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Hittin' the Joint... but not the one filled with green.


Custom User Title
So what, 7 months? Glad to see you back. I just read your story and looked at the dates and I was wondering where you were now, and what a great last post to read. Good to hear you're out.


Moon-grass farmer
You get fresh air and sunshine in prison, but I still am lookin' kinda ghostly. As for getting my life back... man... I'm stoked for it. Except the downfall that I can't burn. Not due to probation... I lucked out and have no post-prison supervison because I had no prior felonies, and they were non-violent offenses. But I need a (good) job and need to keep the piss clean. I did blaze a couple times though since I've been out, but it just made me feel fucking weird. Like I was doing something I shouldn't be doing. But I'm sure that will go away :)


made a big post but IC lagged and deleted it

Welcome back and stay smart and safe!


Custom User Title
I did blaze a couple times though since I've been out, but it just made me feel fucking weird.

Hopefully that goes away...

I'm the same age as you, and I'm doing pizza delivery while I'm in school. Not a career choice, but it's working out real well for where I am now. It's great money, you get to cruise around by yourself for at least half the time you're working, everybody smokes, and I doubt any place that does food delivery will do a piss test. Of course it depends on what your area is like, but it's just a suggestion!
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Hey man, I read both threads and I gotta say props to your for staying strong. Good to see your back, and in time burning will come with a clearer state of mind. :joint:
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Moon-grass farmer
Thank you for all the kind words... good to see this place is still around.

About the pizza delivery... I actually did do that for a few months after I got busted while I was out on bail. Sweet job for sure. But now, these fuckers took my license because a vehicle was used in the commission of my felonies. They already took my car. I'm going to try to fight this shit, because nowhere in court or in my paperwork was this mentioned. I just checked my stack of mail when I got home and had a letter from the Department of Licensing saying I'm revoked until August. So I go to the DOL, and it says it's revoked for Minor in Possession of Drugs. I've never copped to a possession charge. What the fuck? But the day I'm eligable is the year anniversary of my conviction, so I know it's for this shit. But... Washington state can eat dick and wash it down with piss. I'm in Oregon now :)


glad to hear your back safe and sound and I hope you butts still as tight as when you went in there. SO as my paranoia gets the best of me and i thin of my self one day possible having to go to the evil joint I have to ask... what was it like? blood and crips lots of gangs? get in any shit with anyone? anyone try to shank you(meat knife included)? any other heroing tales?


Glad to see you out, i'm sorry to see that the USA is so blind to the injustice of cannabis laws. Next bowl I smoke is for you bro.


Moon-grass farmer
Thanks homie, burn a few for me. And yeah, my rectum is still tight. Thanks for asking. As for gangs, the prison I was at was under the integration program. First sign of gang activity you're in the hole.

I had a couple confrontations, but nothing even close to a fight. Everybody I met was chill. Except 2 weeks before I got out, this guy that was in the room right below me was bitching to me about how the whole time I'd been there, he'd been putting up with me and my celly supposedly "stomping around." I thought he was kidding, so I kinda laughed at him. He thought I was trying to "punk" him, so he got all buck and was trying to brawl me. I had 2 weeks left, otherwise I probably would stomped him cause it just PISSED me off the way he was tryin' to run my shit... but I just told him calm the fuck down, this shit ain't worth it... didn't know it was like that. We shook hands, and I told him me and my celly would quiet down if it really bothered him. So I go tell my celly we need to "keep it down before I get smashed", which is a 45 year old, 275 lb, down south, bank robbing black dude. He says fuck that and starts stomping on the floor. Next thing you know, homeboy comes up my cell within like 10 seconds. My celly tells me dont' worry about it, pulls dude into the cell and makes him cowar like a bitch. Good times. My celly had my back for sure. Like the black father I never had. Haha. He always told me "you ain't got no time, so if you ever get any problems just let me know. you need to get home, get some pussy, smoke some weed, and live your life. too young to be in prison, so let me lose my time." Good dude.
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Good to see someone come out the other side in one piece, be strong mate.


Sneak attack critical
Congratulations Holdin'...

Can I say how surreal it was to read your last post before incarceration back to back with your first post after your release. It just chilled me a little for some reason...


New member
Hey man, best of luck settling up in Oregon. Good to hear you got out in one piece with your forbidden zone intact, sounds like your cellie was a good dude. Take it easy.


ICMag Donor
I just read your story...all of it, just now...so I kinda missed what happened when it did, but props to you for being responsible and not ruining others life b/c you got screwed. Far to often people let things like this make them bitter.

Welcome back to ICMAG and stay smart and safe.