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High-heeled shoes! Lets get rid of these! Who's coming with me?!


Dude, are you fucking stupid?

Have you ever heard a man, much less yourself, walk around in a decent pair of leather soled shoes? They are just as loud, if not moreso, than high heels.

MORE importantly, they are sexy as hell. They firm out calves, thighs, and ass of most women, due to simple physics, not to mention they make the feet and ankles look sexy as hell.

Get fucking real dude. End of thread. Seriously. There is no room for argument here. Sorry. You lose.

how often have i seen a man with loud shoes? gosh not very often at all and my annoyance with the noise does not limit to which sex is making it. and why are you calling me a dude anyways? im sure youd never talk that way to my face id jam a heel into your balls. maybe not great for wearing but they have other abilities!


how often have i seen a man with loud shoes? gosh not very often at all and my annoyance with the noise does not limit to which sex is making it. and why are you calling me a dude anyways? im sure youd never talk that way to my face id jam a heel into your balls. maybe not great for wearing but they have other abilities!

How can you do that when ur wearing sandals?


Some heels are just fucking sexy. straight up. smoking hot girl in some real high heels, recipe for disaster (in a good way ;) )


stoned agin ...
i dunno, it's just not the same unless there wearing the heels ...



heel beef

heel beef

hehe. the other day i was with someone who knows all about my heel beef and i hear someone loud approaching and i start my rant about how loud and annoying it is and i turn and its a man in leather shoes! hehe.. sounded just like a woman goes to show that the noise isnt just from high heels. i should change the topic to noisy shoes instead of high heeled because it was never about how things look. lets just hope tap dancing doesnt catch on


I love shoes!!! These are 51/2 inch heels.....look great with some boot cut jeans. Since I'm sooooo short, jeans are always too long and I'm not willing to have EVERY pair of jeans altered.....so wearing a 5 inch heel helps keep my hem off the ground when I go out sometimes.

Mod Alert - Mod Alert - Mod Alert

This is sick, mean & twisted!!!

I mean, why not just tell us about that time back in college... why don't ya?!? Sick, mean & twisted...

Thank you, btw ;-))


That clankity clank sound comes from women who do not know how to walk in them. IT's a hot sound when it's a pair of stiletto's and they know how to walk in them, it's a light sounding tap almost wouldn't know they were wearing heels...umm, that gets me going. I think it's more stiletto's that do it for me, big heavy looking shoes are a turn off. like platform sandals.ugh or corked heels, those look funky! when shoes have that much material on them they look funky and make the person wearing them look kind of funky.


Active member
i'm only 5'8 so I if a girl wears heels and is taller than me that would suck.

my girlfriend is like 5'6 but i've never seen her wear heels she just wears boots.

and if anyone cares about my opinion lol I like heels on girls but i've always wondered how they can walk in them all day and not fuk up their feet.
Miss Blunted- I totally agree with you. My husband knows better than to mention my shoe addiction problem, he mentioned once why did I have 3 different pairs of white high heel sandals, wasn't one enough and I had to give him a fashion show and explain the different shoes went with different outfits. He just doesn't like to go shopping with me.

And it is also an art to walk in high heels the correct way. I used to be able to run around all night in 5" heels carring cases of booze from one club to another. Tennis shoes used to hurt my feet, but I would be totally comfy in a pair of stilletos.

BTW my husband is way louder walking around in his shoes than I do walking in any pair of high heels I have, so it's not a high heel issue. It is a walking issue.


I'm with the Op. Only heels I wanna see my woman in is cowboy boots.

The greeks had an idea of what made women beautiful. I'd hate to see marble statues of women in heels.


Active member
i'm only 5'8 so I if a girl wears heels and is taller than me that would suck.

my girlfriend is like 5'6 but i've never seen her wear heels she just wears boots.

and if anyone cares about my opinion lol I like heels on girls but i've always wondered how they can walk in them all day and not fuk up their feet.
Damn Yum, you're pretty short for a deep voice kind of guy. Why all this interest in heels?

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