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HI ALL PLEASE HELP !!!!!!!!!!!



hi guys so here is the situation
i have 3 big bud seedlings ,15 day old they do ok so far ,but few days ago they start to show yellow between veins and veins kinda swollen ,and one girl is always a bit droopy and not grow fast like others,i grow in biobizz light mix soil ,ph is 6.8 i start to give biobizz nutes ,biobizz root juice and bio grow and bio heaven but really light ,just 1 ml of each nute on 5 liter of water ,the ec level is 0.9 ,the water is hard here ,0.6 ,should i use bottled water ?
please help if u have any idea ,i also read a lot and check everywhere i can ,but its not nutes i am sure ,it started before i gave nutes ,the temp is 26.5 always with lights on or off ,humidity around 50 % around always,the lamp is 250 HPS ,70 cm away from girls
here are some pictures
thx and best regards:tiphat:


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hey mate thx
i add 2 ml of bio grow in the water tank ,next watering i will add more nutes maybe for begin 1.2 EC,i was scared to overnute them ,they r only 12 cm high,now they had enough of drink yesterday ,i set up tropf blumats yesterday ,i work without weekends hard job ,i go sleep early no time for mix nutesz also my daughter need attention ,i water them when the pots feel really light ,it means every 4th day around ,i water 1 liter for each girl,the pots r 3 liter ,i hope tropf blumats work quickly ,i put in my water tank airstone for bubbles and water pump to mix nutes all time is it correct?should i put something else inside?thx for time to look at my pics and post
thx best regards

el dub

They also look like they could a little cal/mag.

Btw, big bud isn't afraid of nutes, ime.



<<the ec level is 0.9 ,the water is hard here ,0.6 ,>>

The water is already 0.6 and your only raising it to 0.9
so 0.3 is the real ec of actual food available? Correct me if i'm wrong

Ro or bottled water and then raise the ec up to 0.9


"easy growing type"
They also look like they could a little cal/mag.

Btw, big bud isn't afraid of nutes, ime.


Whats up El Dub :)
Just to note - Cal/Mag is a no-no in this situation. The OP stated that his water is at .6 or rather 300PPM on a .5 conversion. This actually means he has lots and lots of calcium but hard waters main problem is that it takes large quantities of phosphoric acid (PH Down) to achieve the optimum pH for hydroponic growing. Large quantities of phosphoric acid will cause phosphates to rise and accumulate resulting in nutrient imbalance and affecting uptake of other nutrients. (Only in hard water though - nonetheless, your advice is spot on for R/O or regular tap with a low TDS.) :)


Excerpt from: http://www.truevisionhydroponics.com/Flora_Micro_Hardwater_p/tvfmh215.htm
NPK 5-0-1
If the dissolved salts in your water supply measure 200 ppm or more we strongly recommend that you obtain a water analysis to determine calcium content. Excessive calcium is the main factor in your decision to use Hardwater FloraMicro. Phosphoric acid is usually used to lower pH in hydroponic solutions. This is fine in normal water but in hard water large quantities of phosphoric acid are needed to achieve the optimum pH for hydroponic growing. Large quantities of phosphoric acid will cause phosphates to rise and accumulate resulting in nutrient imbalance and affecting uptake of other nutrients. Hardwater FloraMicro is made with less calcium and has a lower pH to counteract hard water problems while maintaining proper nutrient balance. If an analysis of your water supply reveals that the Calcium content of your water supply is greater then 70 ppm (mg/liter) than you should use Hardwater FloraMicro. If your water contains 30 to 50 ppm Calcium, you can mix our original FloraMicro with HardWater FloraMicro to create a perfect blend for your plants. Hardwater FloraMicro enables growers to provide plants with proper nutrition when combined with the powerful elements in FloraGro and FloraBloom, even when using hard water. Hardwater FloraMicro reduces the problems associated with hard water and allows growers longer periods between reservoir changes.

To the OP: You're only raising the true TDS of NPK by 150PPM like Blahman stated though they are not bad now - they'll begin to starve and show more deficiencies soon. Get the HardWater Micro. or get an R/O unit because bottled water will get expensive very fast.

