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Hittin' the Joint... but not the one filled with green.

How much is your totall sentence going to be?Normaly, you can parole it.Might only do 1/4 of it.2 months on county is worse than a year in the joint.Keep your eyes open, and mouth shut.Never take a loaned anything.Most common joint scam there is.Stay outta the mix.Good time to read up on law.Lotta dope in the joint.Stay away, unless doing a bunch of time.They whiz-quiz in the joints, now.Be a bummer to loose an early release by smoking up.Any ?'s, shout out.


Holdin' ,

My heart breaks for you and those who love you. I don't know what I'm going to write here, but I have to say something. You are a good man, that is obvious. The people that have pushed you into prison rather than county are lost in every way, lost to nature, lost to goodness, lost to the cosmic radiance, lost to their own unique human potential of love and empathy - so, they shall never know the heights and the breadth of the joy of life that your heart tells me that you dwell in, now and for always.

Take this time to purify and to strengthen your connection with the indwelling spirit.

I offer you this: you are exactly where you should be, doing exactly what you should be doing. You are at the right place at the right time. The currents that steer the course of our lives come from an unseen dimension of universal love intention that we are temporarily unaware of .

So, I send you blessing from my truest self to yours. My prayer for you is that your presence subliminally and unconsciously inspires and stirs and awakens the higher nature of all those you meet- in so doing, may this mirror inspire you to further identifying with your eternal Spirit Self.

These are the true days of tribulation. Hold thru and true and trust the process, there is only one thing going on here; Revealing the absolute universal love of the unknowable One God.

Many, many blessings of God's graces and I-tection on you, righteous man.

All is well, All will be well. Be a light unto yourself, betake yourself to no external refuge. Hold fast to the truth. Look not for refuge to anyone but yourself.

I embrace you, my brother, with both arms warmly and share in the heart light together. Until Kingdom Come.



sorry to hear this.
you'll be ok.just stay to yourself.
you'll get assigned some job,hopefully in the kitchen.
and if your lucky you'll be able to trade a pack of smokes for a pinner.or a carton for a balloon.
good luck...


Moon-grass farmer
421oops said:
As soon as you enter the place get ready to be humiliated. you will be stripped, deloused, and given your new garb. i don't know if you'll be shaved or not. that varies per state. your 1st stop will be a evaluation facility. they will test every thing. i.q., aids, theeth...dct...also you will see a shrink. he/she will ask, " do you eves have too many thoughts to keep up w/?"

say NO, or go to the nut house. deny, deny, deny....,you've never done any drugs but what you went down for.

be quiet. get a book.
Yeah, that's going to kind of suck. I hate people picking at me. But I don't think I'll be shaved. I hope not. Haha. Just getting there is going to be the lamest I think. Plead guilty at about 3pm, spend the evening in county, sleep, wake up, wait, then jump on the chain train and ride 2 hours north. Then, time for the delousing.

gamehaze2 said:
dude HOLDIN i read that thread first on my old username seekinghigh i felt for u dude i read your whole storie about u thurt it was a prank and that ur making sure i dnt get caught no im goin super stealth thank for mentioning it just goes to show fuc everybody i used to think yeah u can talk but no way u can only talk to people whu have as much at risk as u but holdin i hope it should be cool there man try and make friends that like to talk about their past and time should fly and ur being a man about it so i hope it goes well but that was a scary end to a story i remember waking up one morning reading that scared the shit out of me
Yeah man, busted stories are always scary. I mean, as long as you're not hustlin anything, just growin, you don't have anything to worry about. A man can't rat out himself. Loose lips sink ships. If you're not careful... you WILL be caught.

El Loco Smoko said:
How much is your totall sentence going to be?Normaly, you can parole it.Might only do 1/4 of it.2 months on county is worse than a year in the joint.Keep your eyes open, and mouth shut.Never take a loaned anything.Most common joint scam there is.Stay outta the mix.Good time to read up on law.Lotta dope in the joint.Stay away, unless doing a bunch of time.They whiz-quiz in the joints, now.Be a bummer to loose an early release by smoking up.Any ?'s, shout out.
The least I can do is 50%. Which is what I will do as long as I'm good. Since it's a non-violent offense, and before this I had a clean record, I'll be golden. Just gotta be a good boy. As for drugs in prison, I've heard fairytales of this first prison I'm going to go to of drugs being EVERYWHERE. I won't have a hard time staying away... having a altered mind in prison doesn't really fit my fancy. Especially when talking about the risk of it.

Cornerstone said:
Holdin' ,

My heart breaks for you and those who love you. I don't know what I'm going to write here, but I have to say something. You are a good man, that is obvious. The people that have pushed you into prison rather than county are lost in every way, lost to nature, lost to goodness, lost to the cosmic radiance, lost to their own unique human potential of love and empathy - so, they shall never know the heights and the breadth of the joy of life that your heart tells me that you dwell in, now and for always.

Take this time to purify and to strengthen your connection with the indwelling spirit.

I offer you this: you are exactly where you should be, doing exactly what you should be doing. You are at the right place at the right time. The currents that steer the course of our lives come from an unseen dimension of universal love intention that we are temporarily unaware of .

So, I send you blessing from my truest self to yours. My prayer for you is that your presence subliminally and unconsciously inspires and stirs and awakens the higher nature of all those you meet- in so doing, may this mirror inspire you to further identifying with your eternal Spirit Self.

