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Here's the Secret, Cannabis is already LEGAL, FREE & AVAILABLE NOW!



I'd like to read it!!!!! Seriously this stuff is awesome, and I plan on incorporating it daily. I already did it today. Just from my own experience with some of the things they have talked about, I realize this stuff makes sense.
i think this stuff is common sense, its just wrapped in a pretty little bundle and made to look like its some special unknown force thing that will change your life. what really got me was how they kept fabricated quotes from various people, after that i realized that i stopped watching. but basically if you try hard to get something you will probably get it, to a certain extent. thats all there is to it. (duh) ...thats common sense. the part about creating your own reality is bullshit, no matter how hunky dory you are emotionally if you venture outside of your cushy little routine into the poverty of the rest of the world, you will realize that you live in a world that is effected by things other than yourself.


That video was great. I never knew quantum physics was related to events that occur in our lives.


Active member
demonicaardvark said:
i think this stuff is common sense, its just wrapped in a pretty little bundle and made to look like its some special unknown force thing that will change your life. what really got me was how they kept fabricated quotes from various people, after that i realized that i stopped watching. but basically if you try hard to get something you will probably get it, to a certain extent. thats all there is to it. (duh) ...thats common sense. the part about creating your own reality is bullshit, no matter how hunky dory you are emotionally if you venture outside of your cushy little routine into the poverty of the rest of the world, you will realize that you live in a world that is effected by things other than yourself.

well yeah, but we're all effecting the quantum field. if you're doing everything to manifest say.... a cheeseburger or something silly like that, but everyone around you is all "things can't be manifested, i want lobster", then that's gonna have an effect too.

if you envision yourself as the greatest you you know you are, but other people for whatever reason are clinging to perceptions of you built from the past that suggest otherwise, then it's just gonna be that much more of a struggle. and so, think well of everyone. therin is the importance of forgiveness. if you keep thinking someone is an asshole, you're projecting those thoughts onto that person, and so, they're likely to continue to be an asshole... and you'll pat yourself on the back for being right when you next see their assholeness confirmed in action. :rolleyes: so see, no matter how hard you THINK you think it is, see the good in people, see the brilliant spark of pure worth that is in everyone. to do anything else is to defeat yourself.

That video was great. I never knew quantum physics was related to events that occur in our lives.

i was telling people about this years ago when theorising on the existence of telepathy. if quantum particles (as proven in the experiments that gave rise to the glove anaology) can comunicate instantaneously at any distance, then "telepathy" is inevitable. i think my choice of words were something like "Do you think quantum physics stops the moment it enters your cranium? if it's true of the entire cosmos, then our heads, our bodies, existing in the cosmos, it must also be true of".


Active member
Psyhic Aikido!

Psyhic Aikido!

Digit said:
:rolleyes:for the other people's will thing...
psychic akido. an apropriate term i find. a practiced imunity to the thoughts of limitation. so instead of :badday: all you are left with is :woohoo:

haha LOVE the reference to "psychis aikido" =P made me giggle!

and dont hold back the knowledge my friend! please, spread the Love!
the more knowledge the better, then we will be able to decide for ourselves =)

lots of Love and Light


Active member
forgot to mention,

BOY was Deepak a youngen in that movie!

and Super:
Jesus (Sananda) will return to earth when the time is right. Its all part of the Divine Plan for earth. But, if your interested in other aspects of Christos or Christ Conciousness/Love, look into Satyha Sai Baba who is the Cosmic christ (spiritual hierarchy), Lord Maitreya the world teacher is also here doing his work to help humanity evolve. . . And Babaji materializes to the people he chooses, but there have been a few times when hes made himself known publicly through the media. . .

