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hemp streak virus? mosaic?

the gnome

Active member
I have my next crop in veg and they all seem to be getting hit with this.
I think it may be hemp streak virus? or maybe tmv.
i have a test kit for TMV coming in soon.
has anyone seen these symptoms on thier plants?
if so did you figure out what it is...?



Wow, that is interesting. I had a plant that very light sensitive and did something like this. I had to keep the light way above normal, but this looks a little different. Please keep us posted. How big is she and can you get a full shot of her?

the gnome

Active member
hey bobman,
its about 16" tall, all new growth is affect but the older big fans look good.
all my temps are good, fertz, ph etcetc

unfortunately the's a pic in the TMV sticky at the top of this forum, 1st page post #7 and its pretty damn the same thing.
but I don't know for sure if the pic in the plant really has tmv or not.
there's still discussion both ways on if tmv can even infect cannabis and if it can my plants symptoms seem a lot more severe.
all I know is this is driving me nuts and into the poor house at the same time :(

this is happening at another site where established plants vegging gets done, and they flower at another.
but the sick plants in veg came from cuts off the ones in flower now that are finishing in about 3-5 days and they are fine?
I had a batch ready to go to the flower site, and I took about 30 cuts from those to root at the flower site then back to the main veg site 3 weeks ago to be repotted from 16oz cups to 1gallon
and in 3 weeks I'm seeing the same illness take over those(pic'd above)!!
I posted that it mite be some type of off gassing at the veg site??? what ever goes down there gets sick??
the place was built around 2005, maybe some of that bad china drywall was used there?
theres a water softener at the site, but it has a by pass valve on it, any water I use is with the bypass on.
but I'm thniking there may be something wrong and treated water with salt in it is getting thu??

I'm hoping someone recognizes what I have in the pic and can at leats tell me what it is?
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What kind of light you got them under. You may want to put the light up higher and see if you can get those side fans to unfold. Maybe even give them a little rest if you have them under 24/7. what the humidity like?

the gnome

Active member
t5s, humidity is 40-50%, 18/6 on a timer..
all my enviromental factors are good!
they average 4" under the lights, some lower some closer.
Ive run lots under T5s and never a prob

I'm hoping someone recognizes the symptoms I have in the pic

the gnome

Active member
here's the pic from the TMV thread stickied at the top in this forum.
I can't send a message to the poster or find out who took the pic to see if they knew for sure what the problem was

As you move forward to the flowering stage,,,

you may have a successful harvest with a minimal or unnoticeable amount of repercussions due to the virus,,,and you take cuts .

If they are lucky enough to root ,you will see them quickly twist up,get dry leathery textured vegetation and go into shock...

see this pic from another member here....


the gnome

Active member
when I 1st starting seeing this in mid sept i gave them asprin, didn't help.
it wasn't until yesterday that I started suspecting some type of virus might be involved and started reading in the TMV sticky at the top of the infirmary page.

I thought lock out, ph swing, water softener, but the virus is starting to make the only sense and then yesterday I saw the pic wandering roman posted in reply #7 in the TMV sticky. that pic is the only pic Ive seen thats what my symptoms are.
I have a tmv test kit due in friday so we'll see, but It may also be the hemp streak virus which i don't know will test out on the kit i'm getting?


Sorry to hear man. Nothing worse than having a lot on the line and a problem popping up. Would not wish it on my worst enemy. Good luck and keep this updated if you can.


Active member
It doesn't really look like TMV to me, but it's always difficult to diagnose from one picture. TMV usually has twisted (not curled) and blistered leaves. A lot of those pictures in the TMV thread are not TMV. I would go by the first pictures posted by the OP.
At any rate, let us know what happens with the test kit.
I had to stop growing because of some unknown disease attacking my plants which I was never able to solve, but looks nothing like what yours have.
Post back here after the test.

the gnome

Active member
Hey Gnome is anyone misting these plants? Just a thought.

It doesn't really look like TMV to me, but it's always difficult to diagnose from one picture. TMV usually has twisted (not curled) and blistered leaves. A lot of those pictures in the TMV thread are not TMV. I would go by the first pictures posted by the OP.

yeah after reading the therad a bit everyone seemed to be TMV paranoid with every little leaf that looked funny.
the pic that looked like my plants is on the 1st page but was not from roman the poster of the pic.

you know it seems it only goes down at this grow site.
its uncanny, like the *dead room syndrome*

I had very similar probs at this place last november.
I narrowed it down to mosquito dunks in my water supply.
plants came around nicely after that, these won't.
its a sad sight, the pic above is only the onset.
I'll get a pic of what they look like eventually..

At any rate, let us know what happens with the test kit.
I had to stop growing because of some unknown disease attacking my plants which I was never able to solve, but looks nothing like what yours have.
Post back here after the test.

thanks RG, i may have to shut down this place if I can't get this crap figgured out arrrgh!

the gnome

Active member
ok, here's what the plants look like at about 4 weeks after the
onset of GMV.... Gnome Mystery Virus

eventually some of the growing tips green up a bit but are still in sad shape and not worth the time and money to try and flower them out.
much of it never recovers and takes on a greyish-brownish color as you can see in the 2nd pic



Ganja baba

Active member
you could have fusarium wilt , plants look over fed , but then again thats what the wilt looks like , not common in soil though but does happen , are these in a glass house ?

the gnome

Active member
big dawg, temps were fine...70s,
now, just before, a month or so this hit I started with a new fert, flora nova and that stuff is potent and yes my ppms went higher

you could have fusarium wilt , plants look over fed , but then again thats what the wilt looks like , not common in soil though but does happen , are these in a glass house ?

in soil yes, glass house no, I pulled way back on feeding thinking I may had gotten locked out, flushed with flora kleen and started back at about 400ppm.


i had a problem like that a long time ago and it was due to over watering and too much nitrogen/lockout.

hope you get it figured out.

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