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Want to spread the knowledge

i do not want to compramise the security of having my own grow but i encounter many people with stupid little shit grows that aren't goin to yeild them shit with their 20w flouro tubes and 10 stretched out plant... i want to tell them everything they need but it would give me away...even more i want to tell them the greatness of this site but once again...blows my cover that i would know all that... how do you deal with this????...i would love to spread the infinite knowledge available to them on this site so are there any suggestions on how to go about this safely???
i love the phrase about give a man a fish, he eats for a night, teach him to fish he will eat forever... i want to help others join the fight to overgrow the world and have great herb for themselves...
please help...:santa1:


i do not want to compramise the security of having my own grow but i encounter many people with stupid little shit grows that aren't goin to yeild them shit with their 20w flouro tubes and 10 stretched out plant... i want to tell them everything they need but it would give me away...even more i want to tell them the greatness of this site but once again...blows my cover that i would know all that... how do you deal with this????...i would love to spread the infinite knowledge available to them on this site so are there any suggestions on how to go about this safely???
i love the phrase about give a man a fish, he eats for a night, teach him to fish he will eat forever... i want to help others join the fight to overgrow the world and have great herb for themselves...
please help...:santa1:
Only if its plant related and not specifically marijuana related. And stay within your reasonable means of knowledge. If ur a dumb dumb who doesn't kow jack about anything. Don't help him. lol.

You can suggest more lights. Or you can wait until the plant is fallen over and tell him when he might be more receptive to ideas. How bad are they stretched? If they are tipping over due to stretch, I'd tell him. But I dunno, thats me, I dont know you or ur friends. They might catch you.

Be greatful your friends aren't know it all idiots. I honestly would have to step away from marijuana conversations because that would just bug the hell out of me because people are talking "purple haze" and other bullshit they heard from someone as clueless as them.


Active member
I assume they won't automatically be clued in on your wide array of knowledge solely based on the fact you're aware of this site... I'd just tell them hey I found this site that has a lot of useful info you might wanna look into. From there, you did your part, and TRIED...
Be greatful your friends aren't know it all idiots. I honestly would have to step away from marijuana conversations because that would just bug the hell out of me because people are talking "purple haze" and other bullshit they heard from someone as clueless as them.

Thats what im screamin... i want to tell them they dont know shit but dont wanna expose my self...tried veggies, most will try to act like they r pros and tell me there is no corrolation so it doesnt matter...hard to walk away tho because sometimes...admittedly, i like to b the know it all and show what i know... lol point well taken about if they are already growing but still never know who u can trust...some r freinds of friends or just random aquaintances talking about it around me...
thanks you for the input tho...noted and kept in mind.
I assume they won't automatically be clued in on your wide array of knowledge solely based on the fact you're aware of this site... I'd just tell them hey I found this site that has a lot of useful info you might wanna look into. From there, you did your part, and TRIED...

good point... i have used the old " back when i grew a little..." or when my brother grew.." but like i just posted after yours i kinda like to be the info..lol on top of the site i want to burst out with what i have learned here almost to help them skip some basics..thank you also for your input...also noted and considered...any more suggestions?

Sam the Caveman

Good'n Greasy
If they are showing you their grow, you would probably only be doing them more harm by showing them how have a successful grow. If they can grow good bud and more than enough for them, he/she will get busted showing everyone. I personally would rather see someone buy indefinately than get busted growing.

This guy was telling me a few nights ago that you could turn any bud purple if you flash freeze it when it was fresh. I said "Really?!? Wow, I'm going to try it if I get some that looks fresh, cool man." I play the stupid idiot role when people start blabbing their knowledge about cannabis.
lol fair enough... not always showing...more verbal advertising but all the same i suppose...playing dumb with a turn away and smile may do it... i just have to gain the ability to be satisfied just knowing i suppose..


Thats what im screamin... i want to tell them they dont know shit but dont wanna expose my self...tried veggies, most will try to act like they r pros and tell me there is no corrolation so it doesnt matter...hard to walk away tho because sometimes...admittedly, i like to b the know it all and show what i know... lol point well taken about if they are already growing but still never know who u can trust...some r freinds of friends or just random aquaintances talking about it around me...
thanks you for the input tho...noted and kept in mind.

oh fuck no dont say shit to friends of friends. Friends of friends are almost always shady. LOL

Its hard to keep ur mouth shut too because you want to let them know whats up and that you know they are full of shit. Plus if you're younger like in your early 20's, there's always that one guy everyone thinks knows the most about weed. When really, they aren't legit, you are. So yah, I think it's tough. But if it makes you feel any better, you are like undercover and those suckers dont know it. lol

Just dont bury the emotions and let it turn into being passive aggressive (mentioning this because I got caught up in the moment once and caught myself being weak and passive aggressive) and don't say anything about growing thats too far above their level, and you'll be ok.


Don't Drone Me, Bro!
ICMag Donor
IMO, mouth shut bro. As far as most people are concerned I don't anything about raising plants. When it comes to intense talks about smoke I don't know anymore than anybody else.

