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Highly potent weed creating marijuana addicts worldwide, study says


Well-known member
Not everyone has the same adverse reactions you might have. The only thing we can say for sure is cannabis has never caused a death!!.
LOL and I can also state as a fact that legal drugs kill 10 million people per year 7 million from tobacco and another 3 million from alcohol where as illicit drugs only kill half a million per year.


Disabled Farmer
ICMag Donor
LOL and I can also state as a fact that legal drugs kill 10 million people per year 7 million from tobacco and another 3 million from alcohol where as illicit drugs only kill half a million per year.

Not sure why you are quoting my post.. I never said anything that disputes any deaths caused by legal drugs. Trying to compare deaths from illicit drugs with legal cant be done. More people take legal drugs so common sense tells us more people are gonna die from legal medications.,


Well-known member
Not sure why you are quoting my post.. I never said anything that disputes any deaths caused by legal drugs. Trying to compare deaths from illicit drugs with legal cant be done. More people take legal drugs so common sense tells us more people are gonna die from legal medications.,
Cannabis is illicit in most of the world yet no one has died from it but you can't compare deaths from illicit drugs to legal ones eh even if you just did two posts ago. WOW common sense is what NARCs live by its the very proof why cannabis must remain illegal! Because if cannabis legalized it might kill as many people as legal drugs because more people will use it, right that makes common sense. LOL Thanks for the laugh.

BTW NARCS really do make the claim that cannabis can't be legalized because it could cause as much damage as booze just because more people would be using it. Canada has been proving that wrong since 2018 buddy!

FYI the only drug use that has gone down has been legal tobacco from 45% in the 50ies to 10% today while all illicit drug use has increased proving that the drug war and prohibition is a failure compared to education. Still 7 million people die each year from tobacco.
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Well-known member
yeah, what about the State making it easy to get a license, or why even license, and let the kindest weed on earth take over the buissnes: Landraces.
What people did not experience in USA is how compleete legalisation (we had a grey area in Switzerland wich ment growing/producing harvesting was legal unless one uses it as Drug) is how good weed back then in Switzerland, and how kind it was. This effortles way to beeing able to produce fields just like snip, allowed imho for better Genetics, better genetics in overall means to me also variety. And so many people today dont even know how good soft weed is. I had soft weed, that just made a chilled Afternoon, Landraces just.. (Lebanese, SE Asian, realdeal Mexi)

Its just sad that there are no efforts or probably not even public knowledge where it all started from, and that it actually could be preserved by the state, to ensure its alive and well, to ensure those soft genetics stay accessible.

I experienced how good it was compared to today , without any complicated regultions.. And it prevented probably addictions too.
Just hypothizing


Well-known member

FYI here in Canada where cannabis is legal you can buy landrace strains.


Well-known member
then i like to see what you get offered for Landraces in Canada. .

I tell you this: 1) it mus be easy to get soft Landraces, 2) easy to get allowance to homegrow, 3) plus easy for Vendors to get a license,
otherwise its easily too much of an uphill Battle ,
That way the old Genetics are shared among Smokers, and the potential "Landrace Lovers" can find out that there is more. (they didnt know)
Once they found out they could be the next shopowner with Landraces But also here, too many Regulations are easily to big of a Stone in the Way for something unprofitable and slightly less popular like soft Landraces..

There are two vendors in the Whole US that sell SATIVA Landraces as Endproduct, Kiona Farms, and the other i forgot, but the Source of the Thaistick wich is sold right now, that guy was interviewd at "the ganjier" on youtube . He is called Niels Anderson. (i forgot the Vendors name who sells his Thaistick, but they do)

Would be interesting to interview those Guys .how hard it is to sell some realdeal Landraces, and if its hard for them, then it will never really spread..

Thats only a first Step to hopefully get a real lifechanging conaisseur Landrace in "Elon Musks" Brain.
Wich would be the last frontier to reach a Rich Guy, who can afford to make big risky investments and preserve those old Landrace Seeds that are more and more degenerating.
Yes, there is Sam Skunkman, or Robert Clarke , who knows probably theyre doing such a thing, but THEY lived in a Time when there were only Landraces.... Its just too much niche, its like a small Group of Jimi Hendrix Collectors who share the best remaining Tapes, but the Rightowners dont give a damn if the wide Audience can hear those Tapes. cause they dont generate much money. The Tapecollectors actually dont have the rights to share the Tapes..So they remain a niche .

And even under best circumstances Landraces would remain niche , but not as extreme niche like At the moment..