I tihnk the secret is a wonderful movie for what it is, i just wish more poeple would live in Love and do their selfless service to help Humanity as a whole, instead of manifesting whatever theyd like. Dont get me wrong, everyone deserves to choose their life and what is in it, but it would be so very beneficial for The Whole if we all had a common goal of bringing Love and Light back to our beautiful planet.
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Active member
Educate yourself so you may educate others.

long been a moto of mine.

and so too it can be for you too if you are so drawn to it's power.

i cannot make the certain claim that this is an extolling of some great truth, i am only really presenting information for your own consideration, and it is you yourself who can choose your own thoughts on it.

but really, my advice...


Active member
Hey Digit, are you part of Findhorn in Scotland>?

and i enjoy your motto, and will definately keep/spread it when the time is right!

I think its part of our life path to help lift the spirits of others in hopes that they can see the Light and want to make the positive changes in their life that is needed. Too much Fear controlling our society, but it will all change soon enough =)

So please, enlighten us with some of your research, i love new knowledge, as well as hearing a different perspective on information i might be aware of =)

have you read any books by Joshua David Stone>? Verry concise! Alice Baily also has some amazing channeled readings by Djwal Khul but they are very in depth and can be a bit hard to read at times. .. joshua's books are much easier for people to "get into", ive noticed. . .

anyhow, thank you everyone for your Love
if you feel the need to spread this knowledge please do,
but dont force anyone to change, just be a window into a different world for them,
and show them how wonderfully life is when you live in Love.

Love and Light


Active member

it's not really new.
it's been around in many many guises for years, through every generation.

one specific i'm thinking of is visualisation techniques. i've been doing them for years now, often without realising it. it suits my type of thinking... as long as my third eye isnt in need of desperate squeegeeing.

visualise what you want, not as some distant thing, visualise yourself there, as if you have it. i know they went over this to some extent in the vid i linked to. it's worth repeating. see yourself as you are at your best, as if you are now. see yourself in a society of environmentally savvy millionaires, where there's no taboo about toking, it's something that can be done openly with peace of mind, knowing everyone can accept and allow it. let your imagination run wild with it.

hindu (and many others) have reccognised the correlation and analogy of our bodies to the creation of the universe. going by the chakra energy systems, the brow chakra, the ajna chakra, the "third eye", the pineal gland, is said to be "first hole" in the universe... which kinda ties in with the direction of your birth... your head pops out first... it's where thoughts are generally believed come from... it's the bit that creates.

"our thoughts create the universe" ! ... worth contemplating before you automatically reject, disbelieve or dismiss this.

there's alot of thought out there.

so i wouldnt want you to defeat yourself by giving up your own personal power of creation by refusing to accept your thoughts have a creative influence on the universe.

"mind over matter"

a fact.


Active member
Hey Digit, are you part of Findhorn in Scotland>?
[/quote] nope. i've heard of it before tho... sure i must have whizzed past their website at least once.
rastamonunika said:
and i enjoy your motto, and will definately keep/spread it when the time is right!
that was pretty much my responce first time i saw it when i was first uncovering the lies about cannabis... much thnx to Peter McWilliams for dying and having done so much in his life, and all the people on cannabisnews.com,if this hadnt happened i would have never begun this crusade of truth.
rastamonunika said:
I think its part of our life path to help lift the spirits of others in hopes that they can see the Light and want to make the positive changes in their life that is needed. Too much Fear controlling our society, but it will all change soon enough =)
it's changing now. the grip has been so tight for so long, that a few have slipped out between the cracks, and the more who do, the tighter they squeeze, the tighter they squeeze the more who slip out. rome is falling now.
rastamonunika said:
So please, enlighten us with some of your research, i love new knowledge, as well as hearing a different perspective on information i might be aware of =)
heh, i have nothing formal for you. informality je adore. my research could best be said to be "anecdotal". i'll keep up the advocacy tho. ;)
rastamonunika said:
have you read any books by Joshua David Stone>? Verry concise!
rastamonunika said:
Alice Baily also has some amazing channeled readings by Djwal Khul but they are very in depth and can be a bit hard to read at times. .. joshua's books are much easier for people to "get into", ive noticed. . .

anyhow, thank you everyone for your Love
if you feel the need to spread this knowledge please do,
but dont force anyone to change, just be a window into a different world for them,
and show them how wonderfully life is when you live in Love.

