could be, the diffusers aren't precision-worked in terms of implementation & construction, and, kut pipes get reputation as being the best things out there mainly because of the name & fact that he was the first, not because of the quality of the pipe - it's just like RooR - name-fadding - which as a consumer I work to expose...because it ends up swindling a lot of goodminded people..

It's all my opinion, of course, this is obvious, but I feel it's all backed up.
I'm not talking out of my ass and keep all of the things you mention in mind when searching out oilbubs.

There are artists out there who put more time into their pieces, resulting in better functionality & artwork. It's a big statement but it's true, and I credit it to broadening market perspective as a consumer. You could stay in a box labeled HMK all day but you won't find anything better, and just because you don't find anything better doesn't mean you go back into your box. It's about strengthening consumer power, options, and improving glass quality here, not bashing a particular person, or you. It's about removing ego from this specific world of ours here, and replacing it with truth and kindness. It's all of what I just said, it's many things.

This isn't asstalk to me, it's serious.
Just my 2, I'll butt outta here again though so as to not further consume the thread.


New member
All I am saying is kut pipes don't fit a lot of water compared to other oilbubs

Less water is better in an oil vape. There is little filtration needed - or even no filtration - for proper oil, it is only used to cool the smoke; water filters out active ingredients.

the glasswork is shotty

Is it thinner than I would like? Yes. Is most glass? Yes. In terms of construction, I don't see it.

isn't as well done as it could be

Boo-hoo. Nothing will ever be good enough. That is human nature.

kut pipes get reputation as being the best things out there mainly because of the name/reputation.

No, they get the reputation because they work really fucking well. This isn't some big scam being run by a couple dozen kut owners that overly hype the product, it is the enjoyment of each new owner stacking on the others.

You aren't really saying anything when you argue people should be out getting these pieces from other artists. They are already doing that. I have an oil bub being made right now as well as a few more to pick up in the next few months, but i'd still take any kutvape offered in that time.

replacing it with truth and kindness

The problem is that you haven't properly evaluated the situation you are criticizing and so you don't come off as knowledgeable or kind. Talk to the owners of the units and spend some time product testing different pieces.

I understand the fight you are fighting but it isn't applicable here. This isn't Roor, pushing out basic straight tubes for 3x the normal retail price. This is a product that is really quite contained within a small corner of the cannabis market and as such has maintained a reputation as elite. This is reinforced by the quality of the product, which delivers the best oil hit possible, at least in the ways that many people want. Not everyone likes small units with little water, but at the end of the day it really is the best way to vape when comparing flavour, potency, and harshness.

I sense you are probably just uncomfortable with this elitism, but it is actually quite inevitable. When you buy a kutvape you are buying a unit made by the HMK/GGirl fam. They can't or won't pump the units out all day, so demand greatly outweighs supply. There is no way around it, it is just basic economics.


honey oil addict
All I am saying is kut pipes don't fit a lot of water compared to other oilbubs (which keep in mind are also small volume, hit well, and are designed by oil using glassblowers with people such as yourself in mind), the glasswork is shotty and isn't as well done as it could be, the diffusers aren't precision-worked in terms of implementation & construction, and, kut pipes get reputation as being the best things out there mainly because of the name & fact that he was the first, not because of the quality of the pipe - it's just like RooR - name-fadding - which as a consumer I work to expose...because it ends up swindling a lot of goodminded people..

It's all my opinion, of course, this is obvious, but I feel it's all backed up.
I'm not talking out of my ass and keep all of the things you mention in mind when searching out oilbubs.

There are artists out there who put more time into their pieces, resulting in better functionality & artwork. It's a big statement but it's true, and I credit it to broadening market perspective as a consumer. You could stay in a box labeled HMK all day but you won't find anything better, and just because you don't find anything better doesn't mean you go back into your box. It's about strengthening consumer power, options, and improving glass quality here, not bashing a particular person, or you. It's about removing ego from this specific world of ours here, and replacing it with truth and kindness. It's all of what I just said, it's many things.

This isn't asstalk to me, it's serious.
Just my 2, I'll butt outta here again though so as to not further consume the thread.

you should show more respect or appreciation or something. although there are many blowers copying my design, it is my design, i was the originator, and if i hadnt shared it with the world, none of the copiers would exist. you keep dissing my stuff as not as good as more advanced glass blowers stuff, but it makes you look like an ass, you should realize this.




Great discussion folks, but I think a recap is in order. (Mods, feel free to delete if this seems incredibly ranty/off topic)
Post #178:
MK/His Sister's pipes are some of the sloppiest out there.

they're actually some of the worst oilbubs out there, if you take a look around @ others.

My problem is that his bubs are sloppy as heck & they're sold as 'the best' even tho they aren't.