The rise in phosphates will cause elements in the nutes to be locked out and this will include All Base and Micro elements.
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B. Friendly

"IBIUBU" Sayeith the Dude
quickest way to fix this would be to foliar feed your nut's at 25% solution, use some dish soap to for an emulsifier,
foliar feeding will hit the problem 7x faster than through roots.
do it with the lights off to be safe. lol that's what she said.

seeing nitrogen and the start of cal/mg deficiencies.


hi all of u for help

hi all of u for help

hi guys so i go for foliar feeding i mix 1 liter nutes with bottled water 3drops of dish washing deterant and sparayed them when lights was off ,i hope they get better .i also changed water in water tank i put bottled water ,and raised nutes till 1.2 EC ,in near future i want to get osmosis unit ,but before i have to try and find flora micro hardwater ,i hope i can get it here ,its to lower ec level right?
thx for help and understanding i report as soon as changes occur
thanx to all of u , thx again and best regards:thank you::thank you::thank you::thank you::thank you:


yes u r correct

yes u r correct

<<the ec level is 0.9 ,the water is hard here ,0.6 ,>>

The water is already 0.6 and your only raising it to 0.9
so 0.3 is the real ec of actual food available? Correct me if i'm wrong

Ro or bottled water and then raise the ec up to 0.9

yes u r right man i just raise a bit before :tiphat:
best regards


HEY guys small update

HEY guys small update

here some pics u can see
best regards


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To Have More ... Desire Less
try a foliar feed of a little epsom salt......w/ Molassesa and a dash of
liquid Seaweed...........should cover all the bases and green them back up....or @ least help replace the missing......nute and or Trace minerals......

if U keep only feeding the rootas 2 this point U will probly face lockout of N................
foliar feed........for sure........


hi man thx for help

hi man thx for help

try a foliar feed of a little epsom salt......w/ Molassesa and a dash of
liquid Seaweed...........should cover all the bases and green them back up....or @ least help replace the missing......nute and or Trace minerals......

if U keep only feeding the rootas 2 this point U will probly face lockout of N................
foliar feed........for sure........

yeah i did feed them TWICE already in 8 hours ,foliar feeding ,light nutes mix
i buy tommorow epsom salt and molasses liquid seaweed gona be hard to find here
i will continiue to foliage feed them :thank you:
thx best regards


hi guys please i need some help
i bought epsom salt ,i couldnt find liquid seaweed or malasses ,so my question is can i use epsom salt with nutes together or should i do it separate foliar feeding?
i want to mix like yestarday light nutes mix 1 liter ,how much epsom saalt should i add?
thx best regards


hi guys

hi guys

hi here some update ,the yellowing stop a bit i think ,atleast its not get worse , the droopy girl still droopy ,but after foliar feeding she feel better ,should i feed her manually also with more nutes ?
the tallest girl is 18CM ,15CM and droopy one 12CM ,i have vertical space till the cooltube 60 CM, so i have easy 50cm height,i would like to know should i start flower already or can i wait a bit?what u think guys from ur expirience ?i never had this problem before ,my northern lights from 1st grow was 90cm tall
the tropf blumats start working:jump: i see its driping , each flower different so its fine
the pictures r from morning before i go to work ,now the lights r on and she is droopy again
thx in advance and best regards thx also for help :thank you::thank you::wave:


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el dub

You can feed epsom salts with nutes. I'd maybe use 2 teaspoons per liter.

Could it be too hot in that room? I'm wondering why the plant is drooping only with the lights on.



You can feed epsom salts with nutes. I'd maybe use 2 teaspoons per liter.

Could it be too hot in that room? I'm wondering why the plant is drooping only with the lights on.

the temp in the closet is always around 27C° ,i have air conditioning so i control the temp very seriously ,and also its anly 1 girl that is droopy the other ones r fine like u see ,so i dont have any idea why ,now she seems better ,but for how long
i foliar feed them 1 teaspoon EPSOM SALT for 1 LITER
thx best regards:thank you:

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