Love and Light

everyone will be brought up to godspeed by the great transcendental event at the end of history.


It's really interesting that our current life is a product of our recent past. My life is extremely good right now--I have MANY things that I am thankful for, and I realize that they are a product of the happiness and gratitude I've felt in the past few years. I realize that without knowing it, I was applying a lot of the techniques shown in the video. I'm already an imaginative, positive person, so they come naturally to me.

It's interesting, since this IS a site dedicated to marijuana, how smoking pot has played into this. I've only been a regular smoker (once a day or so) since July. Why did I start doing it? Because it made me happy and made me think about my life, mostly in a positive way, and the things I wanted. I started using it instead of alcohol to help me relax at night. This was originally my main reason for using it, because drinking made me feel like complete crap.

Now to the point: My life has gotten even BETTER since I've started smoking. I would never have believed it, but I have more money and more to be thankful for than ever before. At first, I had negative thoughts of myself as a pothead and I didn't feel good about myself during the day as I thought about my stash of "drugs". That lasted about a week, then I found lots of internet forums (including this one) that let me know that I was not alone, and it made me feel better and part of a larger whole.

I stress that it's the happiness and positive thoughts relating to smoking, not the marijuana itself that causes the shift of events in my life.

Anyway, that video was a glimpse into what my life could be and gave me a greater understanding of why things are. Thanks to digit for posting it!
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I have been watching the secret a few times...and trying it out.

So today I was praying... asking GOD if the secret really worked or not. Like, is this stuff for real?

And it occured to me to really test this theory. I really need to give it a real spin for its money. The one thing that I really wanted to see, that really mattered, was imagining my ex-girlfriend would not only be at the gym I was going to, but actually come up and talk to me. I didn't just THINK it. I tried to visualize the whole thing, and how it would FEEL.

It made me uncomfortable. It was like, I envisioned the whole thing and felt like I was there in my mind...and in my heart and body.

After, I was like...shit... this sucks. The thing made me uneasy, but I did it. I thought, uhhhh I'm not sure I even want this to happen anymore...um...but I had this feeling like I had already done it. I tried talking myself out of it, but felt like whatever... the test was complete.

And it fucking happened. I was at the climbing thing doing my thing... hanging out with peeps... about an hour later, she straight just WALKED UP TO ME. what.

The first thing I thought about was what I had envisioned. I seriously had forgotten about it... that I envisioned this.

It was like, the law of attraction...gave me my wish. I gave it the command...and I couldn't take it back. Well, if I really wanted to I could of... but after I visualized I guess I didn't really try to cancel out that belief.

This is the girl who broke up with me 3 or 4 months ago. Who I tried talking to and making things cool with for 3 or 4 weeks...until finally she told me she would call the cops on me if I emailed/called/ANYTHING. She made this huge email saying she didn't want to talk to me for 6 months.

I have seen her a handful of times since then... at the local climbing gym we both frequent. But I have never once talked to her. We will accidentally glance at eachother and quickly look away. But I have never made any attempt to talk or be around her, and either has she. I figured I would respect her wishes, and she didn't want to talk to me.

Its been fucking painful, man. Seriously. Its a TON better now, but I seriously just lost hope in this girl as a decent human being. Breaking up was really hard.. I loved her. And the way things ended and the way she acted really threw my world upside down. To be honest, I'm not sure I respect her as a person...and I pretty much have made up my mind I never want her back, but I always felt shitty that we had to have this distance. It was like I was a ghost around her. I died. I was in a different world. I couldn't communicate any more. Connection completely dead. Painful.

