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High Frequency Healing


Active member
We already know the human voice can be used to heal,hurt and hypnotize.for example it has been estimated that the frequencey of adolf hitlers voice in a typical sentence from one of his speeches was 228 vibrations per second,wheras 200 vibrations is the usual frequencey of avoice raised in anger.
a typical hitler speech started quietley,gradually rising to a crecendo and then stopping abruptly,with the punchline dilivered in a loud ,somtimes hoarse and high pitched voice.
to exploit hitlires gift ,the nazis ordered german raidio manufacturers to place a radio in every home. as a result ,by 1939 ,70% of all german households owneda wirless set ,the highest percentage anywhere in the world.,including the united states .listening to nazi radio propaganda was manditory. in addition to radios in every home ,loudspeakers where placed in all factories and work stopped whenever hitler spoke .nazi plans to install 6,000 loudspeaker pillars in streets nation wide first pioneered by the soviets ,by the way ,was interupted by the war.
while nazi attempts to use phycotronics (i.e. radio waves) to disseminate propiganda were effective for their time,they are nieve by todays standards.(imagine what hitler could of accomlished with MTV).
this kind ofsaturation propaganda eploys the same princible as hypnopaedia.in the case of pervasive nazi propaganda ,since their was no escaping it,people began ignoring it on a concious level .however the insideous messages continued to borrow into their subconcious minds,influencing them over time.
in the same way sleep learning enters our subconcious brains while our higher concious brain is asleep .this explains why sleep learning is more effective for teaching physical skills (controlled by the lower brain).

the russian device
in 1993 a top FBI scientist attmitted proposing the use of a russin experimental rissian mind control device against david koresh during the standoff in waco.
reportedley ,a few weeks before 80 branch dividians died in the waco fire ,a small group of military intelligence and law enforcment officials in washington wittnessed a demonstration of a device that was designed to control people by implanting thoughts into their minds. according to its russian creator ,the device could alter david koreshes subconciuos behavior by sending subconjcious messages over a telephone while the FBI was negotiating with him.
the russian device first used an electroencephalograpgh (EEG) to messure brainwaves during various emotional moods (such as anger and excitment).
subliminal messages could then be recorded at the saame frequecey as a previously mapped out "mood". hearing these matched subliminable messages would then produce the same mood as the listener.
if this sounds familiar its because that its the same tactics mind-slayers use -minus the elecronic devices- when mirroring their victoms speech and body language.
in abizzare variation of this,members of japans aum shinri kyo death death cult reportedly $115,000 a peice for the headset that were supposed to let them tune into leader asasahara's brainwaves ,thus matching their brainwaves to his. .
in the wrong hands the inventor of the russian device admits his device -and conceivably other such devices- could be used to push people into violent acts. still he waxes philisophic:"a knife can be used to cut sausage, or cut your throat."
the american govt eventually decided not to use the decice.still the ptential use or misuse of such technology is obvious. as one writer put it "if david koresh now,who next? "










i hope these pics are clear enoughfor ya's.
this is from my book ancient and modern ninja techniques.


Active member
so...how do i alter my reality with the waves? that's what i wanna know..

maybe a frequency amplifier with noise-cancelling sony headphones blasting 7 hrtz into my ear drums while laying down will put me into a lucid state or coma?


Active member
Great post Bentom, I can't read those images at all though. Fleeing the 'Hitler Complex' is the basic impulse of my life, and will hopefully be the legacy I leave for my children. I've got a book called "Sonic Warfare" by Steve Goodman (aka Kode9), it's very academic but makes many excellent evaluations of our viral music culture, the military origins and varied applications of sound systems. I understand Everything as music, so that perspective on the mechanisms through which humans are controlled with sound is crucial for achieving my freedom. Some points...

Typically, humans raise the pitch and lower the volume of their voice to show affection (think of talking to a baby) and lower the pitch and raise the volume to show anger (try yelling and see what your voice does). Hitler tended to raise the pitch (affection) and the volume (force) to achieve his ends, fanatical nationalism.

