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Active member
Exactly bro,
If you want plants to perform to their best potential you have to provide optimal conditions, theres no 2 ways about it!
I bought my first Canna growing book 21 years ago in Amsterdam, it was all in there! i was growing before i bought the book. Nothings changed, but information has improved a lot!

N1 Cheers & Respect!
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Scrogerman I don't need to research shit man because I actually use the methods that I describe to grow....I don't know how else to say the same damn thing over and over again to get it through your thick damn skull. If coco is properly hydrated then the seedlings "see" a higher RH than the rest of the room "sees". The domes in my pics are for clones...I just posted a tutorial on how I raise seedlings in coco....go read it and learn something. The difference between you and me is I actually practice what I preach...I don't just repeat things I've heard others say. If it works as well as it does for me then I'm happy with that because my plants freaking love it and they look like it too. I guarantee the OP would love it too... as far as you go I'm done some people just can't see the forest for the freakin trees...Again coco is a unique and entirely different animal than any other growing medium so your "experience" with other mediums doesn't mean squat.

Good Luck to all!


Active member

Coco may be a different animal, of course i agree, but the optimal conditions(RH) needs dont change just because you grow in Coco, are you for real?
get a life & read up on the implications & damage caused from simply trying to rear seeedlings(& Veg plants) in low RH & you'll seee what im talking about. seedlings & veg plants cant operate optimally in low RH, you will get problems. Yes the plants will survive in most instances, i never said they wouldnt. but what your saying is just ignorant. if you knew anything about proper environment & how MJ grows you wouldnt be arguing with me. You do ya seedlings in low RH, you shouldnt be teaching people that shit though, cause its not right.

how hard can it be to put a dome over your plants if they are seedlings, its the fix for seedlings in winter times! simple as shit! 2 ltr plastic cola bottles would do the trick! raise RH to where you want it(OPTIMAL), leave a hole etc. how hard is that! problem solved!
Speak to ya in the next life.


Cheers for the link GWB, ill take a look, hope you have a successfull grow my bro! G'Luck to you!


I am not teaching people to grow in low RH Scroggerman...I am saying that with coco it can be done because of the reasons I've listed...and done very effectively as per my actual pictures. If you are too thick to look at a picture and understand what you see then I don't know what else to say. Like I said, I have years of real experience (not just reading internet postings) with coco AND low humidity here...

I also said that higher RH would be optimal, but IF the coco is allowed to become bone dry like the OP did there will be problems like the ones he is having....That's it..that's all I'm saying yet you, with shit for actual experience growing in coco, keep telling me I'm wrong when I show you pictures of the opposite.



I posted in this thread from what I`ve personally been witness to as far as yes you can overwater seedlings/cuts in coco and cause damping off/imminent death without a drying of the lower media for explosive root growth.......

Chomp.....Don`t act like your shit`s written in stone cuz you`ve done ok with your method of madness ok ?......

High relative humidity is paramount in importance for rooting seedlings and cuts .........period....You`re saying that keeping your lil pots wet constantly is providing the higher humidity "micro-climate" that`s conducive to optimum growth ?...

It may be working for yas cuz RH is so low and shit`s dryin out so fast , but don`t preach it as gospel.......

Not even gonna attempt to find a tutorial based on bad advice for all these new folks round here.......MJ`s well noted for it`s survival instinct , thus why it grows and proliferates on all 4 corners of the earth with every degree of ambient temps and RH levels from close to 100% at the equator , to the arid desert and mountainous regions of Afghanistan with RH even lower than your surroundings at 25-35%.....but.....it`s after centuries of adaptation that they`ve done so....Indoor shit ain`t that forgiving.....

Growin indoors know this.....70% RH all the way through end of stretch will explode your plants guaranteed.....Witnessed it here in Hell for over 15 yrs with 3 different type hydro setups , with coco being the last and dialin it to the tits for over 3 yrs....

After stretch is over , as low below 50% as possible till end of cycle ensures no mildews or molds with proper airflow IME......

Google VPD(vapor pressure deficit) and go see what a fool you`re being promoting low humidity for the dialing of small plants in coco.......

Trust me GWB....this is not the advice road yas wanna travel down , no matter how much Chomp`s tryinta shove it down yer throat....

As Gaius already pointed out ,the rootzone needs a certain amount of time to establish itself , and the only wayta do said process is the drying out period that makes the plant search for moisture and grow more rootmass....and.......as high humidity as you can produce by any means for accelerated growth till last 4-6 weeks bloomage/strain dependent till harvey......

No offense Chomp.......Just tellin it like it "really" is.......



I posted in this thread from what I`ve personally been witness to as far as yes you can overwater seedlings/cuts in coco and cause damping off/imminent death without a drying of the lower media for explosive root growth.......

Chomp.....Don`t act like your shit`s written in stone cuz you`ve done ok with your method of madness ok ?......

Not even gonna attempt to find a tutorial based on bad advice for all these new folks round here........

Growin indoors know this.....70% RH all the way through end of stretch will explode your plants guaranteed.....Witnessed it here in Hell for over 15 yrs with 3 different type hydro setups , with coco being the last and dialin it to the tits for over 3 yrs....

Trust me GWB....this is not the advice road yas wanna travel down , no matter how much Chomp`s tryinta shove it down yer throat....

As Gaius already pointed out ,the rootzone needs a certain amount of time to establish itself , and the only wayta do said process is the drying out period that makes the plant search for moisture and grow more rootmass....