I feel your pain. Use this site to vent lol. That's what a lot of us do.
haha true thanks...its great to have a community where i can still be annonymous but have such great friends and support and share this great hobby of ours... i guess im just lucky enough that I can be a member!
Yeah, if they're too ignorant to know about the internet or so delusional that they think their 20w grows are the bomb, then you can't really help them anyway. ;) Not worth the risk.

It's admirable that you want to help them though.

Now if my state would just pass the damn MMJ bill, you could be telling ME how much MY grow sucks! LOL
oh fuck no dont say shit to friends of friends. Friends of friends are almost always shady. LOL

Its hard to keep ur mouth shut too because you want to let them know whats up and that you know they are full of shit. Plus if you're younger like in your early 20's, there's always that one guy everyone thinks knows the most about weed. When really, they aren't legit, you are. So yah, I think it's tough. But if it makes you feel any better, you are like undercover and those suckers dont know it. lol

Just dont bury the emotions and let it turn into being passive aggressive (mentioning this because I got caught up in the moment once and caught myself being weak and passive aggressive) and don't say anything about growing thats too far above their level, and you'll be ok.

haha true...and im in that general age group...college... agreed on the shady part.. i just get competetive sometimes also... but the ultimate goal is to make a difference and help others to this hobby... wish i could just post up flyers everywhere about this site... maybe ill make business card with it on there saying if u think your getting the most...get more with education from this site... and hand them out to these ignorant, potential growers and just walk away.. hahaha that accomplishes all my goals hehehehe


I feel ya man. it's frustrating as hell....especially when someone is supposed to be "caring" for a bunch of patients, but all they care about is $$ and don't want to put in any effort. I constantly hear friends making these huge future plans to open a dispensary or seedbank...but none of them have even made it to their first harvest yet! Yet I just can't seem to make them realize that they need to learn how to grow before they start getting ahead of themselves and think about names for their dispensary that they'll open someday.

Try not to sweat it too much. 9 out of 10 ppl think they're a pro and won't listen to shit unless you show them results or physical proof of your knowledge, which you shouldn't do!

I just try my best to teach people and if they won't listen I just think to myself..."better them than me" I see people everyday thinking they can throw a plant under a light and be rich in a few months...it's hard to watch them fail...but honestly it's their own fault if they don't take the time to educate themselves.

Yeah, if they're too ignorant to know about the internet or so delusional that they think their 20w grows are the bomb, then you can't really help them anyway. ;) Not worth the risk.

It's admirable that you want to help them though.

Now if my state would just pass the damn MMJ bill, you could be telling ME how much MY grow sucks! LOL

hahaha i would tell them its not good at all.. just how to make it better.. lol im in a non legal state also... prolly gonna be the last to pass too cuz it sucks and its a stubborn ass state...maybe now that DC has it back theres hope for us all though...
I feel ya man. it's frustrating as hell....especially when someone is supposed to be "caring" for a bunch of patients, but all they care about is $$ and don't want to put in any effort. I constantly hear friends making these huge future plans to open a dispensary or seedbank...but none of them have even made it to their first harvest yet! Yet I just can't seem to make them realize that they need to learn how to grow before they start getting ahead of themselves and think about names for their dispensary that they'll open someday.

Try not to sweat it too much. 9 out of 10 ppl think they're a pro and won't listen to shit unless you show them results or physical proof of your knowledge, which you shouldn't do!

I just try my best to teach people and if they won't listen I just think to myself..."better them than me" I see people everyday thinking they can throw a plant under a light and be rich in a few months...it's hard to watch them fail...but honestly it's their own fault if they don't take the time to educate themselves.


hahahahahaha sad to say but before this site was reccomended to me i was one of those.."heres my next get rich quick scheme" kind of guys but i took time to realize how rich i would have to be to strat up a grow big enough to make me rich lol now im forever learning and improving and hope to never stop... if it makes me rich...fucking stellar... if not.. i have some primo buds for myself on demand and lose that 200$ a week spending habit for bud...


They wont listen to you until they make mistakes of their own accord.

If they half listen to you and make mistakes, It'll take until they make mistakes doing it all their way for them to start to listen to you.

Self preservation here is not, Selfish. They risk a lower yield, you risk your safety.

It is in no way worth the trade off for you to expose yourself.
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What I've done is built up a sort of "mythos" among my friends that I would never attempt a grow due to the consequences (primarily the seizure of property - fuckers) and that I'm more than willing to buy it from dealers if it means I can keep my home if I'm caught.

After they know your stance on it by heart, start talking about how you're reading up on growing because you feel the political climate is changing, people are waking up to the lies about cannabis, etc - and that your studying up so that when it becomes legal you can begin right away.

Of course, you don't want to go in and tell them you know all about it, just something like, "You know, I read somewhere that if you use these lights and keep them this far from the plants..." etc.

The important part is that your friends know that you are not willing to risk seizure of property for growing a goddamn plant. Of course, we all know, if done properly the risk can be negated. :)