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here is my grow in a new setup

well this is a GL60 tent got a 140cfm dayton blower with carbon filter for exhaust,intake is passive/a/c ducted,250w digital hps. growing 3 strains all in soil i have 2 purple maroc(female seed co),1 cheese(ghs),1 great white shark(ghs) and 1 little runt of a dinafem fruit automatic wich dont count in my book. also have another purple maroccan in a small oxy-pot wich is just a seedling will be flowered young just for kicks... also 2 plants cheese and purple maroc are being scrogged in a 1/2 room screen. purple maroc and great white shark will be scrogged using modular scrog screens. and the other 2 plants will be left untouched... well here are some pics

Week 3 veg:
had some issues before with soil thats why i have stunted growth.

week 4 veg:
these are starting to look better here

week 5 veg:
started to use some floranova grow for ferts and im loving them

thanks for reading guys there will be more updates...
ty its comming along now that the plants under the screen are about 4 inches tall and 6inchesx6inches wide....so the nets half full right now im guessing 1 to 1.5 more weeks untill i flip to flower i just topped the purple maroc and cheese im debating on weather to remove a couple fan leafs so lower branching sites can get light...trying to get every square filled with a budsite...
well heres some more pics be 6 weeks old tomorrow... starting to fill up that screen slowly...there looking pretty good. im guessing next monday i may flip to flower depending on size as i know they will stretch.

im still wondering when to flip the scrogged ones to flower...guess i could do it next week and keep the other 2 plants i got in my new clone box im building as those are smaller...but slowly getting bigger did some lst to them yesterday so....just sorta irritated due to it being my first grow with actual genetics and a non rigged grow room...
feels like im rambling on to myself with this thread or my grow just sucks due to lack of replys but anyways heres some new pics of my slow growing plants....im not going to fert em for short ammount of time see if that helps me any..and yeah rh is low cuz i had tent open for a good lil bit while i tucked some stems and such... same with heat as ac was flowing right out the tent..
I GOT FUNGUS GNATS ugggggh luckily i only seen one adult flying around so it has to be very small so im gonna try some spray i got here see if that works says it will work for fungus gnats so...


well got rid of fungus gnats... there doing good day 6 of 12/12 and the small one is in a DWC bubbling bucket 12/12 from seed...see how it goes took 6 clones so looks like i will be able to put a couple more plants in. and have a perpetual grow :)

up front is purple maroc back is cheese. these 2 are doing great filling up the screen pretty quick from last update...purp has a couple preflowers.....the cheese looks to be more of a sativa pheno..purple maroc the same..

up front great white shark back is another purple maroc looks more indica to me...took clones from both purples as moms just incase one of these is a real keeper....gws is looking good too but no cloneable shoots yet...unless i want to cut off a major stalk but im not i will wait...

and here is the 12/12 from seed grow of a purple maroc in a DWC bubbling bucket she is 2 weeks old and growing pretty damn fast roots looks great even though i had to remove all rockwool due to the gnats and switched to perlite...yes i have netpot liners which is landscape fabric... but roots are pumping along 2 days ago only had 3 roots comming out about 1 inch long....finnaly success with hydro and i havent burned plant seems like i could up the fert i am using...

thanks for looking guys i know my grammar and punctuation suck but oh well...too tired/stoned to care but if you have any advice im all ears :) and im using a small bubble cloner i made for my clones....i need to upload pics of my new clone box its pretty good for my crap carpentry skills....ok /end rambling
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these plants are growing fast now still no signs of calyx's on other 4 plants exept the one scrogged purple maroc. all i know is there some stinky plants already...the one DWC plant is growing mad..every day theres more and more roots its nuts...i think i might get me one of those bigger airpumps and make a couple 3gallon dwc buckets...first good success with hydro...i do have a rainforrest 36 system but i dont know what kinda hydro system it is it looks like its a NFT but i dunno...funny thing is i used the pump for the rainforrest 36 system for a drip system and i still dont have that hooked up as i dont feel like messing around with timings and stuff....
ok heres some pics 2 days into second week of flower... not gonna ramble on tonight....there looking good though just repotted the purple maroc and great white shark...those smartpots i was using are awsome got tons of roots...but soil was too cold hence why slow growth...got that fixed now...ok heres the pics.

well these are comming along great hydro plant is nearly double in size more calyx's popping out daily all plants have calyxs....and now i know why alot of people dont respond to this thread i dont have a 2kw grow or a ton of well known strains.......or i just suck at growing but none the less i thought id post a update will take pics later i guess
buds finaly!

buds finaly!

heres the pics...damn hydro purple maroccan (pheno 3) is growing fast as a sativa but bushing out like a indica....pheno 2 is the one not scrogged in the 3gal growbag....but yeah i finnaly have a bud shot for you guys! its of the purple maroc :jump:



Wow looking amazing can't wait to see them in a couple weeks. :)
ty man im glad someone thinks they look good screen could have been filled alittle bit more...and other plants should have been bigger but thats what i get for using crap soil....yeah in a few weeks i should have some nice budding going on. last night i built a nice macro lense for my digital camera and works awsome will have to test it on some buds soon...

EDIT: just took some macro pics of buds using the lense the bud pic i took yesterday is same camera using macro mode without lense....heres the picture for your enjoyment and i am quite pleased with this one!
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well imma put some more pics up i suppose to show yall how there growing..all plants are officialy flowering now and doing good looks like the scrogged purple maroc is turning a hint of purple...hydo plant is insane with its growth almost as tall as the GWS in the smart pot well heres the pics..



Looking good man! Ive got 2 phenos of purple moroc about to go into flower so ill be keepin an eye on this thread to see how they do, hopefully you get some unique bud


not got any pics yet but will do when they are flowering, they look like indica leaning phenos so far but will have to see how they stretch when flowering