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help with picking an auto for outdoors?

rocket high

Active member
day 64 from seed

Just a couple of pic's from yesterday ..my helper took them ..he didn't take a lot of photo's so it's just two..sorry

The organic bloom nute's seem to be helping the fast bud's frost up a bit more which is good to see ...but they've not had sunshine proper for 3 week's so they have slowed down some ..... we need sun desperately ;(


group shot ...some yellowing going on :(


fast bud's looking good ,their getting frosty now

rocket high

Active member
Day 68 from seed

it was nice to see the plant's today, ive not been down for a week
and the fast bud's have fattend up a good bit and smells like fruit juice mixed with diesel so should have a nice taste at the finnish.. my cam doesnt do them justice tbh.

The res was also half full so i didnt need to go to the stream to get water what a bonus that was .:biggrin:

But where there's good news there enevibility bad news the dreaded botrytis has reared it's ugly head ...with a months worth of rain i'd sort of expected it.
It's only on one bud in the middle of a good fast bud where the bud meet's the stem so ive trimmed around it as i dont want to lose the bud it's a big juicy one ;) if it's any worse next week i'll just chop it :tree:(but it will break my heart lol)

i also gave the light looking one's a bit of nitrogen as they look real pale so they should green up a bit :)

here's some pics



fast bud top


big devil runt's


big devil (big beastie)


fast bud



Active member
How you gonna know when the thrices are ready to harvest , have you got yourself a 20x magnifier or bigger ? Saves a lot of guesswork .

Stay green .


sweet update, shame about the mold, keep a close eye on it man, you might need to harvest it at a moments notice to save most of the bud. damn rain, nothing worse for flowering plants. you thought of adding a see through tarp over the top to keep the dry?

all the best man

rocket high

Active member
How you gonna know when the thrices are ready to harvest , have you got yourself a 20x magnifier or bigger ? Saves a lot of guesswork .

Stay green .

Hi mjbadger

i took some of the trimmed leaf's to my house for a look under my 100x microscope it's a hand held thing works a treat for what it is. The trich's are still clear so we're not there yet ...

sweet update, shame about the mold, keep a close eye on it man, you might need to harvest it at a moments notice to save most of the bud. damn rain, nothing worse for flowering plants. you thought of adding a see through tarp over the top to keep the dry?

all the best man

hi GS
i thought of putting a tarp over them but it would be too obvious from the ground and from the air .. so am leaving them to the element's for now sadly

I'll be down in a couple of day's to have a check but i think she will get the chop this week by the looks of it. The mold is starting to rot the stem so it looks terminal, ill get better photo's to show the rot ..... :)



I haven't checked in here for a while, but things have really startet to happen I see. This sure is a fun time for us. I haven't seen any mold on my plants yet, but I'm sure it will come. I got this info from another Icm friend, but haven't tried it myself yet.

Got Powdery Mildew? Got Milk?

I thought this was definately interesting. Found it over at icmag....

By: Arzeena Hamir

Less than 3 years ago, researchers in South America discovered a new alternative to controlling powdery mildew. Wagner Bettiol, a scientist from Brazil, found that weekly sprays of milk controlled powdery mildew in zucchini just as effectively as synthetic fungicides such as fenarimol or benomyl. Not only was milk found to be effective at controlling the disease, it also acted as a foliar fertilizer, boosting the plant's immune system.

Powdery mildew in the cucurbit family is caused by the organism Sphaerotheca fuliginea. It is a serious disease that occurs worldwide. For decades, organic gardeners had to rely on making a spray from baking soda to control the disease. Now, instead of measuring out the baking soda and combining it with a surfactant (a "sticking" substance) of either oil or soap, gardeners need only head for their refrigerators.

In his experiments with zucchini plants, Bettiol found that a weekly spray of milk at a concentration of at least 10% (1 part milk to 9 parts water) significantly reduced the severity of powdery mildew infection on the plants by 90%. While some gardeners may be tempted to increase the concentration of milk for more control, Bettiol found that once concentrations rose above 30%, an innoccuous fungus began to grow on the plants.

