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High CBD AND high THC strains?

Do such strains exist? I know that some in the medical community still can't completely dismiss all the lies they heard and therefore still carry the negative stigma of "getting high" to the present day, even as they or their loved ones suffer (that Sanjay Gupta story about that woman who let her child suffer and possibly endure more damage and risk of death due to her hesitancy over stigmas, and still just gave the child an extract, wonder how much more effective it would have been if smoked/vaped). I totally understand though, that everyone has the right to make up their own mind on it however misguided they may be. And some may just not like the feeling of getting high or it may not react well with whatever condition they have.

What if, however, you want effective pain relief AND like/want to get high? I have no horrible painful debilitating condition, but still feel I am a medical user as I seek to alleviate the pain, anxiety, depressiveness/fatigue I have. I notice most strains high in CBD are low in THC and wondering if some are high in both and offer a pleasant upbeat high?


Active member
cbd and thc seem to top out around 14%. the plant seems to put a limit on both increasing. ive had tests that were over 20% cbd with less than 1% thc and 25% thc with 0 cbd but never more than 14% for both at same time.


just don't molest my colas..
Best I have seen around MI is a clone called Star Tonic. It's Deathstar x Cannatonic X. 15% cbd, 9% THC. Very medicinal, but still satisfies your head.

King Willie

New member
cbd and thc seem to top out around 14%. the plant seems to put a limit on both increasing. ive had tests that were over 20% cbd with less than 1% thc and 25% thc with 0 cbd but never more than 14% for both at same time.

-Thanks for that piece of info., 30years - With all I have read regarding strains and their chemical properties I have thus-far never heard that fact - it is too bad it is not more widely known. Is this therefore only from personal experience with the testing, or is there a site you can reference that covers the topic in more detail? ~


cbd and thc seem to top out around 14%. the plant seems to put a limit on both increasing. ive had tests that were over 20% cbd with less than 1% thc and 25% thc with 0 cbd but never more than 14% for both at same time.

this is very interesting.
I was just reading a fabulous article wich i quote here:

"The CBG/CBGV intermediate is further processed by the alleles of locus B. BD and BT are co-dominant; the BD gene converts CBG(V) into CBD(V) and the BT gene converts CBG(V) into THC(V)."

hope it helps.

King Willie

New member
this is very interesting.
I was just reading a fabulous article wich i quote here:

"The CBG/CBGV intermediate is further processed by the alleles of locus B. BD and BT are co-dominant; the BD gene converts CBG(V) into CBD(V) and the BT gene converts CBG(V) into THC(V)."

hope it helps.

-Thank you for that Pastor, much appreciated! Not just for me either but also others are always asking about and want to know more about these things, in-person and online. I always greatly appreciate us all sharing and spreading the knowledge! ~


Active member
-Thanks for that piece of info., 30years - With all I have read regarding strains and their chemical properties I have thus-far never heard that fact - it is too bad it is not more widely known. Is this therefore only from personal experience with the testing, or is there a site you can reference that covers the topic in more detail? ~

from experience. i get to work with breeders and labs and thats what has come to be as of now. like all things, we shall know more in time.


Active member
this is very interesting.
I was just reading a fabulous article wich i quote here:

"The CBG/CBGV intermediate is further processed by the alleles of locus B. BD and BT are co-dominant; the BD gene converts CBG(V) into CBD(V) and the BT gene converts CBG(V) into THC(V)."

hope it helps.

i use cbg as an indicator of thc potential. if i have a high cbg level i know that i have not reached my max thc level. if i see low cbg i know that what the thc numbers im looking at now are pretty accurate. this is assuming the room is straight and the grower is too. only comparing cbg to thc here.


New member
dont know reggae seeds? dancehall is pure medicine. Good people from spain. have a lot of analisis thc cbd if you ask her.


I harvested a cut last year that was around 19.48% THC and 0.1%CBG....I just harvested the same cut with 20.9%THC and 1.5% CBG

i use cbg as an indicator of thc potential. if i have a high cbg level i know that i have not reached my max thc level. if i see low cbg i know that what the thc numbers im looking at now are pretty accurate. this is assuming the room is straight and the grower is too. only comparing cbg to thc here.

Otto Flour

ICMag Donor
Chimera's CBD Lullaby sounds like a good option:

" What is different about this seed line is that it's a mixed population of plants- allowing patients, depending on their responses, to choose from the approximately 50% of the higher-THC chemotype plants, or the 50% of plants considered high-CBD containing no less than 4% CBD (most of these in the 9-12% THC/ 9-12% CBD range). The flavor profile has been selected towards the sweeter high-myrcene spectrum, an accessible scent palate enjoyed by many smokers both experienced and new to the medical use of cannabis flowers. These plants are excellent for extracts or edibles, and the flowers have proven beneficial to medical patients across the county. Yield is well above average."


Active member
Toci - 14.16%THC; 13.41%CBD


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