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Help w/ FUCKED UP fingernail (w/pics)


cant stop wont stop
Ouch man how did that happen?

Lost a couple of nails myself - just takes time.
I wouldn't rip it off if it's painful to do so.

had an 800 LB wall drop on my hand - i walked away pretty lucky, ive seen people lose fingers the same way.

Big Foot

It will come off on its own after awhile, unfortunately the Lunula has fallen off as a result it will take a long time to grow back


had the exact same thing happen a few years back. I wrapped it with a band-aid for about 2 weeks. if its loose and wiggling around its a fucking weird feeling but the pain and discomfort should go away after a week or so. 2-3weeks for the old nail to fall off. 4-6 for the new nail to grow back all the way(in my case). the good news is most if not all the pain should be just about gone. Mine feel off while mowing the lawn. maybe the vibrations helped it fall off.
Hope it helps nokuy. <-funny, that's my middle name backwards.


I Feel Good
ICMag Donor

those are some nasty lookin phalanges ... all 3 of you's...

BABBA, get some ointment/moisturizer on those damn things! have mrs. babs rub you down...



It probably wont grow back the same ever again sad to say. I had my big Toe nail cracked like that when i was younger. I was breakdancing and my toe hit the metal frame of a wall mirror at full force. At first it just became black from the blood, after a while it started becoming loose with a noticeable crack about 4/5 the way down the length of the nail. I clipped it off after it was barely hanging on. It never grew back the same. Instead, its sort of this yellowish color, and its thicker than it used to be.

edit: JEEZUS alaskan.. that looks fuckin disgusting, you can see the fibers and all..


Active member
alaskan ^^ that looks intense. OUCH.

nokuy- If theres still blood (blue) under her nail, you can get a needle, heat the tip till its super hot.. then, very carefully, puncture a hole in the top of her nail. make sure to not hit the skin, you'll notice blood will start seeping out of the hole. thus releasing the pressure (pain) thats under her nail.
i used to fuck my nails up all the time as a kid, an my pops (doc) would fix the pain that way : ) hope that helps.
I have had that happen a few times and she needs to leave it on the doctors would tell you if she cuts it off or rips it off the new nail that will grow in will be fucked pardon the swear but for some reason if the nail stays the new one 90% of the time will grow back normal and with in a few months she will never have notice a problem there but if you pull it off or remove it the new nail may come in right 30% or it will grow differently and it will never be the same as before 70% this is just what i have learned form my exp. hope it helps. best of luck to her.


Be careful ripping that off, sometimes it stays attached really good. Dropped plywood perfectly on my big toe before, half on the nailbed, half on the skin, right at the root. Left it there for about a week, it was just like your finger, could pull the nail up like it was on a hinge. Pulling it out was a big mistake, it actually took a couple days, I kept working on it like a scab, the final yank almost made me pass out, I actually blacked out tho, faded to black for a couple seconds, then my vision came back. Doing that seemed to make it take way longer to heal. The nail seems to keep the moisture in, and protect the new growth, when I pulled my nail off, the bed dried up. It took exactly one year and 4 days to grow back fully.. But being a girl Im sure she could just use press on nails for the time being.
Be careful ripping that off, sometimes it stays attached really good. Dropped plywood perfectly on my big toe before, half on the nailbed, half on the skin, right at the root. Left it there for about a week, it was just like your finger, could pull the nail up like it was on a hinge. Pulling it out was a big mistake, it actually took a couple days, I kept working on it like a scab, the final yank almost made me pass out, I actually blacked out tho, faded to black for a couple seconds, then my vision came back. Doing that seemed to make it take way longer to heal. The nail seems to keep the moisture in, and protect the new growth, when I pulled my nail off, the bed dried up. It took exactly one year and 4 days to grow back fully.. But being a girl Im sure she could just use press on nails for the time being.

The nail if it stays on is like a blue print for the new one to grow into the space if you rip it off you ruin the blue print and the new nail don't know how to act. and can grow in all messed up and never the same leave it alone.
And no you do not want to put a fake nail on over it till it heals if will be very bad.
let the nail stay on it will fall off on it's own when the time is right and the new one will come in it might take a month for it to be there nicely but better then the reast of your life with it all messed up.


The "I'm stoned so I know what I'm talking about," everybody. ^

If a nail is ripped off to a certain extent (which hers is) it's not going to act as a guideline for anything but bacteria and pain...

Yank it off while she's sleeping, like I do . . .


i had this happen to a few of my toe nails on diff occasions...so trust me!!! just pull if off.. for a 4-5 days clean it with soap and water(it will feel weird from the water and tender for 2 days doing this but will go away tell her), put some neo-sporian on it and keep it covered.. after that there will be a thin hard layer there that will flake off with a little time as the nail starts to grow back.. it will take a bit to come back but will look like it never happened.. w.wonka


You slammed your toes in a car door?

never slammed anything in a car door ...but I have lost finger and toe nails.... pretty much just the way you described....

you try to baby it for a while .....it finally gets ripped off at work or play and then ....back to normal:dance013: