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High-heeled shoes! Lets get rid of these! Who's coming with me?!

Dr. Dank

Active member
high heels + hose with the seam up the back = happy dr. dank. I* think the op must have issues hes not mentioning.

Miss Blunted

Resident Bongtender
wifey has a mean collection. if i buy seeds, she get shoes, i buy clones, she gets shoes, you see where this going... but its win, win for me!

i had a professor in college, dr guido giancomo preparata- brilliant guy, taught classes like; drugs, guns and mafias of europe (i got an A), history of money, Allah star gods... anyways, he told us agricultural societies in china invented feet binding, as a way to make women useless for work, which ment a man could afford to have his wife not work, thus becoming a trophy or status symbol. if you had 2 women with bound feet, your ballin.
high heels are supposed to be an extention of that idea...

but know how our modern women work in heels, right,right!

Hahaha...that's me, every time the Mister buys grow equipment and gaming shit I get shoes and purses. I never used to indulge like that, but I've earned it.....all eight years and now he has to buy shit for me. He loves it!!!!! Hahahahaha....yep!


you wouldnt believe me anyway

you wouldnt believe me anyway


Hell no.

my wife models and she could be her sister. id post a few of her model pix but she'd kill me and you wouldn't believe me anyway.

miss blunted... a man that takes care of his women appreciates her and is always happier, because she is happy. love is something when you give it away, it always comes back to you.
Mens definition of high heels - (Boots)

By Kenneth Cole


(From 5'9 to 6 feet tall in the snap of a finger! You could even wear this with a suit because it has no laces)


i guess my point was that they're too noisy. what gives them the right to make all that noise?! i dont care about the looks at all let people wear whatever they want as long as it doesnt infringe on others right to have some peace and quiet. why cant they install some kinda padding or rubber on the bottom that muffles the sound?


No way nurses were wearing heels in a hospital.

That was some administrator-type. A pencil pusher. Some Director of Nursing poobah. One who never does any real work.

Nurses walk average 25 miles in one 8 hours shift. They don't do it in heels.


Father, Carer, Toker, Sharer
I think that was in a film I was watching one time... no... forget I said that... errm...

all the nurses wear crocs here these days...or did they get banned? :)



Dude, are you fucking stupid?

Have you ever heard a man, much less yourself, walk around in a decent pair of leather soled shoes? They are just as loud, if not moreso, than high heels.

MORE importantly, they are sexy as hell. They firm out calves, thighs, and ass of most women, due to simple physics, not to mention they make the feet and ankles look sexy as hell.

Get fucking real dude. End of thread. Seriously. There is no room for argument here. Sorry. You lose.


cant stop wont stop
I've spent far too much time in hospitals and I can say without a doubt I have never, never seen a nurse or doctor wearing high heels. They have to be able to move fast and maneuver, you know, to save lives in an emergency.

I'd go as far to say that not only are they smart enough to not wear high heels, that they are probably not allowed to by work code.

pffffffft what porn are you watching???


Active member
My wife came home with high heeled shoes on once.

I asked her why she bought them and she stated that she thought I would enjoy how they change the lift of her ass and how her legs show to me.

As flattered as I was... I thanked her and then explained how I appreciate her ass, just the way it is, and that I wasn't interested in her stressing her feet and tendons out.... just so I could get a different look at it.

Now.... giving the foot of a high-heeled single lady a nice massage.... wow. That's gotten me in the sack many times. Their feet are DYING to be helped out so badly they just melt when I make them feel better. Such stupid torture. :(

Stay Safe! :tree:


Registered Med User
high heals are sexy, as long as the girl isnt taller than me when she puts um on. Im 6'2" so it shouldnt be a problem, but all you 5' 10" and up dont need to wear no high heals.


please miss blunted...... do u get to see a feet shot???:tiphat:

I love shoes!!! These are 51/2 inch heels.....look great with some boot cut jeans. Since I'm sooooo short, jeans are always too long and I'm not willing to have EVERY pair of jeans altered.....so wearing a 5 inch heel helps keep my hem off the ground when I go out sometimes.



mmmmm heels make a womans ass, legs look KILLER!!!

long live the high heels!!! mmmmmmmmmmmmmmm

i'd love to see a pic of you in some heels miss blunted! heels+short skirt mmmmmmmmmmmm....LOL

I dont have a foot fetish...

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