The radios he was broadcasting on were definitely not transmitting frequencies lower than 300hz. Our brains reconstruct some of that lower content using higher harmonics, but the perception of force is diminished. So Hitler's initial voice modulation was less crucial than the fact that everyone was hearing the same delivery of the same speech, whereas before that politicians who wanted to address large bodies of people had to either travel from town to town delivering the same speech, with inevitable variations, or send out associates to read the speeches. So the 'corporate-national entity' gained a central nervous system.

Now think of how this relates to our current culture (your mention of MTV was very poignant ). Most music heard by most people is from digitally recorded and replayed content. Digital content is identical every time, the only variations occur in speaker design and ambient acoustics. So our media technologies are utilizing the same methods pioneered by Hitler and other such militaristic assholes, where all content is impersonal and bland, and the background ambiance is always fear or dread. For me the more appropriate question is "think of what Hitler IS accomplishing with MTV."

In Goodman's book, he states that the only available reactions to our persistent 'dreadful' audio culture is to either fight back or create enclosed audio environments where humans can find reprieve. Notice how Rock&Roll, Dub, HipHop, and Rave culture have all reappropriated military audio technologies to create those enclosed audio environments, along with intellectual content focused on either fighting or fleeing 'the man'. Unfortunately they've all been appropriated for corporate interest.

My belief is that creating gardens in locations with as little 'industrial noise' as possible is the first step (i.e. eliminate the military based technologies). My definition of industrial noise includes not only audio frequencies but the physical and mental products of corporate industrial culture (slaughterhouse wastes, cd players, pesticides, metal fencing, plastic pots, television, etc.)

My second step is moving towards individually tailored holistic healing modes (essentially, shamanism). The blandness of the herbs and musics available in our culture is detrimental to the healing process.

I'm trying hard to accomplish these goals, but it's not at all easy. I've come a long way on both accounts, but find more and more that I need to join a community of people all working towards these same goals to achieve any level of functional success. So far I've succeeded in producing some herbs and musics tailored to the needs of me and my family. Our ability to mitigate fear and anxiety is greatly enhanced.

peace and bless


Active member
maybe a frequency amplifier with noise-cancelling sony headphones blasting 7 hrtz into my ear drums while laying down will put me into a lucid state or coma?

Headphones are not physically capable of 'blasting' 7hz. It can be replicated with binaural beats or amplitude modulation, but to get the actual wavelength of say 7.83hz (resonant frequency of Earth's ionosphere) you need very large speakers.

so...how do i alter my reality with the waves? that's what i wanna know..
Well...all that we perceive is the waves...so...learn to play music, or paint, or sculpt, or garden, or dance, or breathe, or anything...and keep doing it, and you are altering your reality. helpful? haha


Mr. Alkaline

Your Changable Self is Constantly Becoming a Refle
ICMag Donor
I don't have time to Talk, but here's a Quote and Paste from me for Today:) Peace!!!

I don't have time to Talk, but here's a Quote and Paste from me for Today:) Peace!!!


The Songaia Sound Therapy system incorporates both listening to and sounding (toning) specific notes of the music scale. Every individual has a unique voiceprint which can be charted with Voice Spectrum Analysis to reveal patterns of sound.

These voice frequencies are related to physical and emotional conditions, genetics, brain wave patterns, and very basic tendencies of the individual being tested.

The Geometry of Sound Healing

"The sky and its stars make music in you."
— Denderah Temple wall inscription, Egypt

....a system of sound therapy based upon ancient knowledge of the harmonious arrangement of heaven and earth.

The ancients understood that if we live in harmony with the heavenly and earthly cycles, and use those harmonic principles in our physical environment, we can be whole, healthy and truly connected. Just spending time in nature puts us back in touch with the primordial harmonies that heal.

The Songaia Sound Wheel illustrated above, shows sound, color and zodiacal associations.