In one Sentence: The Key is to not introduce to many Barriers for the flow of Genetics Ponits 1)2)3). The slightes Obstacle and the Conaisseurs/Landrace/Soft Stash will remain predominantly a Private homegrown Stash . Degenerating trough inreeding depression
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You ask what is more harmful tobacco or heroin? Do you mean for everyone or for a single person? If you do not like heroin or do not like tobacco they can not harm you, if you like them and use them, both can harm or kill you. I have seen many folks OD on heroin when I lived in the far east, tobacco will do the same but may take a few decades to kill you. They are both killers but only if you like them. You can not compare how harmful tobacco or heroin is by the total deaths in a year, unless you divide each number by the amount of users for that year, also tobacco is legal to buy and used by many more people than heroin. If the numbers of users were the same it would be interesting to see the total deaths for each. Tobacco 1.3 billion users world wide, 7 million+ deaths a year, Opioids 650,000 but only 62 million users worldwide. I do not know if the numbers are correct, but I do know that 1.3 billion tobacco users is way more than the number of opioid users worldwide. It is comparing apples & oranges.



Well-known member
and when i got very soft landrace (7 percent THC), i was satisfied enough, it took me 3 , 4 days to get used to it, but as soon as i knew that, i liked it.

Its like Weed in itselve can be a substitute for "shitty massproduced pollenchucked weed"


Disabled Farmer
ICMag Donor
Cannabis is illicit in most of the world yet no one has died from it but you can't compare deaths from illicit drugs to legal ones eh even if you just did two posts ago. WOW common sense is what NARCs live by its the very proof why cannabis must remain illegal! Because if cannabis legalized it might kill as many people as legal drugs because more people will use it, right that makes common sense. LOL Thanks for the laugh.

BTW NARCS really do make the claim that cannabis can't be legalized because it could cause as much damage as booze just because more people would be using it. Canada has been proving that wrong since 2018 buddy!

FYI the only drug use that has gone down has been legal tobacco from 45% in the 50ies to 10% today while all illicit drug use has increased proving that the drug war and prohibition is a failure compared to education. Still 7 million people die each year from tobacco.

Dude, are your tripping? This is a cannabis forum lol. Not one person ever said cannabis killed someone. Its legality is not gonna change that. Cannabis has been used for centuries. Your posts are coming from left field. No matter what I post some like yourself will read a completely different post lol. I never compared how many deaths between illicit/legal. Its obvious legal meds will be much higher. How much I can't say. It's a numbers game champ. More people take legal medications.

By your logic, everyone that uses common sense is a narc.. So you think its appropriate to insult the majority of cannabis users at ICMAG of being a narc. Dude, how old are you lol..

You ask what is more harmful tobacco or heroin? Do you mean for everyone or for a single person? If you do not like heroin or do not like tobacco they can not harm you, if you like them and use them, both can harm or kill you. I have seen many folks OD on heroin when I lived in the far east, tobacco will do the same but may take a few decades to kill you. They are both killers but only if you like them. You can not compare how harmful tobacco or heroin is by the total deaths in a year, unless you divide each number by the amount of users for that year, also tobacco is legal to buy and used by many more people than heroin. If the numbers of users were the same it would be interesting to see the total deaths for each. Tobacco 1.3 billion users world wide, 7 million+ deaths a year, Opioids 650,000 but only 62 million users worldwide. I do not know if the numbers are correct, but I do know that 1.3 billion tobacco users is way more than the number of opioid users worldwide. It is comparing apples & oranges.


I said the same. It's not possible to compare the 2.. Makes it hard to have a conversation when someone doesn't understand simple math.
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Well-known member
so they called up the Girrafes, and spoke up to the leaders, all youre feeding us is Hay, we need more Bongo Beanies, cause yes, we can suffer, but we cant persist this Sadness. But we are strong,
So, listen , highest President, we need you back as a leader, so we can Gallop as a whole Crowd thowards sunset and beyond


Disabled Farmer
ICMag Donor
Unfortunately, people with weak minds are easily deceived into thinking Cannabis caused their personal health issues. A few will keep making alternate accounts to push their flawed opinions on cannabis in a cannabis forum lol. Cannabis has been used for millenniums. When I was a kid smoking an oz in a day with friends was common. I never felt I had to smoke. I've never been ill from using it. In fact, it has helped me relieve some healthy issues as I aged. The older I got the amounts I used to achieve the same results are less. Today a few bong rips are all I need.

1 in 2 people will develop some form of cancer during their lifetime, that is just a fact. Has nothing to do with Cannabis.


