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Hempy Buckets: Or How I Learned to Stop Worying and Love Hydroponics


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Well, I have been contemplating different methods of strategy to take on hydroponics. I have never attempted it before and I want something low maintenance that I won't have to be messing with every day.

I also wanted something that I could potentially set up on a timer if I have to travel for business. But a system that wouldn't die in a relative short time if power failed.

So I turned to the hempy bucket.

Armed with Canna Substra A+B (and a zho freebie a buddy gave me) and some plain old tap water I set off to work.

I got some freebie seeds called "critical +" which I am told are feminized. So I wanted to try them out. Of the 5 that I got 2 to pop. not a very good ratio but I'll take it for preemie seeds.

I started by transplanting the pods into red party cups and making a mini hempy bucket set up. This worked pretty well and they soon developed a healthy root ball and were ready to transplant.

The only thing I had at the time were these 1 gallon water jugs so what the hell... Instant hempy buckets. I know the translucent walls aren't healthy for root development but damn, look at them go! Last night, they were barely peeking through right above the drain hole.

They are growing SO FAST! Fuck!!! Hydroponics kicks ass!

I feel so much more in control with this method than I do with soil.


The good one - She grows the fastest and looks to be the keeper

The retarded one - slower but tighter nodes. I will take a cut of her to see what happens as well.

More retarded closeup - what a weird plant


count me in too , i am coming from Rdwc to Hempy too , i am watching you but give us often updates i am maybe one month behind you soon my clones going to meet hempy buckets


Active member
alright folks, time to post ups oem more pics

root shot!


ok maybe it wasnt that big of an explosion but I can tell they got bigger! thinking they will need a transplant soon.


I'm a victim of fast women and slow horses
TS those roots look pretty damn good to me.. rock the show.


I'm a victim of fast women and slow horses
What do you have for a light there? It has to be a fluorescent..the shape is throwing me off..what wattage?


I'm a victim of fast women and slow horses
Wow ok..it just doesn't look like a standard cfl. I like it.. got a link?


well done on getting the "critical +" to germ. ive personally been through 12 fem seeds, and like you only got 2 to germ, one was a runt like yours and the other happily sits in my mom room,she doesn't finnish as early as stated maybe 7 to 9 days longer but is still finished in under 60 days.

great start and ill be watching.



Active member

looks good man, don't give up on the runt...some times they take a while to sort out who they are some of the most unlikely sprouts have become gold in my experience. You may want to light proof those containers at some point to prevent algal blooms in the root zone ,plus roots are just plain happier in the dark.


Active member
First off thanks everybody for visiting the thread. I'll post updated pics here later tonight.

I have decided to go with a perpetual grow SOG setup. I do not think I will be using hempys for this but I may. Hempys will most likely stay for moms, just gotta figure a method to prune the roots. Prolly not all that hard.

Going with the Al b. fuct method. http://www.rollitup.org/hydroponics-aeroponics/6592-get-harvest-every-2-weeks.html

I need to step up my game and get the harvest on, the last harvest didnt last me more than a month and a half. I am going to need much more per month for medication, therefore I have decided to do the 4 flood table perpetual grow.

Getting 2 600w from a friend as well as ballasts and lights. I will most likely step it up to 2 or 4 1000w though. I know crazy to go from a semi-failure 400w to 4000w but whatev...

Electrical work isn't really my specialty so I am getting a buddy to help me out with the wiring / breakers.

It is the cooler season here in socal so I can route the hot air to the ducting in the house and there you go, heating bill and buds elec all in one :)

ts-lookin' good man. I cant wait to see how they turn out. Hempys are easy as pie.
They are super simple. I am just lucky enough that adding the rec nutes to my tap water perfectly ph balances it at ~6.


looks good man, don't give up on the runt...some times they take a while to sort out who they are some of the most unlikely sprouts have become gold in my experience. You may want to light proof those containers at some point to prevent algal blooms in the root zone ,plus roots are just plain happier in the dark.

I am going to keep them both, I have a feeling the runt is going to be the winner. The bigger one is stretching taller so it may not be as optimal for SOG. We will see!

I am going to run them side by side in the SOG and make note of which one turns out best.

My CFL is like this one http://www.discount-hydro.com/productdisp.php?pid=335&navid=28

I have 2 of their 200w warm bulbs and they did alright. I think the mites and root aphids were what got me.

Either way I am keeping the 120w for now until I get something better. Need quality moms for the tables.


Active member
Great thread title :laughing: I'm down! :lurk:


"Gentlemen, You Can't Fight in Here, This is a War Room!"

fav part of the movie

well done on getting the "critical +" to germ. ive personally been through 12 fem seeds, and like you only got 2 to germ, one was a runt like yours and the other happily sits in my mom room,she doesn't finnish as early as stated maybe 7 to 9 days longer but is still finished in under 60 days.

great start and ill be watching.


hell 60 days is better than what I hoped. I was thinking she would do 80!