2 weeks ago when I first watched this video, I kinda felt that this could work. There was something real about it. I think I thought about my ex a few times. I never really FULLY envisioned it and believed it... but was kinda testing the waters. Soon after doing this, I had a few close encounters with her...that were almost "more than" coincidental. Nothing huge though. Like, biking RIGHT by her... or, at the gym, turning my head in a smile as she was turning her head and just sorta of locking on for a sec... for a second longer than normal.

Brief encounters. It seems this law of attraction works in degrees. You can attract something as much as you want to. If your belief is weak, thats what you get. I've only been doing this a little bit... so I'm new. Of course, it could be that the entire process of attraction started the first time I visualized this happening...and the last 3 times I've seen her have all been cumulative up to this. Maybe in order for her to talk to me, she had to feel safe... and the time she caught me smiling...and just the other times. Many this was the way the plan worked. If I asked the universe, the universe answered. And this was the answer.

Anyways, I'm not going to stick around to debate, or logicalize this. I don't want to. I like debating things like oil and automobiles. I feel that this sort of thing is in the realm of belief.

Like gravity. You can talk about it for hours. Think about it. But it doesn't really exist until you throw something in the air and watch it come back down. Gravity...the realness of it...lies in the experience.

Thats how I feel this is. You test... and you believe. You CAN talk about it. You can talk, and argue, and blah blah blah for the rest of your life. Literally. I've seen some pretty crazy stuff on a YouTube link. People just debating back and forth.

But whatever. The power of this lies in the process. If you start logicalizing it... thinking too much... it will crumble. Visualize...believe. Maybe this IS common sense... I do notice this in many aspects of things.

You know, it makes sense. When it comes down to faiths, like Christianity, it ultimately comes down to belief. Do you have the belief that God, the universe, the fucking bomb ass energy, is going to be answering you... or do you believe you have no power, that you are all alone in this world.

The video talks about how the law of attraction is just a law. It is happening all the time...reguardless of anything else. You can use it for whatever you want... I would guess. Thats the thing though. I think my 10 year long suicidal depression was based on this. It wasn't until I actually tried CBT that I realized it was ME who had the power to control my thoughts and escape from the hell I had created. It was like, I created that reality...lived in it... Once I realized I had the power to get out, I did. Its almost like free-will. Using the analogy of the Garden of Eden, we were given the choice to choose our realities. With me, I chose depression. I chose to believe in that.

Neways, just wow. I wanted to post this because I thought it was really cool. Oh, also the original link does not work anymore, for the video. I do know of another link, PM me if you want to watch this video.
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Active member
Indicad2006 said:

I have been watching the secret a few times...and trying it out.

So today I was praying... asking GOD if the secret really worked or not. Like, is this stuff for real?

And it occured to me to really test this theory. I really need to give it a real spin for its money. The one thing that I really wanted to see, that really mattered, was imagining my ex-girlfriend would not only be at the gym I was going to, but actually come up and talk to me. I didn't just THINK it. I tried to visualize the whole thing, and how it would FEEL.

It made me uncomfortable. It was like, I envisioned the whole thing and felt like I was there in my mind...and in my heart and body.

After, I was like...shit... this sucks. The thing made me uneasy, but I did it. I thought, uhhhh I'm not sure I even want this to happen anymore...um...but I had this feeling like I had already done it. I tried talking myself out of it, but felt like whatever... the test was complete.

And it fucking happened. I was at the climbing thing doing my thing... hanging out with peeps... about an hour later, she straight just WALKED UP TO ME. what.

The first thing I thought about was what I had envisioned. I seriously had forgotten about it... that I envisioned this.

It was like, the law of attraction...gave me my wish. I gave it the command...and I couldn't take it back. Well, if I really wanted to I could of... but after I visualized I guess I didn't really try to cancel out that belief.

This is the girl who broke up with me 3 or 4 months ago. Who I tried talking to and making things cool with for 3 or 4 weeks...until finally she told me she would call the cops on me if I emailed/called/ANYTHING. She made this huge email saying she didn't want to talk to me for 6 months.