Non-growing Lurker
ICMag Donor
It's unfortunate that language is so fluid. Every generation takes a word and uses it to mean quite the opposite. We all agree Michael Jackson was bad. Yet our thoughts of why could be starkly different.

The dictionary that matters, see's me as addicted to cannabis through devotion. So I can be addicted, to things that are not addictive.

This means the problem is me. Not the hats.
They changed the definition. Of “vaccine” to suit their purposes, why not “addictive” also?


Stray Cat

Highly potent weed creating marijuana addicts worldwide, study says​

Higher concentrations of tetrahydrocannabinol or THC -- the part of the marijuana plant that makes you high -- are causing more people to become addicted in many parts of the world, a new review of studies found.

Compared with people who use lower-potency products (typically 5 to 10 milligrams per gram of THC), those who use higher-potency cannabis are more likely to experience addiction and mental health outcomes, according to the study published Monday in the journal Lancet Psychiatry.

Scientists have established a "standard THC unit" of 5 milligrams of THC for research. That amount is said to produce a mild intoxication for nonregular users.
"One of the highest quality studies included in our publication found that use of high potency cannabis, compared to low potency cannabis, was linked to a four-fold increased risk of addiction," said study coauthor Tom Freeman, a senior lecturer in the department of psychology and director of the addiction and mental health group at the University of Bath in the United Kingdom, in an email.

In the United States, about 3 in 10 people who use marijuana have cannabis use disorder, the medical term for marijuana addiction, according to the U.S. Centers for Disease and Prevention.

The European Monitoring Centre for Drugs and Drug Addiction found a 76% rise in people entering treatment for cannabis addiction over the past decade, "while cannabis potency continued to rise during the same time," Freeman said.

In addition, "a report by the United Nations found that in the past two decades, the proportion of people seeking treatment for cannabis addiction has risen in all world regions apart from Africa," he said.


In a gram of herbal cannabis, the dried and harvested tops of female marijuana plants that are typically smoked, THC concentrations increased by approximately 2.9 milligrams each year, according to a 2020 study by Freeman and his team at the University of Bath.

In cannabis resin, the sticky brown sap on the plant from which extracts and concentrations are made, THC levels increased by approximately 5.7 milligrams each year from 1975 to 2017, the study found. Concentrated products can reach extremely high levels of THC.

This yearly rise in potency may not be clear to consumers, experts fear. While looking at a product label might tell a person the "precise potency" of THC in a store where marijuana is legally sold, "people buying cannabis illegally may not be able to access reliable information about the potency of the product they are using," Freeman said.

"However, certain types of cannabis are typically more potent than others -- cannabis extracts are typically more potent than cannabis flower," he added.

While people do try to adjust their consumption when the potency of their cannabis varies, "such as by adding less cannabis to their joint or inhaling less deeply," these efforts fail to completely work, Freeman said. That means "higher potency products still deliver a larger dose of THC to consumers than lower potency products," he said.

Gee a NARC named Tom is sure cannabis is harmful, just as the Nazis were sure Jews were harmful Same shit different day. BTW if you want people to honest in thier research maybe its a bad ideal to trust someone who's job is on the line. Just another fucking moron that thinks its ok to have a beer but never take a shot. File this under reefer madness two "don't smoke cannabis because it might be harmful". Fact check Tom you piece of shit its because of people like you that most people don't know that no one has ever died from cannabis! 7 Million die from tobacco and 3 Million from alcohol each year but cannabis that has never been the cause of death is the real issue right? Fucking moron. Like I said Tom narcs like you cause far more harm and death then all illicit drug use "500,000 people die mostly from toxic supplies". Yes Tom you cause the deaths of millions of people because you are a fucking moron trying to force your ideology on to everyone rather then understanding the relative dangers all drugs have including coffee. Tom your either too fucking arrogant or stupid "FYI I've met people who have thier PHD but still believe that the earth is flat" to understand that prohibition causes far more harm then illicit drugs.

Stop reading shit online.

Same person states that natural juice is harmful for your health.
If I dig it a little deeper, probably will find her stating that bourbon and cigarettes makes u live a better and a longer life.


Active member
Cannabis use disorder is word in increased usage today, my friend wanted me to read him his papers from the doctor out loud too him, in the first 3 sentences they mentioned cannabis use disorder... not cannabis "abuse" disorder,... i knew from the first time smoking i would probably never stop. never god damn did, but to be honest i migth need a smoke break soon, last one was in 2019 6 months,

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