How does milk control powdery mildew?

Scientist aren't 100% sure how milk works to control this disease. It seems that milk is a natural germicide. In addition, it contains several naturally occurring salts and amino acids that are taken up by the plant. From previous experiments using sodium bicarbonate, potassium phosphate, and other salts, researchers have found that the disease is sensitive to these salts. It is possible then, that milk boosts the plant's immune system to prevent the disease.

Milk used around the world

The benefits of using milk to control powdery mildew haven't been isolated to Brazil. Melon growers in New Zealand are saving thousands of dollars every year by spraying their crops with milk instead of synthetic fungicides. The melon growers in New Zealand have been so successful that the wine industry is taking notice and beginning experiments using milk to control powdery mildew in grapes.

What kind of milk should be used?

In Bettiol's original experiment, fresh milk was used, straight from the cow. However, this is obviously not feasible to most home gardeners. The research work in New Zealand actually found that using skim milk was just as effective. Not only was it cheaper, but the fact that the milk had no fat content meant that there was less chance of any odours.

Wagner Bettiol's original article was published in the journal Crop Science (Vol. 18, 1999, pp. 489-92). It can be found on-line at:
© Copyright Arzeena Hamir
Arzeena is an agronomist and garden writer with Organic Living Newsletter.

And a quote from someone who had tried it:

I have used milk for PM. I see a lot of peeps using it at a 10% milk/ 90% water solution. I had great results controling PM with 15% Milk (i used cheap 1% from corner the store) with 85% water and a little surfacent added (dish soap or similar). Potasium Bicarbonate is another good choice 15 ml into 4 litres of water plus surfacent.

Around these parts PM has become more of a problem in the last few years, i think it is because the winter tempratures have not been cold enough to kill the spores off. If you have a PM problem then u need to either find another strain that works in your enviroment or fix your enviroment by making it unfriendly to PM.

I haven't tried it myself, but maybe I will if it becomes a prob. to me.

Later man.

rocket high

Active member
hi BOM

i wish it was PM but it's worse than that it's ..Botrytis(bud rot)... it's bloody terrible looking in a nice plant and then seeing a brown/black patch at the bottom of a nice bud .

Scotland is super wet at the moment so bud rot is enevitable all i want is a good dry period to try and finnish the rest of them..i dont think there's a cannabis plant on earth that can handle the amount of rain and high humidity we get here ...if there is... i would like to know about it as it might be the only answer to this country's climate.:lightning:


Give Mi5 a try :p My outdoor monsters have been rained on everyday for the last 2 week & its been hot so humidity is high, still no signs of mold......yet!?

How are you finding the New Horizon Compost?


Active member
Hope ya dont mind me buttin in bro, but how are you getting on with your New Horizon Dargo? Are you sticking with it for next season man? Great plants btw Guys!


Active member
Hey Rocket, have you heard of a product called 'Bud Rot Stop' has anyone tried it over here at IC? Ive read some good things! OK its 20 squid a pop but if it does what it says on the tin man it might be well worth getting some asap. I would & prolly will! Anyone got any info on that stuff? I know a little, but exactly that, just a little, could well be the one man! again another reason why i picked the Swisscheese, mold resistance is a major factor, for me like you Rocket, Wales is a wet place, especially up here in the hills, Got my eye fixed on the Budrotstop for sure! I hope the weather drys up for ya buddy & me! Good Luck bro!

rocket high

Active member
Give Mi5 a try :p My outdoor monsters have been rained on everyday for the last 2 week & its been hot so humidity is high, still no signs of mold......yet!?

I will deffo be looking to grow something proven against mold resistance for next year so i will add MI5 to my list ;)

How are you finding the New Horizon Compost?

The new horizon is fine ...it look's like some plant's have done better than others but thats down to genetic's i think.
The only one not in new horizon is a big devil and its had that westland potting mix all the way through but is the biggest out the lot but the westland had a lot if nitrogen in it and it was too strong at the begining but looks better in late flower than the new horizon .