According to the findings of historical sound healing pioneers Johannes Kepler, Pythagoras, and many ancient cultural traditions, the planetary frequency patterns are mirrored in life on earth, in music, geometry, and in our bodies. This was called 'musica speculativa', or music as a mirror of the cosmos, by many researchers in Kepler's era of the 16th century.

One of the most exciting aspects of our work at Songaia Sound is in observing thousands of clients demonstrating the truth stated on the Egyptian temple wall at Denderah: "The sky and its stars do make music in you."

The pattern of sounds emitted from the planets at the time of birth, based on the positions of those planets, is mirrored in the human energy system. This pattern is like a blueprint of influences and tendencies, and each one of us has this unique 'song-print'.

The amazing thing about an individual 'song-print' is that the same planetary sound pattern is detected in the frequency pattern of the speaking voice. (Voice frequency patterns are also mirrored in each person's ability to hear specific frequencies. Dr. Alfred Tomatis, a French ear and eye specialist, developed the Tomatis Method, with diagnostic and therapy centers around the world.)

The body is held together by sound—the presence of disease indicates that some sounds have gone out of tune."
— Dr. Deepak Chopra


Active member
for some other different perspectives look up (easiley found on youetube).
1.the doubble slit theory
2.scroddengers cat
3.quantum computing.
they (govt) already has a 16bit quantum computer!!! the govt funds this research in universities.
my theroy:
i still have hope they will fail cause of their failure to see that it will answer biasedly bassed apon the question and person asking the question to it.
it will have to choose all positions depending on who's asking and choices given.

all experiments are pre-determined by outlining the experiment itself!

your the outliner!!!

Mr. Alkaline

Your Changable Self is Constantly Becoming a Refle
ICMag Donor
Just Some more quotes about Sound Healing in Egypt....all words from one article btw:

Just Some more quotes about Sound Healing in Egypt....all words from one article btw:

Careful scientific examination of the world's key pyramid sites, reveal them to be sophisticated harmonic structures, not only mirroring positions of the planets and stellar systems but, designed to mimic the chakras and harmonic cavities of the human body.

Even each stone within the Great Pyramid is harmonically tuned to a specific frequency or musical tone. The sarcophagus in the centre of the Great Pyramid is tuned to the frequency of the human heart beat.

Astonishing experiments, conducted by Dr. Hurtak and colleagues at the Great Pyramid and other sites in the South Americas, demonstrate the pyramids to be voice-activated "geophysical computers."

Intoning specific ancient sounds, the scientific team produced visible standing waves of light, above and within the pyramids and were even able to penetrate, hitherto, inaccessible chambers. Subsequent discoveries indicate the ancient priest-scientists employed some sort of harmonic sound technology within the temple structures.

The lost Enochian knowledge reveals the mother tongue as a "language of Light". Known to the ancients as HIBURU, it is the primal seed language, introduced at the beginning of this time cycle.

Modern research confirms, the most ancient form Hebrew to be a natural language, the alphabetic forms emerging from the phosphate flare patterns of the brain. The same shapes, in fact, born of a spinning vortex. It is a true language of light, coursing through our very nervous system.

Encoding the natural waveform geometries of the physical world, Hiburu is a harmonic language, mimicking the waveform properties of light. The "keys" Enoch speaks of, turn out to be sound keys, keys to be vibratory matrix of reality itself, the mythic "Power of the World".

The Enochian knowledge describes sonic equations, encoded within the ancient mantras and god names, capable of directly affect the nervous system and producing profound effect of healing and higher consciousness states.

As the ancient texts declare, "If you would speak with the gods you must first learn the language of the gods."

DNA, the ancient cabalistic "Tree Of Life" portrayed in the Biblical Torah, is now coming to be viewed as a live vibrating structure, rather than a fixed tape recording. Many modern scientists, regard DNA as a shimmering, waveform configuration, able to be modified by light, radiation, magnetic fields or sonic pulses