HMK just uses 1 and it comes out sloppy.
His bubs are sloppily made too, just speaking generally
And personally I think there's better art on the market, too.
When in reality, they're some of the sloppiest oilbubs out there.
Ontop of it, his pieces are sloppy, as I mentioned

Really? You mentioned they were sloppy? I'm having a hard time finding the part of your post in which that word was mentioned...:wave:

Post # 180:
HMK bubs, both with regard to hits & water hits, are worse, I should have mentioned that.
Post # 182:
it's just like RooR
I think many artists would take offense to this statement.:artist: How is seeking out work from an individual (who will customize pieces at a reasonable price) remotely similar (let alone 'just like') to purchasing a production unit a giant corporation? I think it is the polar opposite.

Post # 183:
It's about removing ego from this specific world of ours here, and replacing it with truth and kindness.
Clearly folks, that is what it is about. It sounds really funny if you think of Dave Chappelle saying this aloud in his 'uptight white guy' impersonation.

It's all of what I just said, it's many things.


Anyways... Whose got some HMK curves or HMK/ggirl oil units to post? My curve is in the works, but I'll post a clean pic when I get it. This thread is a little slow compared to this one.


honey oil addict
Take a look at his hooks, they're like sausage links, he doesn't take the time to perfect them

wow big post, didnt take the time to read it all. but this part, you know, i have been blowing since december man. if people want to buy my curves, thats good, i dont force them on anyone. its nice to be able to hook up people with a fair priced well working product. i am getting better all the time, but 4 months practice isnt much. give me a year or two and my curves could be amazing if i want them to be. why diss someone for providing a service? seems very petty.


honey oil addict
my sister doent do sloppy work, for the record. she does do some simple stuff though, as production vapes for the masses aren't supposed to take a day to make, or no one would get any. as for thickness, her stuff is never too thin.


honey oil addict
Part II (The less important part)
See now, with HMK it's all about ego.
He makes a big deal about copies, his work, and his oil ideas, but in a very, very negative way.
When people like Chief ask him about copies, it boosts his ego.
If it didn't, HMK wouldn't make such a horrendously big deal about it all.
If it didn't, HMK wouldn't brag about his work so much.
If it didn't, he wouldn't be posting videos angrily flipping off dome users and smashing domes with rocks

It's one thing to make crappy pipes and sell them as golden, almost everyone does that
It's another to have an ego about it, to make it all a competition, to lack humility
Most people after reading his posts for quite some time can see this
If you don't know what I'm talking about you haven't read HMK's posts for years =/

i just wanted to post this up again cuz its so funny :) thanks bro, you made my day. now go make some oil bubs or something.


I just smoked out of an hmk pipe and man was the experience awesome. however, i will agree, craftsmanship and design were poor at best, the swing arm was longer than the actual glass piece itself therefore you had to rest it on something taller so you wouldnt burn your counter top which i thought was a little retarded. do i still want one, hell yes. would i buy from an ego maniac that constantly reminds people "if it werent for me..." not in a million. we kick people like that off the team with regularity as that sort of attitude belongs in a high school, super immature.


honey oil addict
i only remind people when they feel they have the right to diss me, when what i did was share my idea with the world. i didnt have to. i dont feel i should be attacked for sharing. when i am attacked i defend myself by reminding them they could be more grateful and it would be more appropriate.


honey oil addict
I just smoked out of an hmk pipe and man was the experience awesome. however, i will agree, craftsmanship and design were poor at best, the swing arm was longer than the actual glass piece itself therefore you had to rest it on something taller so you wouldnt burn your counter top which i thought was a little retarded.

that is a little retarded and i dont even believe it. must be an aftermarket curve? i dont know. lets see a pic, we dont make vapes with curves too long like you describe. maybe in 2003/2004 we sold some a litte wonky, but there was a learning curve making something new.


believe it or not im not out to get you just callin it like i see. like i said the experience was epic just thought that when i came in and read this thread the attitude was way off.


honey oil addict
whatever, i dont really care how you percieve my attitude, which is probably incorrect. what i am interested in is, if there is a pipe out there with an ill fitting piece, we would be happy to fix it if we knew who's it was. who's vape was it anyhow, maybe thats the question i needed to ask the first time? if you let me knew, we could help out. but if you just bitch and dont tell me who, its just useless whining for the sake of it.


Active member
I have a lot of glass...shit HMK even shipped mine to my friends head shop. All I got to say is it works perfectly! Looks perfect too....excellent craftsmanship.

gotta love all the haters...


honey oil addict
at least i got my lovers too. makes it ok :) gotta have both, cant have one without the other in this world it seems, and you can't please everyone, thats for sure. my record is pretty good tho, i have gotten 99 out of 100 emails indicating immense satisfaction, and the odd problem, but that not surprising, cmon, i vape a lot of oil.


New member
ive had the plesure to rip at least a half doz units made by g girl and hmk and they are the best ripping device ive ever used and i have used many other methods and other artists curves but none compare its just never the same if the it is too small or the glass is fucked its always something but ive never hit a kut that isnt amazing im waiting for mine now and will continue to wait for my kut but i do need a curve i think before cuz of the wait but want that from kut but as for just coming in and droping all this hate on kut thats fucked up and hes done nothing from wat ive seen ive watched the vids and read the posts but ur just a hater looking to argue without substance it doenst make sense!!!


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