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Help w/ FUCKED UP fingernail (w/pics)


Active member
ok my gf messed up her fingernail a few days ago....it's almost all the way off, and just hanging on at the bottom.

she's been cleaning it w/ peroxide, and keeping it bandaged.

from what we've read it will eventually fall off as a new one grows in, but it's bothering her alot right now.

(she just said "but i aint crying like a little bitch"...."i just want the motherfucker to come off"...."only reason it's bothering me is because every time i put a bandage on it, it swells")

anyone ever dealt w/ a nail like this?....what did ya do?

here are a few actual pics so that you know what were talking.

......hold on to your lunch:wave:





Keep it bandaged and neosporin or another anti biotic ointment on it. Don't rip off the nail. The nail will help protect from infection by just being there. Eventually the nail will fall off and a new nail will grow. It will be tender, the skin underneath the nail, but after air gets to it it will callus up and not be sensitive.

Good luck!

edit: keep the bandage loose, not so it pushes the nail down on the skin.


It's like a goddamned Buick Regal
oh man, i cringed for the first time in a while :joint: take her to a doctor bro!



I slammed my fingertip in a car door once, and I thought my nail would heal if I was just gentle with it for a while.

I worked at a hardware store at the time, and a week or two later, was helping a customer.

I went to push in one of the little bolt/nut drawers, but it was kind of stuck, so I pushed it harder.
Well it slipped right in, but my poor fingernail caught the bottom of the drawer above it, and ripped right off.

Hurt like hell for a few minutes, but afterwards was like that feeling of euphoria a few minutes after you take a big dump, where you just feel at ease and nothing can go wrong...

So you should probably just rip it off.


Active member
how long would it take for it to fall off on its own, if she just keeps it bandaged?


how long would it take for it to fall off on its own, if she just keeps it bandaged?

natural process, no real way you can guess, depends on the amount of damage/how well it is still connected i'd imagine, who knows?

I am not a doctor but I have slammed my finger enough times to have some experience.


Bodhisattva of the Earth
ICMag Donor
Ive dealt with it more then once.I think the best thing to do is to keep the nail over the top of it for as long as you can. It will help protect the area. Keep it clean and then put the nail back over and tape down with a bandaid. Pretty soon, once its been a week or so, it wont feel nearly as bad and the nail will be over it just to help protect it. The worst is over just needs time to heal up now.


that happened to me whilst playing basketball, got a huge pass straight to the end of my middle finger, it popped up and was bleeding quite a bit, i didn't realize a new one would grow so i was literally sticking it down much as possible, over about 3 weeks a new nail formed underneath it, and for some reason i just ripped it out in little bits as it was still soft. since then it's been pretty much okay, hope i never do it again, hurts quite a bit.


cant stop wont stop
Keep it bandaged up! i had almost exactly the opposite thing happen to me

my fingernail came off from the back and the doctor acctually had to force it back up under the skin to protect from infection - keep in mind my fingers where also shattered in about 8 places.. matter fact one of my fingers exploded
check out the stitches :D

they'll swell and its a bitch changing the bandages especially when adhesive gets caught on the nail ..

keep it on - doctors recommendations


Bodhisattva of the Earth
ICMag Donor


right now im dealing with a crack . Seem to get them every year... the cold weather and alot of times it seems when i work with certain material ... right now its Hardy siding... seems to dry the fingers right out and then they start to crack. Beleive it or not I have another one starting on the other thumb in the exact same place. Just some of the stuph you have to deal with when you work outside in weather.



I would go to the doctor and have them cut that shit off. The longer it hangs there, the longer the pain will last. get it removed, it will dry up and be fine, and grow back eventually.


right now im dealing with a crack . Seem to get them every year... the cold weather and alot of times it seems when i work with certain material ... right now its Hardy siding... seems to dry the fingers right out and then they start to crack. Beleive it or not I have another one starting on the other thumb in the exact same place. Just some of the stuph you have to deal with when you work outside in weather.

Have you tried clotrimazole on that? I get that sometimes that shit works every time.


I slammed my fingertip in a car door once, and I thought my nail would heal if I was just gentle with it for a while.

I worked at a hardware store at the time, and a week or two later, was helping a customer.

I went to push in one of the little bolt/nut drawers, but it was kind of stuck, so I pushed it harder.
Well it slipped right in, but my poor fingernail caught the bottom of the drawer above it, and ripped right off.

Hurt like hell for a few minutes, but afterwards was like that feeling of euphoria a few minutes after you take a big dump, where you just feel at ease and nothing can go wrong...

So you should probably just rip it off.

this is the thing that will most likely happen in my experience
..I have the same story for fingers and toes


Active member
Keep it bandaged up! i had almost exactly the opposite thing happen to me

my fingernail came off from the back and the doctor acctually had to force it back up under the skin to protect from infection - keep in mind my fingers where also shattered in about 8 places.. matter fact one of my fingers exploded
check out the stitches :D

they'll swell and its a bitch changing the bandages especially when adhesive gets caught on the nail ..

keep it on - doctors recommendations

Ouch man how did that happen?

Lost a couple of nails myself - just takes time.
I wouldn't rip it off if it's painful to do so.


Happened to me once,i just ripped it off put on some disinfectant,and let it dry up,a new nail came in 1 week or so, give or take.

You see if you take the nail off now,you help the new one get into place faster.

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