No offense Chomp.......Just tellin it like it is.......


I never said my shit was written in stone bro...I'm saying I've been growing like this in coco for years and never lost a seedling...If that's luck then I bet a shit load of coco noobs would love luck like that...so you're not "telling it like it is" I also never said that 70% humidity wasn't optimal I said if he had kept the coco PROPERLY hydrated with the right nutrient solution the low RH would not be a problem per my actual coco growing experiences...

You trashing my tutorial without reading makes you look feable bro look in my sig...it's not that difficult...and it works every time.

I also never said that you need to keep coco freaking soaked I said don't let it dry out all the way like the OP did...that's "how it is"...

Just telling it like it really is...from actual experience with the SAME growing conditions as the OP


Looked ta me like you were preachin constant wet conditions when you were drillin Scroger ......

What you`re doin in your tutorial might work every time for you where you are , but what guarantee`s it works for everyone else where they are ..?...

Not trashin anything.......Just making sure folks know that what you`re slingin`s not what`s across the board as acceptable , OR optimum.........

Trust me......Not a feeble bone in this `ol body......Read it all , and done most of it.....Nothin new under the sun......everything old is new again....

Everything runs in cycles except grow knowledge that gets lost from all the old dead sites and not transferred to the new folks that never had benefit of the research and personal experience........



As far as Canna sites go I've been around since the beginning of CW...

So tell me DHF...what makes you believe that what I posted in my tutorial won't work every time for everyone?

Tell me how you start seeds in coco...seriously maybe I can improve on my growth rate. You said my tutorial was bad advice without reading it...sounds like trashing it to me.

I see way too many people having problems like this growing seedlings in coco...I have a proven method that works every time for me over hundreds of seedlings in the past.

I make suggestions based on what absolutely works for me otherwise I wouldn't bother. I post with the intentions of helping people and that's why I've been so adamant in this thread...I'm sure you're doing the same.

No offense but what's across the board as "acceptable" doesn't cut in when so many people on the board are having so many problems with seedlings in coco.

my adivce is to never start seeds in coco, get some jiffy pucks next time, coco makes sprouts jacked up for the first week as if they woke up in a foreign country and dont speak the lingo/cation exchange fluently yet, also flush first the coco, and dont FEED anything, this obsession to waste nutes with coco growers has got to go on a diet, coco works so well because of the air in the medium not the constant feeding every dam day to the max , watering yes as it pulls in/feeds atospheric gases with it like mmmmm nitrogen which is 4 fifths of air to began with but feeding n feeding n feeding is just a waste


Ok......What won`t work for everyone is the lack of humidity , and lack of allowing the coco to dry out to some extent for explosive root growth...works for you where you are geographically , but sucks where I am with 80-90% RH 24/7/365......my shit would drown , damp off , and die......

Several yrs back when I made the move in a major way to coco , I rooted my cuts and beans in 16 oz "clear" solo cups without using dome covers with coco pith so as to witness first hand how rapid root development occured.........shit amazed me due to the drying out effect for rootmass explosion.....

Your mistake with this process is that you think it works everywhere.......If I kept my shit wet with high humidity , the plants would wither and die.....

Something you side-stepped in my post was to please go look up VPD......

Come back and talk to me then bout relative humidity and the importance therein on indoor grows.....

Good luck...DHF...:ying:.....


Again I absolutely never said don't ever let the coco "dry out to some extent" did I? I said to let the pots get a little light but not completely dried out at the top like the OP did....I also never said that 25%-35% humidity was optimal did I.

You keep bending my words to make your argument work...:moon:

Again my conditions are much more aligned with what the OP has been dealing with so that makes my solutions a bit more valid doesn't it? If he was growing in 90% humidity then I would defer to you, but he isn't; is he. Now that he has his environment at 50% humidity he still needs to keep his coco PROPERLY hydrated....

Do you let your coco get bone dry in places like the OP did?



Here`s the thing in a nutshell.....High humidity and elevated temps to 80-ish work WELL for seedling/rooted cut development....

Your version of NOT doing these things is counterproductive IME while trying to sell what works for you as a "tutorial" on howta do it.....

Dewd......It`s been documented since weedsites came up online almost 20 yrs ago that high humidity and temps were paramount in achieving consistent results for rooted cuts and seedlings.....Where`ve you been to think you`re doin somethin new and improved.........

That`s all I`m tryin ta say.........You are NOT the pied piper of seedling germination in coco or elsewise........No disrespect........just leave this shit alone before you get deeper into your defense mode that`s goin nowhere I assure yas.........



DHF you are dense man...I've been on this board watching people have problems with growing seedlings in coco. I posted what works for me every time. Did I ever say that RH must be low? Did I ever say that high RH is bad? No I just posted what works for me every time. I never claimed to be the pied piper of seed germination did I....but my methods work every time and can be useful for people that want to eliminate extra shit like rockwool cubes.

If you're growing in 90% humidity obviously it will take longer for coco to dry out...that's common sense and if that's your whole basis for trashing what really works, then grow some god damn common sense.

I posted pictures to prove the things I say are true...I don't just run my mouth without backing it up...



I`m dense ?.......Best go look in the mirror....I`m so open minded that NOTHING offered in logical terms and understanding is beyond my means .....

I have problems with 1 sided-ness and ultimatums as you`ve expressed...

Dewd....I give up.......You win.......LOL.....You`re now a legend in your own mind......