I have seen her a handful of times since then... at the local climbing gym we both frequent. But I have never once talked to her. We will accidentally glance at eachother and quickly look away. But I have never made any attempt to talk or be around her, and either has she. I figured I would respect her wishes, and she didn't want to talk to me.

Its been fucking painful, man. Seriously. Its a TON better now, but I seriously just lost hope in this girl as a decent human being. Breaking up was really hard.. I loved her. And the way things ended and the way she acted really threw my world upside down. To be honest, I'm not sure I respect her as a person...and I pretty much have made up my mind I never want her back, but I always felt shitty that we had to have this distance. It was like I was a ghost around her. I died. I was in a different world. I couldn't communicate any more. Connection completely dead. Painful.

2 weeks ago when I first watched this video, I kinda felt that this could work. There was something real about it. I think I thought about my ex a few times. I never really FULLY envisioned it and believed it... but was kinda testing the waters. Soon after doing this, I had a few close encounters with her...that were almost "more than" coincidental. Nothing huge though. Like, biking RIGHT by her... or, at the gym, turning my head in a smile as she was turning her head and just sorta of locking on for a sec... for a second longer than normal.

Brief encounters. It seems this law of attraction works in degrees. You can attract something as much as you want to. If your belief is weak, thats what you get. I've only been doing this a little bit... so I'm new. Of course, it could be that the entire process of attraction started the first time I visualized this happening...and the last 3 times I've seen her have all been cumulative up to this. Maybe in order for her to talk to me, she had to feel safe... and the time she caught me smiling...and just the other times. Many this was the way the plan worked. If I asked the universe, the universe answered. And this was the answer.

Anyways, I'm not going to stick around to debate, or logicalize this. I don't want to. I like debating things like oil and automobiles. I feel that this sort of thing is in the realm of belief.

Like gravity. You can talk about it for hours. Think about it. But it doesn't really exist until you throw something in the air and watch it come back down. Gravity...the realness of it...lies in the experience.

Thats how I feel this is. You test... and you believe. You CAN talk about it. You can talk, and argue, and blah blah blah for the rest of your life. Literally. I've seen some pretty crazy stuff on a YouTube link. People just debating back and forth.

But whatever. The power of this lies in the process. If you start logicalizing it... thinking too much... it will crumble. Visualize...believe. Maybe this IS common sense... I do notice this in many aspects of things.

You know, it makes sense. When it comes down to faiths, like Christianity, it ultimately comes down to belief. Do you have the belief that God, the universe, the fucking bomb ass energy, is going to be answering you... or do you believe you have no power, that you are all alone in this world.

The video talks about how the law of attraction is just a law. It is happening all the time...reguardless of anything else. You can use it for whatever you want... I would guess. Thats the thing though. I think my 10 year long suicidal depression was based on this. It wasn't until I actually tried CBT that I realized it was ME who had the power to control my thoughts and escape from the hell I had created. It was like, I created that reality...lived in it... Once I realized I had the power to get out, I did. Its almost like free-will. Using the analogy of the Garden of Eden, we were given the choice to choose our realities. With me, I chose depression. I chose to believe in that.

Neways, just wow. I wanted to post this because I thought it was really cool. Oh, also the original link does not work anymore, for the video. I do know of another link, PM me if you want to watch this video.

i do know what it's like to have a girl cut of comunitcation with ya like that... and a nasty bit more too.


so... what does it feel like to have cannabis legal now?


nice isnt it.

? :)

feel the lightness of it... like a great weighty burden has floated away, paranoia just a distant memory and a topic for light humour, free and open discussion of it's merits with any and all non-tokers, can you feel it? oh my. :)

stay with this feeling as long as you like.

inject something else into it for a pep up any time you like.

