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Herb in Barcelona

two heads

Active member
My sweetie and I are going to Barcelona for two weeks in May and I am encouraged by what I hear about Spain being very liberal when it comes to ganja. As far as I know though, they don't have any Amsterdam style coffee shops where we can purchase bud or hash.

Hopefully, someone will tell me I am wrong and let me know where to find them. Failing that, does anyone know a safe way to get herb while in Barcelona?
Yeah, i dont think there are any coffeeshops. hmm, this isnt the best way to get smoke, but, honestly, if you just walk around las ramblas, certain parts, i forget which ones, there will be people who usually have hash or bud, just gotta catch their eye. For lack of a better term, look for some black guys, i cannot remember their true nationality or whatever. I studied there for a month a couple of years ago. One kid was able to find some pretty dank bud, but i think he met a college kid. The hash was pretty okay, and the weed, was pretty okay too. Anyways, its not too hard to find smoke there. Then again, amdam is always a short short flight away, and travel between european countries on airlines, security is much more calm and easy than in the states.

anyways, barcelona is retardedly beautiful and it shouldnot be too hot there in may. Should be ridiculously nice. I am a daily smoker and barca was so beautiful and so fun that i only bought weed once. Just didnt care if i had any smoke as long as there were beautiful beaches, women, and delicious booze. God I miss it.


My friends and I met some kids that had just been to Amsterdam at a bar on our first night. They smoked us out with a couple joints. It is real easy to score hash around Spain. You will see roach's and crutches from spliffs laying around on the sidewalks. We found some good hash wandering around La Rambla down near the water. All in all we were able to score hash in every city we visited. I even ran into a friend from elementary school at a McDonalds in Cadiz. He had a bong and a brick of Moroccan on him. On a separate occasion, I ran into to college friends in Barcelona. It's a small world..

I would bet you could find some buds if you look around. Check out the clubs for sure. You could also take a boat ride over to Ibiza. If not, it's about 12 hrs by train up to Paris, then 4 or so up to the Netherlands.
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In Barcelona the drugs find you. You don't have to do nothing except maybe saying "no i'm not interested" all the time. The people catering to tourists will rip you of terribly though i'm afraid. But with a little effort you'll access good bud. Everyone smokes ;)

shiva das

I would say, stay away from las ramblas and gothico area form hash. It's all shit. I lived in barca and can tell you, you don't want to do that. I'm pretty sure it's all incence.

I would say go to one of the many grow shops in the city. there is one on the oppisite side of las ramblas. I don't remember the name of the street, but it is one of the main ones that go to ravel. There is a big catherdral on the left, if your walking up the ramblas away from colon. Grow shop are always blazing...
personally, I would carry my own. the custom in europe isn't like us. when I came into barca for the first time I didn't see any customs officers. And if I did, who cares, there not going to body search you.
have a great trip I miss catalyna

shiva das

two heads

Active member
Thanks shiva das. Bringing my own won't be an option as I am flying from Canada. I had considered the grow shops, I'll give that a try.

two heads

Active member
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shiva das

two heads said:
Thanks shiva das. Bringing my own won't be an option as I am flying from Canada. I had considered the grow shops, I'll give that a try.

Hey two heads....
Canada, no problem. I came from the states. Flying abroad is easy to carry what you need.

shiva das

I never even went through customs when I got into europe. Not in FR or Sp???

Just walk with it, you'll be fine. Hell, I brought beans back with me. And got searched. I don't know if beans set off a smell for the dogs. I'm not even sure what the dogs are for. I think mostly for other things, you know those that blow up.

have a blessed trip and rememeber....stay away form the hash in bario gothic....es muy, muy mal.

shiva das

two heads

Active member
Thanks shiva das. "muy, muy mal" - I'll add that to my very brief list of Spanish phrases - hope I don't need it though!

shiva das

I have found that spain is alittle behind in the english department. On top of that, barcelona is in Catalunya. where they speak catalan. So you'll hear both spanish and catalan.
You be fine...do you have any intresting canada seed to bring with you? Since you don't speak that great spanish, just speak cannabis. Everyone can understand that language...lol.

two heads

Active member
Excellent idea. I will bring some Canadian seed, it might improve my chances of getting the kind herb.


I'm glad i came across this thread.

I too am heading off to Barca in May with my gf.

I wasn't planning on buying any weed while I was over there, figuring it wouldnt be easy getting quality herb being a tourist.

Especially in the touristy areas.

We will be hitting A'dam at the end of the trip, so I know I there will be some quality herb waiting for me if I'm patient.

It's all good. I'll be wearing my shades checkin the Barca girls on the DL.

That'll be a high in itself.

Thanks for the post all.

Have a great trip, two heads.



ripOG said:
If not, it's about 12 hrs by train up to Paris, then 4 or so up to the Netherlands.

My wife wants to go to Paris. We are so going now. And we will be making an 8 hour roundtrip detour.

Hey I've never ridden on a train like that cross country, especially in Europe. Would they have customs searches for train rides crossing country lines? If not, I'd have a lump in my pants pocket on that train. And not from my wife. Don't worry about that.
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5.2 club is now 8.1 club...
texsativa said:
My wife wants to go to Paris. We are so going now. And we will be making an 8 hour roundtrip detour.

Hey I've never ridden on a train like that cross country, especially in Europe. Would they have customs searches for train rides crossing country lines? If not, I'd have a lump in my pants pocket on that train. And not from my wife. Don't worry about that.

Watchout in France, the French are really anti weed/drugs and love busting tourists. Barcelona and all of Spain is very chilled about it


Active member
''I would say, stay away from las ramblas and gothico area form hash. It's all shit. I lived in barca and can tell you, you don't want to do that. I'm pretty sure it's all incence.''
so true have been barca countless times and most of what is available is crap hash that looks like sand doesnt give off much smoke and doesnt really get you high

''I would say go to one of the many grow shops in the city. there is one on the oppisite side of las ramblas. I don't remember the name of the street,''
cant remember street name either but that growshop hooked us up with some nice green last time i went