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help with how to get symmetrical clones...

one Q

Every grow no matter what ends up with a few really strong plants, few runts, and the rest in between.

How does one get all the clones to act the same?? I mean, I want the plants to grow at the same rate over the whole canopy.

I assume it goes like this...

Need 12 clones, but take 18-20.
Pick the best 12 and flower them.

But this still gives the same results... So then putting the clones under the light according to their growth but there is no "bad spot" in the garden, made DAMN SURE of that.

What do you guys do to get a nice sog canopy that every plant grows damn near the same???:tiphat:


I think it's important to take similar clones to begin with, ie of the same size and from the approx same location on the donor(s).

And lignified, slow-growing tips both root and grow slower - and ultimately yield poorer - than soft, fast-growing shoots.

So take similar, soft, fast-growing shoots for clones, and make sure they root at the same time. If you for instance use a heat-mat under your cloning tray/dome/aquarium or whatever, the edges of the mat is colder and the clones placed there will root slower.

That's all I can come up with really... And as you say yourself, take more than you need, and pick the best.


Active member
just take more cuts than you need, and not just a few more, take MANY more, then you just use the most uniform and vigorous and compost the rest.

...so, if you need 12 clones, take 27 cuts, ...or more, i always just fill my cloners up and they each hold 27 so i always have room for way more clones than i need.

truth is, i give away a lot of rooted clones.

anyway, here's a few pics to illustrate.

here's a shot of 3 cloners going at once, something i seldom do but a friend needed to replace his genetics so i needed enough rooted clones for my own op and for him to take a bunch home.

...and here's a shot as i finish loading a new batch.

...and here is a shot of a representative example of the clones typically produced (i get about 90 to 95% successfully rooted clones)

anyway, that's just me.

peace, and stay safe, SOG


Active member
is that vermiculite sitting in water?? that doesnt get TOO wet for the cuts?
it is indeed vermiculite and no, it doesn't get 'too' wet.

actually, the vermiculite acts as the wick in this system and if you're at all interested, check the link in my sig, in the first posting i've linked to the original thread where i learned to clone this way. ...i must warn you though that there are many haters and doubters who have spewed on that original thread, ...they just don't seem to believe it works, lol.

anyway, here's a couple shots of my bubbler which provided me with near 100% success for about a year so you can see that this isn't my first cloning method, just the best, IMHO.




fwiw, i wouln't even consider going back to using my bubbler, my ice-tube-tray cloners are just way easier and more reliable too.

peace, and stay safe, SOG


Well-known member
This sounds obvious but I train (through selective trimming) my moms so all my cuts are top shoots because Ive found that cuts taken from different parts (top middle lower)of the plant root and grow at different rates.trying to produce uniform growing clones introduces some art into the otherwise monotonous chore of producing clones


Active member
The best Clones come from the strong middle & upper branches/growth imo, look for the same thickness on your laterals, & forget the bottom 1/4, make for weaker clones ime. OK you can still get good cuttings from the bottom, make no mistake, but ime the best clones always come from the middle n top, gauge stem thickness(by eye), keep an equal environment, rotation may help keep even growth whilst establishing a strong root system, should be virtually all the same, they are clones afterall, watch thickness/size & take strong laterals that look the same to begin with & you should be there! Good Luck!

one Q

good info everyone.

Been using bubble cloners from the jump, and tried the vermiculite tube thing a few times and got bad results. Maybe Vermiculite is what was needed and that inch of water too... I'll try it again soon.

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