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Here we go: Feds demand medical marijuana records from LEGAL PATIENTS

Barn Owl

Active member
Republicans, Democrat = drug war whores.

At least the Bush Administration was upfront about their drug war stupidity. Not much comfort there but Obummer ran on liberal ideals and is now seriously fucking everybody. He really did jerk everybody off with his hope bullshit. May his genitals dry up and fall off...
Blazing Saddles :
Bart: Well, can't you see that's the last act of a desperate man?
Howard Johnson: We don't care if it's the first act of Henry V, we're leaving!


Wow, I am so impressed with most of you, starting to sound like true RED BLOODED AMERICANS, I like that. FUCK YEAH we should be mad, FUCK the Democrats, FUCK the Republicans, FUCK 'EM!!! And if you think I sound immature for my lack of vocabulary, well they're fucking you right now in the head since you don't UNDERSTAND the First Amendment.

(This is a BADASS video of Alex Jones)
Please research Ron Paul, Michael Badnarik, and Alex Jones.
And remember we're the BOSS, and they work FOR us, and we can fire they're ass!!!


ICMag Donor
The sun shines and grass grows. Americans are apethetic mostly but the crew here is not afraid of hard work. The backlash against mmj is going to be interesting after these appointnments and such. Stay safe and be invisible, but if they show up, stand tall know your rights. Keep on keepin' on. NS


Active member
NO MORE DEA!! im gonna start spraypainting slogans all over the place...



Active member
the dea should not exist. let people do their drugs. theres no way to stop a drug produced indoors or in the country. big waste of taxpayers money


gets some
I'm thinking the same thing friend. It struck me odd that they are only going after 7 people? Weird & Crazy for sure!

Think bigger picture. It's not about those particular 7 people. It's about setting a precedent. That 7 people will turn into hundreds, or thousands, if the Feds can get MI to turn over just those 7 to start. It's about a starting point toward the Feds undermining state law and the desire of the people of those states. The Feds simply don't care anymore what the people want. Those 7 people can open the flood gates and MI will quickly become a smorgasbord of "defendants" for the federal justice machine. Give them this inch and they'll take miles and miles....


May your race always be in your favor
Given the state of the current political climate,I would say that we can all expect more not less crap from the government Obama seems to be willing to cave on most anything, he won't even talk MJ at all, and as the right feels stronger it'll only get more repressive. IMHO


Active member
Given the state of the current political climate,I would say that we can all expect more not less crap from the government Obama seems to be willing to cave on most anything, he won't even talk MJ at all, and as the right feels stronger it'll only get more repressive. IMHO
You think it's getting bad now, just wait till palin is president in 2012, or Mitt Romney.

Obama royally f**ked us with his hope and change crap, I wanted to believe it, so I voted for him, damn.
All I can see now when I think of him is that Vid of him laughing about the internet questions on Marijuana, couldn't even be serious for one second, no, laughed in our faces, F**k him, I want my vote back.

I still feel our only chance for real progress, and positive change around the country in the current political climate, was prop 19 passing, its failure has only served to embolden the anti MJ movement, and in 2012 the real crackdown will begin IMO.


Mitt Romney is a complete Fuc* Tard! I HATE that Dirty,Low Life Ass. Rant Over. ;)


They tried to get pt names in Oregon several years ago and were eventually denied in federal court. Don't really remember lots of details, just the outcome.


It's clear in my mind, were not gonna get the right to our meds until we get cannabis re-scheduled in a different category! Now how are we going to do that?
So which organization should the small amount of money we could give will go in the right hands to get this done, cause you know anymore it takes the right lobbyist to grease the right hands to do what should be done because it's the right thing to be done!:plant grow::watchplant:


I'm a member of NORML and generously give to them every year. I also send letters to my state senators and congressmen every year asking that they introduce legislation for legalization. I think if every smoker and grower in the country did the same change would occur. People are usually quick to complain about something they don't like, but few do anything about it. Something everyone should consider......

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