These are the true days of tribulation. Hold thru and true and trust the process, there is only one thing going on here; Revealing the absolute universal love of the unknowable One God.

Many, many blessings of God's graces and I-tection on you, righteous man.

All is well, All will be well. Be a light unto yourself, betake yourself to no external refuge. Hold fast to the truth. Look not for refuge to anyone but yourself.

I embrace you, my brother, with both arms warmly and share in the heart light together. Until Kingdom Come.

Damn bro, that's some deep shit. I'm not a religious person, but I definitely appreciate the kind words. But yeah, those people that are putting me in prison are some heartless motherfuckers. First time offense, clean record, I finished high school, worked 90% of my life since I was 16. I just smoke weed. I've messed around with other stuff at times, but really I'm just an honest kid that blows a little bit (a lot) of bud. I just don't think under any of the circumstances that I belong in prison. But hey, what can ya do. Thanks though man, for real.

ash said:
sorry to hear this.
you'll be ok.just stay to yourself.
you'll get assigned some job,hopefully in the kitchen.
and if your lucky you'll be able to trade a pack of smokes for a pinner.or a carton for a balloon.
good luck...
Can't smoke in Washington prisons! Sucks. But... at least I can use this time to quit. If all goes well, I should only spend about a month in WCC, and then get transferred to a work camp. That will make time flyyy. 10 times better than any damn kitchen.


sunshine in a bag
Hey man, if you get a chance to read in there, which I'm pretty sure you allowed to right? Try and read Dune by Frank Herbert. Just read all of them.

I love those books and what better place to read than in prison where you have nothing better to do anyways than piss time away.

ill say a prayer for you


Moon-grass farmer
Yeah, you can read. I plan on reading, writing, workin out, playin ball... theres really quite a few things to do to pass time.


i saw a near riot break out over a chess game.
those work camps are cake,they'll propbaly put you in the kitchen.
ya man,hit those weights.


The folks that told you it was a walk in the park were probably regular folk,mind their own business types,and don't like to make up stories.The folks that told you the horror stories either had big mouths and attitudes,or they like to make shit up to make them look tough lol.You know you will be fine if you go in there holding your head up like a man and minding your own business,its as simple as that usually and size doesnt mean shit.I was a 19 year old skinny teenager,I saw big badass whiteboys come in and almost immediately get beat down because they deserved it.Small people like me that werent assholes went unscathed for the most part.Normally,you go into a processing center where they evaluate your crime,personality etc,then set a custody level.In Va it was A B and C.C being killers A being chronic shoplifters and suspended drivers lol,for distribution of erb I was B custody.After a shrt time in a major institution I was shipped to a road camp to swing a bushaxe along the highways.It wasn't bad really,people throw you joints sometimes.I'm sure your state has the same custody divisions and MJ perpetrators are usually not housed long with muderers lol.
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funny,i was housed in a med/max joint..for production of cannabis/assualt on a peace officer....2 years.
and my celly was in for murder.3 life sentence.kidnapped and beheaded his pals...mafia.
you may have to throw down..do it.
else youll be the bitch.
you dont want to be the fish bitch,youll be smearing cherry kool aid on your face in no time.
its prison not some meditation seminar.


gets some
Sorry to hear about your upcoming bid Holdin. Are you sure youll go straight to the state facility at sentencing? In many states you have to wait around for months in county jail before a spot opens up in a state facility. Doublecheck how your area works so you dont get blindsided and can plan your stay accordingly.


Out of 17 months I did 7 in the county jail 10 in D.O.C.Sorry to hear about your dept. of corrections experience Ash,I was just lucky I guess.


lame slim jims and ramen.
30 days in joliet...for processing...the rest was in galesburg..
non stop..noise that is.
ya man you,i was lucky...they did not like that assualt charge..but money talks,bullshit walks..
thats ok ..i tried to cut an officers throat last summer..probation is all i got..hahaha.


Active member
lol at ash your crazy dude.
Holdin i wish you all the best.
The law is so unjust when it comes to marijuana laws and sentencing.
My friend is lookin at a felony charge for 6 tiny plants..... rediculous
keep your head up bro

peace boris


yes..i am legally insane..
the army,marines refused me due to my history.even though my intellec is up on the charts.busted out a 92 on the written,and 87 push-ups..big f'n deal.
scared they were...


The American said:
After a shrt time in a major institution I was shipped to a road camp to swing a bushaxe along the highways.It wasn't bad really,people throw you joints sometimes..

thats crazy

man there are some real nice people left !!


im sure this guy and his homies are nice,dont worry your beat in will last 10 minutes.



Moon-grass farmer
ItsGrowTime said:
Sorry to hear about your upcoming bid Holdin. Are you sure youll go straight to the state facility at sentencing? In many states you have to wait around for months in county jail before a spot opens up in a state facility. Doublecheck how your area works so you dont get blindsided and can plan your stay accordingly.
Yeah, straight there. Well close to it. Court at 1:00pm, plead by about 3:00pm, taken over to the county jail, chill for the evening, sleep, wake up and take the ride up about 1.5/2 hours north. It's been discussed with my lawyer. Trust me, I wanted to make sure I wasn't going to have to be in county for a grip.