... see that politician with a joint on telly? how BIG is your smile when that happens? how high did you jump for joy? how loud did you scream "WOOHOO! YES!"? :D

relax and take the time to visualise this, it get's me through the days so much easier, knowing that things are falling in place to make it physical reality in a great many timelines.


haha... this sounds funny but I visualized a couple parking spots, to test the theory of attraction with something small. The first time I visualized driving into a *specific* metered parking spot by the school gym where I normally work out. I spent about 5 minutes imagining myself pulling into my spot and the joy I'd feel because I was so close to the gym. After doing the meditation, I felt very nice, very relaxed and content. It worked! I didn't get the specific spot, but it was about 30 feet away on the next block. There were actually two spaces available, and there is NEVER parking on this street. So what? Big deal. Chance.

I tried it again the next time I went to work out at a different gym, this time a YMCA with a parking lot. I did the same visualization meditation for a few minutes on a specific spot that I rarely, if ever, find open. It's the closest and most coveted parking spot in the first row, and I've only parked there a handful of times in my 3+ years working out there.

Anyway, I drive into the YMCA, wondering if I'll get my spot. Just as I drive up, a car is pulling out of THE EXACT SPOT I WAS VISUALIZING. It was weird as hell. Another coincidence? Maybe, but the chances are pretty low. I haven't tried it since, but I plan to do more experiments with this law of attraction.

The last time I checked the google video link on this, it was taken down. Now you can find bits and pieces of the whole movie on Youtube. Not as good as the original hour+ movie, but better than nothing. It's a bit harder to swallow if you don't watch the whole thing, because it comes off as infomercial-like.
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i am confused because i have been the best person i can be throughout my life, i have made alot more effort with friends trying to be as positive as i can be. but yet for some reason my life is realy depressing right now, i noticed that the only time i would ever get to see my friends is when i ring them or make the effort. then when i stopped trying for a while i noticed that pretty much all of my friends didnt ring me or even try to make contact. almost asif they have forgotten me. my only true friends are my family because they can see the good in me. now i dont know what i have done to deserve this, seeing as i have never had any enemys and even if there is someone who at first i might not like, i will always give them a chance and find some good in them. but most of them just arnt even bothered that they dont see me any more. i try so hard in life to be a good person and help others and get nothing from it. whats going on?????


tremelo, PM me and I'll give u a link to the full video! I have a working link.
I have heard about the parking lot thing. Basically, you have to visualize and just "let it go". Its like... you visualize what you want... but don't get specific about it... because the universe needs to work its magic. just visualize the open spot, and then pop out of it...

i've found more reading on this sort of stuff on the web. its pretty interesting. supposedly this can never be a chore. you need to stay positive about the whole thing... and work from that viewpoint.

Page1 - I am not sure what is going on with you, but I understand where you are coming from as I have felt that way in life myself. What occured to me to say, was that maybe you need to be in a spot in life where you feel more happy and loving with just yourself. I think if you are positive with yourself, then you'll just attract more people. I've noticed this in my life.

PM me also if you want the link. I think the video would be a good thing for you! I'm going to watch it right now myself!
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page1, the whole video's premise is that your life, everything around you, is created by your thoughts. Being "a good person" is not enough sometimes. Your thoughts are an electric "signal" that communicates with the universe, which is also made entirely of energy. When you meditate on something you want, it sends those positive thoughts into the universe, and then the universe starts creating a way in which these things will happen. Crazy, I know, but just keep dreaming and hoping and things will start happening. Another thing the video elaborates on is "accepting" the universe's invitation to change the path of your life. Ever feel a "tug" on your shirtsleeve to make a change in your life? I call it intuition. That's a calling you should accept. I've followed mine and my life is fantastic. Ahhh but I'm being too preachy. Watch the whole video for yourself. Even if you think it's garbage there are positive things you can take from it.


I'll just post the link for everyone. It may go extinct soon who knows.

Edit: Yeah the video changed as of today or yesterday! Its something similar now...but not the same.
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