Hey Rocket, have you heard of a product called 'Bud Rot Stop' has anyone tried it over here at IC? Ive read some good things! OK its 20 squid a pop but if it does what it says on the tin man it might be well worth getting some asap. I would & prolly will! Anyone got any info on that stuff? I know a little, but exactly that, just a little, could well be the one man! again another reason why i picked the Swisscheese, mold resistance is a major factor, for me like you Rocket, Wales is a wet place, especially up here in the hills, Got my eye fixed on the Budrotstop for sure! I hope the weather drys up for ya buddy & me! Good Luck bro!

hi scrogs
Ive seen this 'Bud Rot Stop' for a few years in growell but never had the ball's to throw £20 at it ...but if my finance's are better next year i'll give it a go ..whats the harm really...... just not got the dosh at the moment :(

So swiss cheese is a mold resistant strain ...another for the list LOL


i wish it was PM but it's worse than that it's ..Botrytis(bud rot)... it's bloody terrible looking in a nice plant and then seeing a brown/black patch at the bottom of a nice bud .
Ah. I thought that was the same thing..... Where I live it's unusually dry and heavy winds. I'm sure the neverending rain comes soon, it always does.....

Later man.

rocket high

Active member
hi bom

Our neverending rain began at the end of june so this was always on the card's .
i cant see it getting any better before the fall TBH...
i hope next year's summer is a better than this one ...

i see your grow is doing ok bom ;)

here is sour 60 outdoor she is kinda a runt but frosty and pregnant!!!!!!

looking good strawberry girl ...won't her offspring be little like her ;) or is that the plan ? .....i have 4 runt's so your not alone but mine are pale and deathly looking
i made her a runt on accident when she was a baby i put her in a windowsill and she stretched to like 8 inches and she only had her fisrt set of fan leaves so when i transplanted i had to bury her deeper than i wanted i think why she is so runty the male was twice as tall as she was so i hope i get a mix in the beans.

rocket high

Active member
i made her a runt on accident when she was a baby i put her in a windowsill and she stretched to like 8 inches and she only had her fisrt set of fan leaves so when i transplanted i had to bury her deeper than i wanted i think why she is so runty the male was twice as tall as she was so i hope i get a mix in the beans.

The same thing happened to me with my auto's it must be a trait i think ..and the same as you i had to bury them deep and i think that's why some of mine are small and runty ..

Let's hope you get some good beans from her ;)

here's a pic of my stretchers

rocket high

Active member
Day 72 from seed

Well the fast bud that had the bud rot got worse it had crept round the stalk making it weak so i decided it's got to come down but i left the bottom side branches on for her to finnish :comfort:.

As for other fast buds they look fine but the light green ones didn't respond to some nitrogen so i just fed them as normal with the Bio Sevia bloom ..the big devils that were light green responded to the nitrogen so they all look good right now :)

Here's some pics


Group photo


Fast bud that got the chop...... just side branches now


A nice juicy fast bud :)


Big devil's ..all green now ;)


Big devil....( Big Beastie )


The rotten fast bud in it's coffin lol


dissected fast bud (stalks and leaf gone)

And the rest of the pic's

Thats all folk's


hey rocket high, grats on the first bud in your hand buddy, even if you had to take it a bit before you wanted i bet she will smoke fine. i am hoping you get some sunshine to dry those girls up for you and let them finish up with a couple of weeks of sunshine.

the weather here has turned wet too in the last week or so, been hesitating to go to area 1 and 2 as the slope will be slippery as hell to get up to both places. but i do think the weather will turn nice again, weatherman confirms it :)

anyway keep on keeping on and let us know how she smokes after a good dry and cure.


Awesome picture update bro!

The neverending rain may have started here..... A few years ago we had 86 days of rain in a row lol. Oh well. Think I'm gonna chop down my autos in the tree before the mold gets to them too.

Anyway, All your other plants are looking great. Seems like you are on top of things.

Later man.