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HGOs Multi Strain 3600w Stacked Grow Coco DTW

Hundred Gram Oz

Our Work is Never Over

Plant 4

Day 16 Flower





More to follow...

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Always showin off.......:moon:....Can`t think of a better "Fearless Leader" for Vert-ville than HGO.......

Attention to detail.....Knows howta rape and shape his bitches for the greater good , not to mention showin what`s able ta be done with multiple strains and not even monocroppin with "unknown" strains yet to be identified and STILL killin it in the meantime....I`m just sayin.....

No deficiencies and the picture of health.....You my Hero Bro....

Thamks fer showin folks howta do it and do it well.......


roll it large

they look superb mate the schnapps is gunna put out a big cola for sure look how tight the nodes are

great job pal



Hi mate, loving your grow, its very inspiring. Its a great read, i was staggered to see how many different cuttings you have to ID, good luck! Cheers :)
I admire your multi-strain ability, the variety in leaves has always been a thing of interest to me. They are as individual to a plant as the chemical compounds they produce. Thank you for posting those beautiful pictures.

Hundred Gram Oz

Our Work is Never Over
Looks f*cking fantastic man. Right now, I'm working with this awesome Chinese piece of machinery - you may've heard about it. It's called an iPhone!

I've been intrigued by the idea of getting into photography just as a hobby, but I'm still a bit intimidated by the whole deal.. Seems like so much to learn
And it for shore ain't a cheap hobby to get into.

That 90mm lens ain't zacklee free! But heck, even the shots with the kit 18-55m look f*cking awesome!

Thanks Silver, yeah I've heard of them cameras hehe. I'm not much of a photographer, I've actually just bought the camera and lens. Its my first pro-ish camera and so far I'm loving it, I'm stil learning a lot but thats one thing about me, I love to learn, I'm like a sponge sucking up info once I get started haha. Thanks again and I'm glad you enjoyed the photos.

Always showin off.......:moon:....Can`t think of a better "Fearless Leader" for Vert-ville than HGO.......

Attention to detail.....Knows howta rape and shape his bitches for the greater good , not to mention showin what`s able ta be done with multiple strains and not even monocroppin with "unknown" strains yet to be identified and STILL killin it in the meantime....I`m just sayin.....

No deficiencies and the picture of health.....You my Hero Bro....

Thamks fer showin folks howta do it and do it well.......


Much love and respect to you DHF, your always here for the community and helping people out, I like that a lot about you.

As for fearless, I'm not so sure about that :biglaugh: I've got the same amount of fear as anyone else or perhaps even more, I think the more you live life and the more bad times you go through, you end up carrying away a little fear from each experience.

Rape and shape, gotta be done bro you know the score, anything not worthy needs to be axed, I like to give my girls a good shave before the stretch ends and they pay me back with bigger denser buds. I think the trick to keeping 'em all fed good is to feed them at a lowish EC, 1.3/650ppm, give it to them 3 times per day and they look after themselves, always better to break the feeds up into 'little but often' just like how bodybuilders or athletes like to split their calories into 6-8 meals per day to keep their metabolism working at peak, I think it works the same with plants, instead of 1 huge meal every 2 days, 3-5 smaller strength meals every day. It seems to work for me anyhow.

they look superb mate the schnapps is gunna put out a big cola for sure look how tight the nodes are

great job pal


Thanks mate, great to hear that from you and hey I hope your right lol, I'm really excited to see how the schnapps performs, she is starting to produce trichs and man she smells so damn good, hard to say at the moment what she reminds me of but give me a few weeks :)

Hi mate, loving your grow, its very inspiring. Its a great read, i was staggered to see how many different cuttings you have to ID, good luck! Cheers

Hi Ramp mate, great to have ya in here, I haven't seen ya about in a long time! Yeah it's gonna be a fun one trying to ID all the gals. Stick around for the harvest, that's when it's gonna get real interesting.

looking like some fine ladies, keep up the good work

Thanks Mitch, I don't do much, it basically looks after itself lol

I admire your multi-strain ability, the variety in leaves has always been a thing of interest to me. They are as individual to a plant as the chemical compounds they produce. Thank you for posting those beautiful pictures.

Thank you stke_fingas, thats a good point. Ya know, what other herb on earth has got anything on cannabis? The huge variety of smells, flavours, highs, looks, etc. There is something for everyone and that's why I really dig the multi-strain grows, so much variety. Don't get me wrong, I'd love to have the perfect strain and monocrop her to death, it would make my life a lot easier but I'm am a true strain whore, I gotta try 'em all, what I would do for a 100kw grow, I think I would use all the lighting in vert donuts with a different strain on every tray LMFAO can you imagine!

hey, i see some crystals yet... and more to come
greez mo

Good eyes mort, today the crystal is real noticable, another week and we should be drowning in THC... :fingerscrossed:

HGO for prez!

Shits looking pukka mate! can't wait to some fat thc drenched buds


Thanks Shhh bro, you and me both mate. Gonna get pretty flavourful around here lol. Good to see ya man.

Peace All


~No Guts~ ~No Glory~
:yoinks: What a great update, looking happy and healthy in here bro, can't wait to see them girls in full flower :good:

Hundred Gram Oz

Our Work is Never Over
Thanks fellas! Just snapped a few pics of the big tent as the lamps went out, the big tent is at day 22 flower and looking good, some of the gals are really starting to beef up right now, I'm gonna add PK 13/14 tonight at around 0.2-0.3EC. On with the pics...

Big Tent, Right Side
Day 22 Flower

Big Tent, Right Side
Day 22 Flower

Day 22 Flower




More to follow...​

Hundred Gram Oz

Our Work is Never Over

Day 22 Flower

Big Tent, Left Side
Day 22 Flower

Big Tent, Right Side
Day 22 Flower


Big Tent, Full Shot
Day 22 Flower

Big Tent, Left Side
Day 22 Flower
