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NORML Lied about First US Cannabis Cafe!



lol is there some sort of trophy for being 1st or somthing! money money money. They will have the most attractive sign.


Active member
It also galls me to think that you MUST join NORML just to walk in the door of the "First LYING Cannabis Cafe."

It's a PRIVATE CLUB, first and foremost. Hardly a public cafe!


I know Madeline Martinez and if you think she did not "use" any mistake about being first to her advantage you are as quazy as she is. Norml Oregon has been a supporter of some pretty severe infringements upon the original OMMA. Her along with Stormy Ray are much more lock step with LE than patient interest and have helped restrict Oregon to the point that it still remains very sketchy for a new patient to procure medicine. Both Oregon Norml and Oregon Green Free(yeah right) are membership driven and require membership fees to access many of the sevices. OGF has had a smoke easy going for several yrs.
As one of the first card holders and original OMMA backers I have seen the OMMA rearranged and gutted to appease law enforcement. While those with the financial backing and time have preempted patient needs by being in Salem to bend the right ears. Oregon Norml and Madeline Martinez are near the top of that list.
That said not all of us are willing to be screwed out of the protection we fought for and I am happy to say there are several dispensaries, delivery services and clone exchanges operating outside the PDX metro scene that have nothing to do with the corrupted entrenched marijuana lobbyists like Oregon Norml


Freedom Fighter
It also galls me to think that you MUST join NORML just to walk in the door of the "First LYING Cannabis Cafe."

It's a PRIVATE CLUB, first and foremost. Hardly a public cafe!

Yeah...I kinda had a prob with that too--


The times are Changing.

Today I feel like a Tsunami is coming, That calm shore and the tide pulling out.

I have a feeling we had all better learn to hold hands till we get Legalization started proper.


While NORML oversold this, and membership to get in is not something I can agree with, I'm not ready to throw them under the bus.

They have name recognition, and the ear of some in seats of power. They have affiliated lawyers and local chapters that are fairly independent like no other reform organization. Let's not let this misstep lead to infighting.

Skip, I think it would be awesome if you chose to contact them with your beef. It can't hurt.


Freedom Fighter
While NORML oversold this, and membership to get in is not something I can agree with, I'm not ready to throw them under the bus.

They have name recognition, and the ear of some in seats of power. They have affiliated lawyers and local chapters that are fairly independent like no other reform organization. Let's not let this misstep lead to infighting.

Skip, I think it would be awesome if you chose to contact them with your beef. It can't hurt.

I agree-- I was a member of NORML back in the 70's...they have always been there for us...I just think they error'd in collecting "Donations" from a weed bar--

Blue Dot

While NORML oversold this, and membership to get in is not something I can agree with, I'm not ready to throw them under the bus.

They have name recognition, and the ear of some in seats of power.

I agree-- I was a member of NORML back in the 70's.....they have always been there for us...

Yeah, so much has changed in cali due to them in the last 25 years.

they smoked your donation, get over it. lol


Ask yourself this question: Isn't the oldest car often the rustiest? At least until someone makes it a classic. Honest advertising wins in time. How bout some competetive spirit, give the small fish a chance to swim and you may learn a new stroke!


Freedom Fighter
thats the People's decision now isn't it.

If you are talking about what I said...then I have to say...Partially--
Back in the 70's, NORML was the only game in town-- It wasn't until it became profitable for ppl to jock MMJ, that they started doing it--
I am not saying I think everything NORML is doing is up to those Standards...but neither are the others that hopped on the bandwagon--


Forget the past, it's over. How bout a POT Head alliance. People Of Thought. I don't see where NORML is any longer necessary and would like to see them stop stirring the shit long enough for reasonable individuals to reach their own conclusions. Seriously, the worst that could happen from full legalization is a cultural revolution, and with China on the heals of the US it couldn't be a better time for some old american ingenuity. Progress is just such an uncomfortable thought isn't it. Spend half the money we've wasted through NASA on maintaining basic order when prohibition ends and we're golden. Peace is always a good investment as it pays in dividends.


If NORML didn't have a clue about the dozens of other cannabis cafes that have opened in the USA since 1995 or so, how can they possibly get the other facts about marijuana correct?

And they're supposed to be the biggest pro-cannabis lobbying group in the country? They seem more concerned about hyping their own money making ventures than telling the truth about marijuana.

it makes me happy to see you share my opinion of norml, skip. very happy indeed. makes me not feel so bad about blasting them in my replies to the cannabis cafe topic :joint:

BiG H3rB Tr3E

"No problem can be solved from the same level of c
Well you got to look at it like this: every orgnization relies on donations, and if it doesnt get enough donations, it needs to secure capital elsewhere. NORML does alot of stuff and none of it being free, now to say they have been effective, not really my position to judge. It would be nice to see these groups pull their efforts together on a single front (MPP, NORML, ASA, SAFER, etc...) but I dont think anyone in those orgnizations will be able to dismiss their ego long enough for that to ever take place. Now its obvious a lie that they are the first, since many of us around have been to many in california and other med states. But I kinda feel about this, the way I feel about the restraunts who claim: "the worlds best _________" its guranteed NOT the best, but hey, if it gets money in the door right...? and did it not get them huge coverage? Just remember, the strongest statements, usually have no truth whatsoever.....